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Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology

Issue 2/2022

Content (5 Articles)

Open Access

Reversing Downstream Consequences of School Hiatus on Reading in Disadvantaged, At-Risk Children

Eduardo Estrada, Emilio Ferrer, Bennett A. Shaywitz, John M. Holahan, Sally E. Shaywitz

Identification of Seminal Physical Features of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure by Child Psychologists

Mary J. O’Connor, Andrea Dillon, Karin M. Best, Joseph O’Neill, Lisa A. Kilpatrick, Shantanu H. Joshi, Jeffry R. Alger, Jennifer G. Levitt

Adaptive Functioning in Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease Referred for Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up

Alexander Tan, Eric S. Semmel, Nikita Rodrigues, Meredith Bishop, Dawn Ilardi

Case Series: Neurobehavioral Profile of Adolescents with PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome

Holly M. Hasler, Alise Murray, Kristin E. Canavera, Kendra R. Parris, Kim E. Nichols, Lisa M. Jacola