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9994 search results for:

Neurosurgery of a Brain Tumor 

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  1. Open Access 13-12-2022 | Brain Tumor | Erratum

    Correction: A Dedicated Tool for Presurgical Mapping of Brain Tumors and Mixed‐Reality Navigation During Neurosurgery

  2. Open Access 01-03-2022 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | OriginalPaper

    A Dedicated Tool for Presurgical Mapping of Brain Tumors and Mixed-Reality Navigation During Neurosurgery

    Brain tumor surgery requires a delicate tradeoff between complete removal of neoplastic tissue while minimizing loss of brain function. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have emerged as valuable tools …

  3. Open Access 01-12-2016 | OriginalPaper

    Giant duodenal ulcers after neurosurgery for brainstem tumors that required reoperation for gastric disconnection: a report of two cases

    Cushing reported gastroduodenal ulcers produced by elevated intracranial pressure caused by an intracranial tumor, head injury, or other space-occupying lesion, which have been called Cushing’s ulcer [ 1 ]. The use of histamine H2-receptor …

  4. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Meningioma | OriginalPaper

    Optimizing patient outcome in intracranial tumor surgery: a detailed prospective study of adverse events and mortality reduction strategies in neurosurgery

    Brain tumor surgery has always been considered a critical and high-risk domain within neurosurgery. In the last decades, significant advancements have been made, including the development of new imaging techniques for mapping critical brain

  5. Open Access 11-01-2024 | CNS Tumors in Pediatrics | ReviewPaper

    CNS tumors: what should the neonatologist know?

    CNS tumors are relatively rare in neonates and present differently than those occurring later in childhood in terms of etiology, clinical features, location, histology, and prognosis. How can neonatologists ensure early diagnosis and optimum treatment?

  6. Open Access 08-01-2024 | Brain Tumor | Case Study

    Late-onset rupture of an intracranial dermoid cyst: a case report

    Intracranial dermoid cysts are rare developmental abnormalities, comprising less than 1% of intracranial lesions. Surgical excision is often reserved until symptoms arise, but removal prior to rupture in this 42-year-old patient may have avoided subsequent complications.

  7. Open Access 07-09-2023 | Pediatric Cancer | Case Study

    ​Occult extracranial malignancy after complete remission of pineal mixed germ cell tumors: a rare case report and literature review

    Intracranial GCTs developed occult extracranial malignancy with negative tumor markers, indicating that tumor marker monitoring may need to be combined with regular follow-up abdominal imaging for early detection.

  8. 27-05-2024 | Online First

    DEGRO 2024 Abstractband

  9. 01-06-2024 | Events

    CARS 2024—Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 38th International Congress and Exhibition Barcelona, Spain, June 18–21, 2024

  10. Open Access 08-03-2024 | Pediatric Neurosurgery | OriginalPaper

    Pediatric neurosurgery training during residency in Switzerland and the need for dedicated subspecialization training

    Pediatric neurosurgery as a subspeciality started to emerge during the late 1950s in the Western world, with only a few dedicated pediatric neurosurgeons caring for children [ 1 ]. Over the last few decades, the awareness that children require …

  11. 17-04-2024 | Glioma | OriginalPaper

    Bibliometric analysis of emerging trends and research foci in brainstem tumor field over 30 years (1992–2023)

    Brainstem tumors constitute a heterogeneous group, predominantly affecting pediatric populations [ 1 ]. The majority of these tumors display diffuse growth without distinct boundaries in imaging examinations, with over 80% being classified as …

  12. Open Access 21-05-2024 | Astrocytoma | Online First

    Rapid DNA methylation-based classification of pediatric brain tumors from ultrasonic aspirate specimens

    Ultrasonic aspirator devices are frequently used in pediatric neurosurgery for efficient microsurgical resection of brain tumors while minimizing tissue damage to surrounding healthy brain [ 1 ]. With ultrasonic aspirator, tumor tissue is …

  13. 01-06-2024 | Abstract

    ESPR 2024

  14. 01-12-2024 | Glioblastoma | OriginalPaper

    Glioblastoma: a comprehensive approach combining bibliometric analysis, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, and HJ-Biplot

    Glioblastoma insights and trends: a 49-year bibliometric analysis

    Glioblastoma is a common and aggressive malignant central nervous system tumor in adults. This study aims to evaluate and analyze the scientific results, collaboration countries, main research topics, and topics over time reported about …

  15. 04-05-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Risk Factors for the Development of De Novo Generalized Tonic-Clonic Epileptic Seizures in Patients with Supratentorial Meningiomas after Neurosurgical Treatment

    Objectives. To identify risk factors for the occurrence of de novo epileptic seizures in the early postoperative period in patients with supratentorial meningiomas. Materials and methods. A retrospective 3:1 case-control study was conducted. A

  16. Open Access 01-12-2024 | ReviewPaper

    Extended reality in cranial and spinal neurosurgerya bibliometric analysis

    Within neurosurgery, extended reality (XR) has experienced a substantial growth over the past decade [ 7 ]. XR serves as a comprehensive term referring to virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) [ 24 , 41 ]. These …

  17. 09-05-2024 | Motor Evoked Potential | Online First

    Bayesian networks for Risk Assessment and postoperative deficit prediction in intraoperative neurophysiology for brain surgery

    Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring (IONM) is a medical discipline from clinical neurophysiology used during neurosurgery to reduce the risk of damaging neural structures. IONM consists of two intraoperative procedures: the mapping of the …

  18. Open Access 01-12-2024 | COVID-19 | OriginalPaper

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on neurosurgery in the elderly population in Sweden

    The SARS-CoV-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has forced healthcare providers to refocus care efforts in order to prioritize acute care for COVID-19 patients and patients with serious medical conditions [ 1 , 2 ]. This has had significant impact on public …

  19. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Meningioma | OriginalPaper

    Chronic hyperglycemia and intracranial meningiomas

    Meningiomas are among the most common primary tumors of the central nervous system. Previous research into the meningioma histological appearance, genetic markers, transcriptome and epigenetic landscape has revealed that benign meningiomas …

  20. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Meningioma | OriginalPaper

    Clinical implications of DNA methylation-based integrated classification of histologically defined grade 2 meningiomas

    The combination of DNA methylation analysis with histopathological and genetic features allows for a more accurate risk stratification and classification of meningiomas. Nevertheless, the implications of this classification for patients with grade …

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