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Molecular Neurodegeneration

Issue Special Issue 1/2013

Molecular Neurodegeneration: Basic biology and disease pathways

Content (92 Articles)

Open Access Oral presentation

Decoding Alzheimer’s in the age of genome-wide analyses

Rudolph E Tanzi

Open Access Oral presentation

Role of APP in neuronal function

Hui Zheng

Open Access Oral presentation

The biological function of β-secretase

Christian Haass

Open Access Oral presentation

BACE1, the Alzheimer’s beta-secretase enzyme, in health and disease

Robert Vassar

Open Access Oral presentation

Regulation of dynamic BACE1 trafficking in neurons

Virginie Buggia-Prévot, Celia G Fernandez, Sean Riordan, Kulandaivelu S Vetrivel, Vinod Udayar, Aureliane Elie, Margaret Lefkow, Jelita Roseman, Xavier Meckler, Sohinee Bhattacharyya, Manju George, Jack Waters, Vytautas P Bindokas, Angèle T Parent, Lawrence Rajendran, Hamid Band, Robert Vassar, Gopal Thinakaran

Open Access Oral presentation

Endogenous and exogenous regulation of gamma-secretase

Yueming Li

Open Access Oral presentation

Genetic analysis of neurodegeneration.. the end game

John Hardy

Open Access Oral presentation

Regulation of mitochondrial function by PINK1, Parkin and DJ-1

Emilie Giaime, Jie Shen

Open Access Oral presentation

Expanded G4C2 repeats linked to C9ORF72ALS and FTD form length-dependent RNA foci, sequester RNA binding proteins and are neurotoxic

Youn-Bok Lee, Han-Jou Chen, João N Peres, Jorge Gomez, Valentina Sardone, Agnes L Nishimura, Emma Scotter, Caroline Vance, Maja Štalekar, Yoshitsugu Adachi, Claire Troakes, Jack Miller, Bradley Smith, Frank Hirth, Boris Rogelj, Corinne Houart, Christopher E Shaw

Open Access Oral presentation

In situstudies of protein aggregation kinetics with multiparametric and superresolution imaging

Gabriele Kaminski Schierle, Claire Michel, Eric Rees, Dorothea Pinotsi, Clemens Kaminski

Open Access Oral presentation

Designing nanoparticles for delivery of neurotrophic proteins

Angelina Angelova, Borislav Angelov, Sylviane Lesieur

Open Access Oral presentation

Novel non-carbohydrate O-GlcNAcase inhibitors with CNS drug properties as potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and tauopathies

Heike Hering, Danielle Graham, Solenne Ousson, Maud Neny, Audrey Gray, Brandy Giacomozzi, John Joyce, Vikram Dutt, Michael Busch, Andrew Cameron, Leslie Liu-Bujalski, Henry Yu, Hui Tian, Mark Shearman, Anna Quattropani, Bruno Permanne, Christoph Wiessner, Dirk Beher

Open Access Oral presentation

Vascular hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease: role of apoE and apoE receptors

Guojun Bu, Chia-Chen Liu, Takahisa Kanekiyo

Open Access Oral presentation

Prion-like aspects of cerebral amyloidosis

Mathias Jucker, Lan Ye, Sarah Fritschi

Open Access Oral presentation

Secretases: potential and roadblocks on the way to therapy

Bart De Strooper

Open Access Oral presentation

A novel mechanism underlying pathogenesis of Down syndrome

Xin Wang, Yingjun Zhao, Xiaofei Zhang, Ying Zhou, Barbara Ranscht, Fred H Gage, William C Mobley, Yun-wu Zhang, Stuart A Lipton, Wanjin Hong, Huaxi Xu

Open Access Oral presentation

The transcription factor XBP-1 in neurodegenerative diseases

Frédéric Checler, Eric Duplan, Cristine Alves da Costa

Open Access Oral presentation

Transmission of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease

Virginia M-Y Lee

Open Access Oral presentation

Mechanisms of Aβ induced synaptic toxicity

Edward H Koo

Open Access Oral presentation

Genetic modulation of soluble Aβ rescues cognitive and synaptic impairment in a mouse model of AD

Stephanie Fowler, Angie Chiang, Ricky Savjani, Megan Larson, Dorothy Schuler, John Cirrito, Sylvain Lesne, Joanna Jankowsky

Open Access Oral presentation

Excitotoxicity increases the release of 24S-hydroxycholesterol via CYP46A1 activation

Alejandro Sodero, Joris Vriens, Debapriya Ghosh, David Stegner, Anna Brachet, Marta Pallotto, Marco Sassoe-Pognetto, Jos Brouwers, Bernd Helms, Bernard Nieswandt, Thomas Voets, Carlos Dotti

