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5730 search results for:

Patent Ductus Arteriosus 

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  1. Open Access 01-12-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Comparison of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist and synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation in preterm infants after patent ductus arteriosus ligation: a retrospective study

    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a condition that frequently affects preterm infants, with an incidence of roughly 46% in those less than 32 weeks gestation, and exceeding 70% in infants less than 28 weeks gestation [ 1 , 2 ]. The condition …

  2. 21-02-2024 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Post-ligation cardiac syndrome after surgical versus transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus in low body weight premature infants: a multicenter retrospective cohort study

    Transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure is a safe and effective alternative to surgical ligation in low-body-weight infants. Post-ligation cardiac syndrome (PLCS) is defined as severe hemodynamic and respiratory collapse within 24 h …

  3. 30-01-2024 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | News | Article

    Ibuprofen ineffective for patent ductus arteriosus

    Prophylactic ibuprofen does not help prevent bronchopulmonary dysplasia in extremely preterm infants with a large patent ductus arteriosus.

  4. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    The investigation of thrombocytopenia after transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus

    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common congenital cardiovascular malformation, accounting for 10–21% of congenital heart disease, and it is predominantly observed in women [ 1 ]. PDA is a significant risk factor that increases the incidence …

  5. 12-06-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    A harmful MYH11 variant detected in a family with thoracic aortic dissection and patent ductus arteriosus

    Thoracic aortic dissection (TAD) is an important cause of sudden cardiac death and is characterized by high morbidity, mortality, and a poor prognosis. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common congenital heart disease. The pathogenesis of both …

  6. 08-11-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Pseudoaneurysm of aorta after transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus

    Aortic pseudoaneurysm is a rare but life-threatening complication after transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with only a few reported cases in literature. We report a case of an 18-month-old child who was diagnosed to have …

  7. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Transesophageal echocardiography-guided percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure without fluoroscopy

    The ductus arteriosus is a normal fetal artery connecting the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a series of pathophysiological changes caused by the blood diversion from the aorta to the pulmonary artery due to the …

  8. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | ReviewPaper

    Transcatheter closure in preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus: feasibility, results, hemodynamic monitoring and future prospectives

    Ductal patency of preterm infants is potentially associated with long term morbidities related to either pulmonary overflow or systemic steal. When an interventional closure is needed, it can be achieved with either surgical ligation or a …

  9. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Unnecessity of routine chest tube drainage after patent ductus arteriosus ligation in preterm neonates

    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of the most common congenital cardiac diseases in preterm neonates. Although there are numerous studies regarding the treatment of preterm PDA, which is a highly debated discussion among cardiologists …

  10. 20-07-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | Online First

    A Challenging Interventional Procedure: Transcatheter Closure of Tubular Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension

    Transcatheter closure of the tubular ducts remains the most challenging procedure, with higher complication rates than other types. This study evaluates the characteristics of transcatheter closure of tubular ducts with pulmonary hypertension. 73 …

  11. 15-06-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Risk stratification of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus by clinical and genetic factors

    A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) between the aorta and the pulmonary artery in the first three days of life is a physiologic shunt in healthy neonates. In contrast, persistent PDA after 72 hours of life may have clinical consequences depending on …

  12. 08-04-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Hemodynamic and Echocardiographic Characteristics and the Presence of Pulmonary Hypertension in Patent Ductus Arteriosus Patients who Underwent Transcatheter Closure

    We investigated the hemodynamic parameters of pediatric PDA patients and focused on the influence of PDA size on pulmonary arterial pressure and the prevalence of pulmonary hypertension. A total of 52 patients aged between 2 months and 20 years …

  13. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Surgical treatment of Shone’s syndrome and patent ductus arteriosus in an adult

    Shone’s syndrome, first described by Shone in 1963, is a very rare complex congenital heart disease. It is characterized by four obstructive cardiac anomalies of the systemic circulation, including supravalvular mitral membrane, parachute mitral …

  14. 21-07-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | EditorialNotes

    Hemodynamically Significant Patent Ductus Arteriosus (HsPDA) in a Preterm Infant – An Innocent Bystander or a Predilection for Disaster?

  15. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Myocardial injury and inflammatory response in percutaneous device closures of pediatric patent ductus arteriosus

    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is defined as the anomalous perseverance of the fetal ductus arteriosus in the post-delivery time [ 1 ] and is considered a mutual hereditary heart defect. This congenital heart defect (CHD) stands for 5% and 10% of …

  16. Open Access 17-07-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Impact of patent ductus arteriosus on non-invasive assessments of lung fluids in very preterm infants during the transitional period

    This prospective observational study aimed to evaluate whether lung fluids, assessed by lung ultrasonography and transthoracic electrical bioimpedance (TEB), may be influenced by the presence of a haemodynamically significant patent ductus

  17. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Lung transplantation with concomitant cardiac repair for congenital hypoplasia of bilateral pulmonary arteries and patent ductus arteriosus

    Pulmonary hypoplasia, a rare congenital heart disease (CHD), is characterized by the underdevelopment of the pulmonary structure, including the lung parenchyma, bronchus, and blood vessels [ 1 , 2 ]. Although the true pathogenesis is unclear, it …

  18. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Mid-term outcomes of right subaxillary approach versus median sternotomy incision for ventricular septal defect with patent ductus arteriosus

    With the increasing number of patients demanding cosmetic incisions, surgeons continued to explore more techniques for concealed incisions, such as mini-sternotomy and anterolateral thoracotomy, to correct simple congenital heart disease (CHD) [ 1 …

  19. 23-03-2023 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Cardiopulmonary Ultrasound-Guided Treatment of Premature Infants with Respiratory Failure and Patent Ductus Arteriosus: A Randomized, Controlled Trial

    Preterm infants often suffer from respiratory distress and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and require respiratory support, especially invasive respiratory therapy, which increases the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Researchers have …

  20. Open Access 01-03-2022 | Patent Ductus Arteriosus | OriginalPaper

    Assessing patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants from standard neonatal intensive care monitoring

    Monitoring patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in premature infants is currently performed intermittently using echocardiography which requires considerable expertise. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate whether PDA status could be assessed …

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