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Case Studies

Can efgartigimod help treat anti-NMDAR encephalitis?

Efgartigimod is effective in myasthenia gravis by promoting IgG clearance. This first attempt to use it as an add-on therapy in anti-NMDAR encephalitis indicates promising therapeutic effects.

SGLT2 inhibitor triggers metabolic encephalopathy

Testing ketone levels and a brain MRI are essential for unconscious patients on SGLT2 inhibitors. Patients on these drugs are at increased risk of euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis, which may cause metabolic encephalopathy.

ALS in a patient with CLL and drug-related SLR

A man with a skin rash and left leg weakness was diagnosed with sarcoid-like reaction due to treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and ultimately also amyotrophic lateral sclerosis when the motor symptoms progressed.

Cholesterol crystal embolization following alteplase for stroke

CCE led to multiorgan failure and death after intravenous alteplase to treat acute ischemic stroke. This case highlights the urgent need for greater awareness of this serious complication.

Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma mimics fungal endophthalmitis

PVRL is a life-threatening neoplasm. It can be mistaken for non-infectious uveitis, as it often presents with vitritis that responds to corticosteroids, but this case shows that it can also mimic infectious uveitis.

Recurrent strokes after TAVR in patient with BAV

TAVR use has increased in low-risk patients, but serious complications can still occur. An elderly patient underwent TAVR to treat severe bicuspid aortic valve stenosis but experienced multiple strokes 6 months later.

RCVS linked to methylphenidate

The first case of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome in which methylphenidate, a drug with vasoconstrictive properties, is the only suspected drug.

Aphasia in older adults: a diagnostic challenge

While stroke is the most common cause of aphasia, it can also be caused by metabolic disorders, infection, confusion, or epilepsy. But what are the underlying mechanisms of isolated aphasia, with no abnormalities detected during evaluation?

Rapid progression of Guillain-Barré syndrome

A 19-year-old presented with numbness and tingling in his hands and feet, which developed into total locked-in syndrome within 30 hours. Using cEEG to amplify nonvisible muscle activity enabled basic communication.

Delayed diagnosis of distal myasthenia gravis

MG commonly involves weakness and fatigue of the extraocular, bulbar, and proximal limb muscles. In this unusual case, distal MG presented with isolated and transient hand weakness years before typical MG symptoms appeared.

MOGAD: clinical relapse after 52 years

An attack of optic neuritis after a remarkably prolonged interval, illustrating the variable disease course in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease. How should you manage recurrent optic neuritis?

Lead encephalopathy from chipped paint

Public health measures mean severe lead toxicity is rare, making its recognition and management challenging. This 4-year-old presented with refractory status epilepticus and severe microcytic anemia. How would you diagnose and treat her?

ODS: revisiting the diagnostic criteria

Osmotic demyelination syndrome is a serious neurological condition linked to the overly rapid correction of hyponatremia. Two fatal cases demonstrate the pathological findings and clinical outcomes.

Can a circadian reset repair long COVID symptoms?

Bright light treatment can resynchronize circadian disruption in prodromal Parkinson's disease. This case series tests whether light treatment can repair post-encephalitic symptoms of long COVID, which closely approximate prodromal PD.

Argyrophilic grain disease initially diagnosed as Parkinson's disease

AGD is an age-related tauopathy that contributes to cognitive decline. This case demonstrates that AGD should be included in the differential diagnosis of PD without dementia in older people.

Combined treatment for PML

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is an often fatal CNS disease caused by JC virus infection. In this case, low-dose, long-term immunoglobulin plus mirtazapine resulted in a controlled inflammatory reaction.

Cerebral artery vasoconstriction after migraine treatment

A 40-year-old patient with high-frequency episodic migraine with visual aura developed numbness in her right extremities and face 10 min after a loading dose of galcanezumab.

What caused Frida Kahlo’s pain?

Frida Kahlo's artistic expressions were deeply intertwined with her medical history. Could cauda equina syndrome have caused neuropathic pain and decreased sensitivity in her lower body?

Infective endocarditis with septic embolization in the brain

A patient presented with right thigh swelling, fever, new-onset left hemiplegia, and seizures 18 months after kidney transplant. Enterococcus faecalis infective endocarditis with metastatic brain abscesses was diagnosed.

Refsum disease revealed by dilated cardiomyopathy

Symptoms of Refsum disease, such as retinitis pigmentosa, usually present in late childhood and adolescence, but cardiac manifestations are frequent in the late course of the disease.