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Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Issue 3/2019

Content (35 Articles)

Hysterectomy and risk of ovarian cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Xiaqin Huo, Liang Yao, Xue Han, Wen Li, Junjuan Liu, Lijun Zhou, Yuanfeng Gou, Kehu Yang, Huiling Liu

Open Access Preterm Labor Review

Laparoscopy versus open surgery for adnexal masses in pregnancy: a meta-analytic review

Piaopiao Ye, Na Zhao, Jing Shu, Heping Shen, Yanpeng Wang, Lifeng Chen, Xiaojian Yan

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Does prenatal identification of fetal macrosomia change management and outcome?

Dana Vitner, Inna Bleicher, Einav Kadour-Peero, Hayley Lipworth, Shlomi Sagi, Ron Gonen

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Adverse perinatal outcomes are associated with severe maternal morbidity and mortality: evidence from a national multicentre cross-sectional study

Dulce M. Zanardi, Mary A. Parpinelli, Samira M. Haddad, Maria L. Costa, Maria H. Sousa, Debora F. B. Leite, Jose G. Cecatti, Rodolfo C. Pacagnella, Rodrigo S. Camargo, Daniely S. Santana, Vilma Zotareli, Lúcio T. Gurgel, Fernanda G. Surita, Joao L. Pinto e Silva, Eliana M. Amaral, Lale Say, Robert C. Pattinson, Marilza V. Rudge, Iracema M. Calderon, Maria V. Bahamondes, Simone P. Gonçalves, Olímpio B. Moraes Filho, Simone A. Carvalho, Francisco E. Feitosa, George N. Chaves, Ione R. Brum, Gloria C. Saint’Ynes, Carlos A. Menezes, Patricia N. Santos, Everardo M. Guanabara, Elson J. Almeida Jr., Joaquim L. Moreira, Maria R. Sousa, Frederico A. Peret, Liv B. Paula, Luiza E. Schmaltz, Cleire Pessoni, Leila Katz, Adriana Bione, Antonio C. Barbosa Lima, Edilberto A. Rocha Filho, Melania M. Amorim, Ivelyne Radaci, Marilia G. Martins, Frederico Barroso, Fernando C. Oliveira Jr., Denis J. Nascimento, Cláudio S. Paiva, Moises D. Lima, Djacyr M. Freire, Roger D. Rohloff, Simone M. Rodrigues, Sergio M. Costa, Lucia C. Pfitscher, Adriana G. Luz, Daniela Guimaraes, Gustavo Lobato, Marcos Nakamura-Pereira, Eduardo Cordioli, Alessandra Peterossi, Cynthia D. Perez, Jose C. Peraçoli, Roberto A. Costa, Nelson L. Maia Filho, Jacinta P. Matias, Silvana M. Quintana, Elaine C. Moises, Fátima A. Lotufo, Luiz E. Carvalho, Carla B. Andreucci, Elvira A. Zanette, Márcia M. Aquino, Maria H. Ohnuma, Rosiane Mattar, Felipe F. Campanharo

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Maternal serum screening marker levels in twin pregnancies affected by gestational diabetes

Ron Maymon, Hamutal Meiri, Ran Svirski, Eran Weiner, Howard Cuckle

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Dosing interval between mifepristone and misoprostol in second and third trimester termination

Natalia Prodan, Julia Breisch, Markus Hoopmann, Harald Abele, Philipp Wagner, Karl Oliver Kagan

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Gestational age-specific risk of stillbirth during term pregnancy according to maternal age

Jeong Ha Wie, Seong Eun Pak, Ra Yon Kim, Yoo Hyun Chung, In Yang Park, Yong Gyu Park, Jong Shul Shin, Hyun Sun Ko

Pre-Eclampsia Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Assessing the reporting quality of systematic reviews of observational studies in preeclampsia

Ioannis Tsakiridis, Alexandra Arvanitaki, Elias Zintzaras

Bladder Injury Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Modified cesarean hysterectomy technique for management of cases of placenta increta and percreta at a tertiary referral hospital in Egypt

Ahmed M. Hussein, Ahmed Kamel, Ayman Raslan, Dina M. R. Dakhly, Ali Abdelhafeez, Mohamed Nabil, Mohamed Momtaz

Streptococci Maternal- Fetal Medicine

Prevalence of colonisation by group B streptococcus in pregnant patients in Taguatinga, Federal District, Brazil: a cross-sectional study

Fábio Siqueira, Eli Mendes Ferreira, Iracema de Matos Calderon, Adriano Dias

Peridural Anesthesia Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Delayed cord clamping does not affect umbilical cord blood gas analysis

Jiachen Tang, Rachel Fullarton, Sheri-Lee Samson, Yu Chen

Preterm Labor Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Immune biomarkers in maternal plasma to identify histologic chorioamnionitis in women with preterm labor

Jeong Woo Park, Kyo Hoon Park, Song Yi Kook, Young Mi Jung, Yu Mi Kim

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

The increasing role of a retained placenta in postpartum blood loss: a cohort study

Hellen McKinnon Edwards, Jens Anton Svare, Anne Juul Wikkelsø, Jeannet Lauenborg, Jens Langhoff-Roos

Ectopic Pregnancy Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Can early βhCG change and baseline progesterone level predict treatment outcome in patients receiving single dose Methotrexate protocol for tubal ectopic pregnancy?

