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Pediatrics Neonatology


16-05-2024 Premature Birth News

Aflibercept shows promise for treating retinopathy of prematurity

Study findings support the use of aflibercept injection for extremely low birthweight and preterm children with severe acute-phase retinopathy of prematurity.

Editor's Choice

An alternative to venous neonatal blood draw?

Umbilical cord blood could be a valid alternative to neonatal blood for measuring hemoglobin if a correction factor is applied.

Benefits of newborn screening for SMA

Early detection of spinal muscular atrophy by newborn screening allows prompt treatment and leads to better functional outcomes than diagnosis after clinical symptoms have developed.

Potential micronutrient deficiencies in the first 1000 days of life

Optimal early nutrition has a lifelong positive impact on child development. But specific intrauterine and perinatal factors, pathological conditions, and dietary restrictions can contribute to micronutrient deficiencies. Which children are at risk and need supplementation?

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Case Studies

Genetic causes of polyhydramnios

Open Access Polyhydramnions Case Study

Amniocentesis is not routine for isolated polyhydramnios in the absence of key structural defects. But these two cases show that polyhydramnios can be caused by rare genetic conditions that benefit from early diagnosis and intervention.

How to recognise rare Kawasaki disease in neonates

Open Access Kawasaki Disease Case Study

When newborns present with clinical signs such as rash, distal extremity desquamation, and cervical lymph adenitis, and simultaneous increases in peripheral blood leukocyte count and platelets, clinicians should be highly alert to KD even without fever.

Acalvaria in a newborn baby

Bone Defect Case Study

Acalvaria is a rare and usually fatal congenital malformation, characterized by the absence of bones and related muscles in a section of the skull. In this case, acalvaria could not be detected on prenatal ultrasound.

Current Reviews

Prenatal and postnatal factors associated with sudden infant death syndrome: an umbrella review of meta-analyses

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a sudden, unexpected death of a healthy infant under the age of one with no specific cause of death identified by autopsy or other means [ 1 ]. Previously, before 1990, deaths from unknown causes in infants …

Metformin reduces the complications of gestational diabetes mellitus but its long-term effects on offspring require further study

Metformin Practical Issues and Updates

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) can lead to serious complication during pregnancy both for the pregnant person and the developing offspring. Intensive lifestyle intervention, including diet and exercise, is effective in managing this disorder …

Neonatal hypoglycemia and neurodevelopmental outcomes: Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Neonatal hypoglycemia is a major source of concern for pediatricians since it has commonly been related to poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. Diagnosis is challenging, considering the different operational thresholds provided by each guideline.

Chinese genetic variation database of inborn errors of metabolism: a systematic review of published variants in 13 genes

Open Access Neonatal Screening Review

Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) are a group of inherited disorders caused by variants in genes coding for proteins that function in metabolism. As part of the newborn screening (NBS) programs, more than 40 IEMs can be screened by tandem mass …

Further Reading

Clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute liver failure in neonates: a retrospective cohort in China

Open Access Acute Liver Failure RESEARCH

Neonatal acute liver failure (NALF), as a rare disease with high mortality, has limited relevant literature reports in China. We attempted to analyze a NALF cohort to improve the prognosis of this disease. We included all patients diagnosed with …

Early neurological signs in infants identified through neonatal screening for SMA: do they predict outcome?

Open Access Spinal Muscular Atrophy RESEARCH

Neonatal screening for SMA has allowed the identification of infants who may present with early clinical signs. Our aim was to establish whether the presence and the severity of early clinical signs have an effect on the development of motor …

Impact of macronutrients intake on glycemic homeostasis of preterm infants: evidence from continuous glucose monitoring

Open Access Hyperglycemia Research

Nutritional intake could influence the blood glucose profile during early life of preterm infants. We investigated the impact of macronutrient intake on glycemic homeostasis using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). We analyzed macronutrient …

High frequency of transient congenital hypothyroidism among infants referred for suspected congenital hypothyroidism from the Turkish National screening program: thyroxine dose may guide the prediction of transients

Open Access Hypothyroidism Original Article

Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is the most common endocrine disorder in children. Newborn blood screening (NBS) programs have improved neurodevelopmental outcomes with earlier diagnosis and treatment of CH. In iodine-replete populations, primary …