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Journal of Endocrinological Investigation

Official Journal of Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE)

1997 - 2024
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Issue 10/2024
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Journal of Endocrinological Investigation OnlineFirst articles

About this journal

The Journal of Endocrinological Investigation is a well-established, e-only endocrine journal founded in 1978. It is the official journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE), established in 1964.

The journal was founded by Aldo Pinchera, Giovanni Faglia, Antonio Liuzzi, Guido Menzinger, Marcella Motta and Giovan Battista Serra. Aldo Pinchera was the first Editor-in-Chief followed by Giovanni Faglia and Ezio Ghigo and by the current Editor-in-Chief Luigi Bartalena.

The Journal of Endocrinological Investigation is an international journal with an international editorial board, covering all fields of endocrinology and metabolism, including neuroendocrinology, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenal glands, andrology, gynecological endocrinology, obesity, diabetes, pediatric and geriatric endocrinology. Both clinical, translational and basic original studies, as well as opinions, commentaries, solicited and unsolicited reviews, clinical practice guidelines and position statements, letters to the Editor are published after being submitted to rigorous peer review.

The Journal of Endocrinological represents an essential reading not only for endocrinologists engaged in endocrinological research but also for those primarily involved in daily clinical practice.

Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
Volume 20/1997 - Volume 47/2024
Springer International Publishing
Electronic ISSN
Journal ID

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