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03-01-2024 | Metformin | Original Article

Metformin Increases the Response of Cholangiocarcinoma Cells to Gemcitabine by Suppressing Pyruvate Kinase M2 to Activate Mitochondrial Apoptosis

Authors: Haishan Deng, Xiaomei Qian, Yongtao Zhang, Wenlong Yu, Ping Yang

Published in: Digestive Diseases and Sciences | Issue 2/2024

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Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a malignant tumor with a high mortality rate. Resistance to chemotherapy remains a major challenge related to cancer treatment, and increasing the sensitivity of cancer cells to therapeutic drugs is a major focus of cancer treatment.


We purposed to explore the role of Metformin in CCA involved in chemotherapeutic sensitivity and Pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) through regulating mitochondrial apoptosis in the present study.


CCA cell lines of HCC9810 and RBE were treated with Metformin companied with antagonists or agonists of PKM2, cells sensitivity to Gemcitabine, cell migration and invasion along with apoptosis, which is mediated by JC-1 and LDH were assayed.


Our results indicated that Metformin and Gemcitabine exhibit synergistic effect on inhibition of cholangiocarcinoma cell viability, cell migration and invasion as well as promotion apoptosis of cholangiocarcinoma cells. In vivo, Metformin combined with Gemcitabine has cooperation in inhibiting the growth of cholangiocarcinoma cell-derived tumors. Moreover, Metformin and Gemcitabine inhibited expression of PKM2 and PDHB in HCC9810 and RBE.


Our study suggested that Metformin may increase the response of cholangiocarcinoma cells to Gemcitabine by suppressing PKM2 to activate mitochondrial apoptosis.
Metformin Increases the Response of Cholangiocarcinoma Cells to Gemcitabine by Suppressing Pyruvate Kinase M2 to Activate Mitochondrial Apoptosis
Haishan Deng
Xiaomei Qian
Yongtao Zhang
Wenlong Yu
Ping Yang
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Digestive Diseases and Sciences / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 0163-2116
Electronic ISSN: 1573-2568

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