Image Credits
Retinitis pigmentosa/© 2024, Salim Arous et al, J Med Case Reports, TTPS bleeding spots/© 2024, Xia Shao et al, Elderly woman taking me/© yokeetod / Getty Images / iStock (symbolic image with models), Radiograph showing scoliosis of the spine/© Yan, X. et al.; BMC Anesthesiol 2024, Angiography image showing left vertebral artery dissection/© Usuda, D. et al.; BMC Infect Dis (2024), Aorto-right atrial fistula by Stanford type A aortic dissection/© 2024, Takahito Yokoyama et al, Swelling of lower left leg/© Huang, W. et al.; BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2024, CSF-lymphatic fistula demonstrated by ultrahigh-resolution cone-beam CT myelography/© 2024, Niklas Lützen et al, J Neurol, Intravitreal injection/© andrew_shots / (symbolic image with model), ECG with depression of ST in II, III and AVF. Elevation of ST in V1 and V3 with hyperacute T wave/© Kooshki, A. et al.; J Cardiothorac Surg (2024), 60-year-old male with lump on the left temporal region/© 2024, Meghdad Ghasemi Gorji et al, J Med Case Reports, Pathology of patient with fiberglass lung disease/© 2024, Chan-Yang Hsu et al, BMC Pulm Med, Regressive cardiac angiosarcoma/© 2024, Noor Sharrack et al, Cardio-Oncology, Genetic sequence confirming cobalamin C defect/© 2024, Halil Tuna Akar et al, BMC Nephrol, Chest CT showing arterioveneus malformations and multiple patchy chronic inflammatory pulmonary nodules/© Guo, J. et al.; J Cardiothorac Surg (2024), Scan showing septal vein damaged by V lead/© Park, S. et al.; Int J Arrhythm (2024), 3D reconstruction of preoperative CT showing ulcerated atherosclerotic burden in descending aorta/© Morishita, A. et al.; J Cardiothorac Surg. (2024), Abdominal CT showing liver and kidney cysts/© Cheng, C. et al.; BMC Cardiovasc Disord (2024), 3d illustration of stent implantation/© Christoph Burgstedt /, Glass of water/© Media Trading Ltd / Getty Images / iStock