Jérémy Brunello, Paul Guerby, Chloé Cartoux, Alexandre Yazigi, Martin Baujat, Olivier Parant, Christophe Vayssière, Charlotte Vaysse, Elodie Chantalat, Fabien Vidal

Sectio Ceasarea Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Demographic changes and effects on the mode of delivery: a retrospective analysis of a large birth registry containing 27,729 singleton deliveries in a level I center

Markus Huebner, Harald Abele, Christl Reisenauer, Karl O. Kagan, Markus Hoopmann, Philipp Wagner, Jan Pauluschke-Froehlich, Birgitt Schoenfisch, Sara Y. Brucker, Katharina Rall

Somatoform Disorder Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Epidemiology of mental disorders during pregnancy and link to birth outcome: a large-scale retrospective observational database study including 38,000 pregnancies

Stephanie Wallwiener, Maren Goetz, Anne Lanfer, Andrea Gillessen, Marc Suling, Manuel Feisst, Christof Sohn, Markus Wallwiener

Labor Induction Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Induction of labor methods in isolated term oligohydramnios

Eyal Krispin, Tal Netser, Avital Wertheimer, Lina Salman, Rony Chen, Arnon Wiznitzer, Eran Hadar

Open Access Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease General Gynecology

Prolapse surgery versus vaginal pessary in women with symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse: which factors influence the choice of treatment?

Barbara Bodner-Adler, Klaus Bodner, Anna Stinglmeier, Oliver Kimberger, Ksenia Halpern, Heinz Koelbl, Wolfgang Umek

Ultrasound General Gynecology

Three-dimensional ultrasound in the diagnosis and the classification of congenital uterine anomalies using the ESHRE/ESGE classification: a diagnostic accuracy study

Anna Kougioumtsidou, Themistoklis Mikos, Grigoris F. Grimbizis, Aikaterini Karavida, Theodoros D. Theodoridis, Alexandros Sotiriadis, Basil C. Tarlatzis, Apostolos P. Athanasiadis

General Gynecology

What defines a good website of a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology? A user survey

Günther A. Rezniczek, Ziad Hilal, Alaa Helal, Sven Schiermeier, Clemens B. Tempfer

Obesity General Gynecology

Effectiveness of progestin-based therapy for morbidly obese women with complex atypical hyperplasia

Marcia A. Ciccone, Stephanie A. Whitman, Charlotte L. Conturie, Niquelle Brown, Christina E. Dancz, Begum Özel, Koji Matsuo

Magnetic Resonance Imaging General Gynecology

Urethral length and bladder neck behavior: can dynamic magnetic resonance imaging give the same results as introital ultrasound?

C. D. Alt, S. M. Katzenberger, P. Hallscheidt, C. Sohn, H. U. Kauczor, S. B. Eickhoff, K. A. Brocker

Colposcopy Gynecologic Oncology

Introduction of a learning model for type 1 loop excision of the transformation zone of the uterine cervix in undergraduate medical students: a prospective cohort study

Ferenc Zoltan Takacs, Julia Caroline Radosa, Christoph Gerlinger, Sebastian Findeklee, Ingolf Juhasz-Böss, Erich-Franz Solomayer, Amr Hamza

Sec62/Ki67 and p16/Ki67 dual-staining immunocytochemistry in vulvar cytology for the identification of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and vulvar cancer: a pilot study

Ferenc Zoltan Takacs, Julia Caroline Radosa, Florian Bochen, Ingolf Juhasz-Böss, Erich-Franz Solomayer, Rainer M. Bohle, Georg-Peter Breitbach, Bernard Schick, Maximilian Linxweiler

Human Papillomavirus Gynecologic Oncology

Rates of regression of cervical dysplasia between initial biopsy and excisional procedure in routine clinical practice

Katrina Mark, Anja Frost, Heather Hussey, Micael Lopez-Acevedo, Anne E. Burke, Jill Edwardson, Opey Solaru, Patti Gravitt

Human Papillomavirus Gynecologic Oncology

The impact of a cervical dysplasia diagnosis on individual cancer prevention habits over time: a bicentric case–control study

N. Rippinger, J. Heinzler, T. Bruckner, J. Brucker, C. Dinkic, J. Hoffmann, N. Dornhöfer, S. Seitz, J. Rom, C. Sohn, T. C. Schott, Sarah Schott

Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Using time-lapse technology to explore vacuolization in embryos on Day 3 and Day 4

Jingye Zhang, Wanxia Zhong, Hui Liu, Haibin Zhao, Mei Li, Shuiying Ma, Keliang Wu

Obesity Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

PGR and PTX3 gene expression in cumulus cells from obese and normal weighting women after administration of long-acting recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone for controlled ovarian stimulation

Tanja Burnik Papler, Eda Vrtačnik Bokal, Uršula Prosenc Zmrzljak, Martin Stimpfel, Antonio Simone Laganà, Fabio Ghezzi, Nina Jančar

Ovariectomy Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Oviductus Ranae protein hydrolyzate prevents menopausal osteoporosis by regulating TGFβ/BMP2 signaling

Xiaohua Li, Xin Sui, Qing Yang, Yinqing Li, Na Li, Xiaozheng Shi, Dong Han, Yiping Li, Xiaowei Huang, Peng Yu, Xiaobo Qu

Infertility Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Only women’s age and the duration of infertility are the prognostic factors for the success rate of natural cycle IVF

Michael von Wolff, Alexandra Kohl Schwartz, Norman Bitterlich, Petra Stute, Monika Fäh

Neonatal Hypoglycemia Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Health care and risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes among diabetic women: an updated meta-analysis

Guo-Hong Xie, Zan Zheng, Tao-Cheng Liu, Lu-Lu Qing, Xiu-Qin Hong, Wen-Ting Zha, Yuan Lv