Open Access Oral presentation

Identifying dominant modifiers of mutant FUS toxicity in vivo

J Gavin Daigle, Nicholas A Lanson, Ian Casci, John Monaghan, Charles Nichols, Dimitri Kryndushkin, Frank Shewmaker, Udai Pandey

Open Access Oral presentation

Harnessing endogenous pathways and metabolites to treat or prevent neurodegenerative disease

Todd E Golde, Kevin Felsenstein, Paramita Chakrabarty, Andy Li, Brenda Moore, Jung Joo In, Pedor Cruz, Ashely Price, David Borchelt, Christopher Janus, Carolina Cebballos-Diaz, Awilda Rosario

Open Access Poster presentation

The composition of the γ-secretase complex defines its Aβ product profile

Hermien Acx, Lucía Chávez Gutiérrez, Lutgarde Serneels, Bart De Strooper

Open Access Poster presentation

A new transgenic mouse model for studying the neurotoxicity of spermine oxidase dosage in the response to excitotoxic injury

Emanuela Angelucci, Sandra Moreno, Marcello D’Amelio, Roberta Nardacci, Francesco Cecconi, Paolo Mariottini, Manuela Cervelli

Open Access Poster presentation

RAGE targeted strategies for Alzheimer’s amyloid β peptide induced blood brain barrier dysfunctions

Sholpan Askarova, Andrey Tsoy, James C-M Lee

Open Access Poster presentation

Neurochemical changes in animal models of Parkinson’s disease

Mária Baranyi, Elisaveta Milusheva, Beáta Sperlágh

Open Access Poster presentation

CYP2E1 and Parkinson’s disease in a MPTP-induced C57BL/6 mouse model

Rahman Basaran, Elcin Deniz Ozdamar, Benay Can-Eke

Open Access Poster presentation

The pro-neurotrophin receptor sortilin is a major neuronal APOE receptor for catabolism of amyloid-β peptide in the brain

Anne-Sophie Carlo, Camilla Gustafsen, Guido Mastrobuoni, Morten Nielsen, Stefan Kempa, Claus Munck Petersen, Thomas Willnow

Open Access Poster presentation

Using Caenorhabditis elegans to fight human neurodegenerative diseases

Xi Chen, Brian Kraemer, Jeff Barclay, Robert Burgoyne, Alan Morgan

Open Access Poster presentation

The dishomeostasis of metal ions plays an important role for the cognitive impartment

Dehua Chui, Huan Yang, Hecheng Wang, Tuo JI, Jia Yu, Shouzi Zhang, Zheng Chen, WeiZhong Xiao

Open Access Poster presentation

Platelet BACE1 levels as a possible biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease

Boris Decourt, Aaron Walker, Amanda Gonzales, Michael Malek-Ahmadi, Carolyn Liesback, Kathryn Davis, Christine Belden, Sandra Jacobson, Marwan Sabbagh

Open Access Poster presentation

Altered expression of antioxidant enzymes and autophagic proteins in transglutaminase 2 knockout mice

Barbara D’Orio, Luana Barone, Anna Fracassi, Francesca Fanelli, Sara Sepe, Marco Segatto, Mauro Piacentini, Roberta Nardacci, Sandra Moreno

Open Access Poster presentation

Corynoxine isomers decrease levels of amyloid-β peptide and amyloid-β precursor protein by promoting autophagy and lysosome biogenesis

Siva Sundara Kumar Durairajan, Yingyu Huang, Leilei Chen, Juxian Song, Liangfeng Liu, Min Li

Open Access Poster presentation

A cell-based model of pathological tau uptake and propagation

Ben Falcon, Rachel Angers, Michel Goedert

Open Access Poster presentation

The role of SorLA in neurotrophic activity and complex behavior

Simon Glerup, Mart Saarma, Anders Nykjaer

Open Access Poster presentation

Regulation of key proteins in Alzheimer’s disease molecular pathogenesis by ubiquilin-1

Mari Takalo, Jayashree Viswanathan, Teemu Natunen, Kaisa MA Kurkinen, Heikki Tanila, Hilkka Soininen, Rudolph E Tanzi, Mikko Hiltunen, Annakaisa Haapasalo

Open Access Poster presentation

O-GlcNAcylation increases non-amyloidogenic processing of the amyloid-β precursor protein (APP)

Kristin Jacobsen, Kerstin Iverfeldt

Open Access Poster presentation

Analysis of TDP-43 and its binding partners in neurodegenerative diseases

Wejdan Kattuah, Claire Troakes, Tibor Hortobagyi, Boris Rogelj, Christopher Shaw

Open Access Poster presentation

Regulation of Fe65 during neuronal differentiation

Niina Koistinen, Kristin Jacobsen, Kerstin Iverfeldt

Open Access Poster presentation

Cytoprotective functions of amyloid precursor protein family members in stress signaling and aging

