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Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

Issue 3/2020

Content (18 Articles)

Joint Infection Orthopaedic Surgery

Laboratory-based versus qualitative assessment of α-defensin in periprosthetic hip and knee infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Giovanni Balato, Vincenzo de Matteo, Tiziana Ascione, Sigismondo Luca Di Donato, Cristiano De Franco, Francesco Smeraglia, Andrea Baldini, Massimo Mariconda

Orthopaedic Surgery

Corrective osteotomies of femur and tibia: which factors influence bone healing?

Michael H. Simon, L. Grünwald, M. Schenke, J. Dickschas, W. Strecker

Orthopaedic Surgery

Pedobarographic changes during first month after subtalar extra-articular screw arthroereisis (SESA) operation of juvenile flexible flatfoot

Lasse Hagen, Jonas Paul Pape, Mark Kostakev, Christian-Dominik Peterlein

Osteoarthrosis Trauma Surgery

Total hip arthroplasty following acetabular fracture: a clinical and radiographic outcome analysis of 67 patients

André Busch, Ulrich Stöckle, Anna Schreiner, Peter de Zwaart, Aljoscha Schäffler, Björn Gunnar Ochs

Trauma Surgery

Direct anterior decompression of L4 and L5 nerve root in sacral fractures using the pararectus approach: a technical note

Sonja Häckel, Christoph E. Albers, Johannes D. Bastian, Sven Hoppe, Lorin M. Benneker, Marius J. B. Keel

Acetabular Fracture Trauma Surgery

Analysis of computed tomography-based infra-acetabular morphometry to assess the feasibility of infra-acetabular screws

Shozo Kanezaki, Masashi Miyazaki, Naoki Notani, Toshinobu Ishihara, Tomonori Sakamoto, Tetsutaro Abe, Masashi Kataoka, Hiroshi Tsumura

Arthroscopy Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Second-look arthroscopic findings and clinical outcomes of meniscal repair with concomitant anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: comparison of suture and meniscus fixation device

Seung-Suk Seo, Chang-Wan Kim, Chang-Rack Lee, Dae-Hyun Park, Yong-Uk Kwon, Ok-Gul Kim, Chang-Kyu Kim

Open Access Osteoarthrosis Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Is debridement beneficial for focal cartilage defects of the knee: data from the German Cartilage Registry (KnorpelRegister DGOU)

Manuel Weißenberger, Tizian Heinz, Sebastian P. Boelch, Philipp Niemeyer, Maximilian Rudert, Thomas Barthel, Stephan Reppenhagen

Computed Tomography Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

A two-portal technique using a flexible reamer system is a safe and effective method for transportal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Kyoung Ho Yoon, Jae Ho Kim, Yoo Beom Kwon, Eung Ju Kim, Sang Hyeon Lee, Sang-Gyun Kim

Computed Tomography Knee Arthroplasty

Optimal rotational positioning of tibial component in total knee arthroplasty: determined by linker surgical technique using a high definition CT

Woon-Hwa Jung, Jai-Gon Seo, Dong Hyun Kim, Suryamanikanta Balabadra, Utkrisht Mandot, Dinesh Kumar

Bone Defect Hip Arthroplasty

Acetabular custom-made implants for severe acetabular bone defect in revision total hip arthroplasty: a systematic review of the literature

Francesco Chiarlone, Andrea Zanirato, Luca Cavagnaro, Mattia Alessio-Mazzola, Lamberto Felli, Giorgio Burastero

Inducing life-like distal radius fractures in human cadaveric specimens: a tool for enhanced surgical training

Kilian Wegmann, Andreas Harbrecht, Michael Hackl, Stephan Uschok, Tim Leschinger, Lars P. Müller

Correction to: Ex situ reconstruction of comminuted radial head fractures: is it truly worth a try?

Jens Everding, Michael J. Raschke, Patrick Polgart, Niklas Grüneweller, Dirk Wähnert, Benedikt Schliemann