Arpita Kundu, Andreas Zymny, Steffi Chang, Nelli Röhner, Donat Kögel

Open Access Poster presentation

Deciphering the role of tau in neurodegeneration using Adeno-Associated Viral (AAV) vectors to express human tau in the mouse forebrain

Aurélien Lathuilière, Stéphanie Papin, Matthias Cacquevel, Paolo Paganetti, Andreas Muhs, Graham Knott, Bernard Schneider, Patrick Aebischer

Open Access Poster presentation

Identification of potent inhibitors of microtubule affinity regulating kinase for inhibition of tau hyperphosphorylation

Alison Levy, Michelle Newman, Janet Brownlees, Denise Harding, Joanne Osborne, Stephen Lewis, Kevin Gillen, Gareth Hall, Chido Mpamhanga, Andy Merritt, Debra Taylor, Ed Mclver

Open Access Poster presentation

Amyloid-β drives a type-1 interferon mediated neuro-inflammatory response in Alzheimer’s disease

Myles Minter, Juliet Taylor, Moses Zhang, Paul Adlard, Peter Crack

Open Access Poster presentation

Glutathion-S-Transferases (GSTs) and Parkinson’s disease in a MPTP-induced C57BL/6 mouse model

Elcin Deniz Ozdamar, Benay Can-Eke

Open Access Poster presentation

Neuroprotective role of PKR in a model of neurodegeneration due to mild impairment of oxidative metabolism

François Mouton-Liger, Anne-Sophie Rebillat, Sarah Gourmaud, Audrey Leguen, Claire Paquet, Laurent Pradier, Thomas Rooney, Jacques Hugon

Open Access Poster presentation

Peripheral inflammation increases PKR activation, Tau phosphorylation and amyloid β production in wild-type mice

François Mouton-Liger, Anne-Sophie Rebillat, Clarisse Pace, Sarah Gourmaud, Mariko Taga, Claire Paquet, Jacques Hugon

Open Access Poster presentation

LRP1 plays a major role in the amyloid-β clearance in microglia

Aurelie N’Songo, Takahisa Kanekiyo, Guojun Bu

Open Access Poster presentation

Identification of proteins potentially involved in the formation of Lafora bodies, a hallmark of Lafora disease

Elham Schokraie, Oliver Kötting, Matthew S Gentry

Open Access Poster presentation

Analysis of the protein network of cholesterol homeostasis maintenance in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

Marco Segatto, Pamela Rosso, Sandra Moreno, Valentina Pallottini

Open Access Poster presentation

Neuronal MHC-I display in T-cell mediated neurodegeneration

Carolina Cebrián, Fabio Zucca, Luigi Zecca, John Loike, David Sulzer

Open Access Poster presentation

Bexarotene treatment does not clear β-Amyloid in an AD mouse model and Beagle dogs

Ina Tesseur, Adrian Lo, Anouk Roberfroid, Sofie Dietvorst, Bianca Van Broeck, Marianne Borgers, Harrie Gijsen, Diederik Moechars, Marc Mercken, John Kemp, Rudi D’Hooge, Bart De Strooper

Open Access Poster presentation

β-arrestin 2 regulates Aβ generation and γ-secretase activity in Alzheimer’s disease

Amantha Thathiah, Katrien Horre, An Snellinx, Elke Vandewyer, Yunhong Huang, Marta Ciesielska, Gerdien De Kloe, Sebastian Munck, Bart De Strooper

Open Access Poster presentation

Exposure to the saturated free fatty acid palmitate alters microglia inflammatory response

Linda Tracy, Filip Bergqvist, Elena Ivanova, Kristin Jacobsen, Kerstin Iverfeldt

Open Access Poster presentation

Role of ROS in Aβ42 mediated cell surface P-selectin expression and actin polymerization

Andrey Tsoy, Sholpan Askarova, Tamara Shalakhmetova, Bauyrzhan Umbayev, Shalkar Adambekov, Zhaksybay Zhumadilov

Open Access Poster presentation

Phosphorylation of hnRNP K controls cytosolic accumulation of TDP-43

Anthony White, Diane Moujalled, Janine James, Alexandra Grubman, Katja Kanninen, Peter Crouch

Open Access Poster presentation

A driver or a passenger? D421-caspase cleaved tau is associated with aggregated and insoluble tau

Yolanda Gibson, Katya Garn, Clare Hardy, Manuela Piarulli, Sarah Glover, Mark Ward, Emily McNaughton, Michael Hutton, Michael O’Neill, Joanna Wolak

Open Access Poster presentation

Histone deacetylase inhibition leads to neuroprotection through regulation on glial function

Xuefei Wu, Shao Li, Qiong Wu, Yan Peng, Deqin Yu, Hecheng Wang, Dehua Chui, Jie Zhao

Open Access Poster presentation

Mechanism of tau transfer: insights from cell culture and animal models

Jessica Wu, Dara Dickstein, Karen Duff

Open Access Poster presentation

Aneuploidy-driven non-heritable genomic variations demonstrate area-specific distribution in the Alzheimer’s disease brain

Ivan lourov, Svetlana Vorsanova, Thomas Liehr, Yuri Yurov

Open Access Poster presentation

Generation and characterization of individual-specific induced pluripotent cells from patient-derived lymphoblastoid cell lines

Shadaan Zulfiqar, Radhika Menon, Tara Atmaram, Meera Purushottam, Matthew Varghese, Sanjeev Jain, Mitradas Panicker, Odity Mukherjee

Open Access Poster presentation

Leaky Ryanodine receptors increases Amyloid-beta load and induces memory impairments in Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer disease

Bénédicte Oulès, Dolores Del Prete, Barbara Greco, Xuexin Zhang, Inger Lauritzen, Mohamed Trebak, Fabio Benfenati, Frédéric Checler, Mounia Chami

Open Access Poster presentation

The overall structure of the multi-domain amyloid precursor protein

Ina Coburger, Sven O Dahms, Manuel E Than

Open Access Poster presentation

Parkin acts as a transcription factor modulating presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 promoter transactivations

Eric Duplan, Jean Sévalle, Julien Viotti, Thomas Goiran, Charlotte Bauer, Paul Renbaum, Ephrat Levy-Lahad, Clément A Gautier, Olga Corti, Nathalie Leroudier, Frédéric Checler, Cristine Alves da Costa

Open Access Poster presentation

Tauopathy-induced retinal dysfunction in the P301S mutant human tau transgenic mouse

Nadia Mazzaro, Erica Barini, Michel Goedert, Maria Grazia Spillantini, Paolo Medini, Laura Gasparini

Open Access Poster presentation

Late neurodegeneration in the Tau transgenic mouse model rTg4510

Lone Helboe, Christiane Volbracht

Open Access Poster presentation

Structure-function-relationship of the APP-E1-domain

Sandra Hoefgen, Sven O Dahms, Dirk Roeser, Manuel E Than

Open Access Poster presentation

A familial FTD associated with C9orf72 repeat expansion and dysplastic gangliocytoma

Mia Kero, Raffaele Ferrari, Kin Mok, Anders Paetau, Pentti J Tienari, Olli Tynninen, John Hardy, Parastoo Momeni, Auli Verkkoniemi-Ahola, Liisa Myllykangas

Open Access Poster presentation

Tau-Hsp70 interaction on the single molecule level

Franziska Kundel, Magnus Kjaergaard, Sarah Shammas, Sophie Jackson, David Klenerman

Open Access Poster presentation

Early hippocampal synaptic plasticity and episodic like-memory deficits in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer disease - involvment of corticosterone

Fabien Lanté, Magda Chafai, Elisabeth Raymond, Ana Rita Salgueiro Peirera, Ingrid Bethus, Helene Marie

Open Access Poster presentation

The beta-secretase-derived C-terminal fragment of APP (C99): a key determinant for intraneuronal pathology in the 3xTgAD mouse

Inger Lauritzen, Raphaelle Pardossi-Piquard, Charlotte Druon, Elizabeth Brigham, Daniel Abraham, Sébatien Ranaldi, Linda Chami, Julie Dunys, Fréderic Checler

Open Access Poster presentation

Misfolding and interactions of Aß proteins: Insight from single molecule experiments and computational analyses

Lv Zhengjian, Yuliang Zhang, Alexey Krasnoslobodsev, Robin Roychaudhuri, Margaret Condron, David Teplow, Sandor Lovas, Luda Shlyakhtenko, Yuri Lyubchenko

Open Access Poster presentation

Insulin resistance and obesity: how do they affect tau pathology?

Maud Gratuze, Noura El Khoury, Maya DicklerI, Marie-Amélie Papon, Carl Julien, François Marcouiller, Françoise Morin, Emmanuel Planel

Open Access Poster presentation

p53-mediated disruption of FIP200 function cause autophagic dysregulation in a SCA7 polyglutamine disease model

Xin Yu, Andrés Muñoz Alarcón, Abiodun Ajayi, Kristin Webling, Anne Steinhof, Ülo Langel, Anna-Lena Ström

Open Access Poster presentation

Monoamine oxidase B is associated with γ-secretase in cultured neurons and in brain

Sophia Schedin Weiss, Birgitta Wiehager, Bengt Winblad, Susanne Frykman, Lars Tjernberg

Open Access Poster presentation

Mitochondrial damage revealed by immunoselection for ALS-linked misfolded SOD1

Sarah Pickles, Laurie Destroismaisons, Sarah Peyrard, Sarah Cadot, Guy Rouleau, Robert Brown Jr., Jean-Pierre Julien, Nathalie Arbour, Christine Vande Velde