Image Credits
CT angiography of severe hydronephrosis/© (M) 2024, Jianjuan Sun et al, J Med Case Reports, Retinitis pigmentosa/© 2024, Salim Arous et al, J Med Case Reports, Abdominal MRI of thyroid cancer patient with spontaneous hepatic hemorrhage/© 2024, Jacob Thomasson et al, J Med Case Reports, X-ray of the hands showing subperiosteal bone resorption and brown tumors/© (M) 2024, Sharmika Sivageethan et al, BMC Endocr Disord, Cut section view of a hepatocellular adenoma/© 2024, Zhimin Huang et al, BMC Endocrin Disord, 3D illustration of mitochondria/© Dr_Microbe /, Skin lesions of a patient with SJS/TEN complicated with fulminant type 1 diabetes/© 2024, Xiaofang Zhang et al, BMC Endocr Disord, Hypoechoic lesions in the right lobe of the thyroid gland/© 2024, Ze Yang et al, BMC Endocr Disord, Contrast-enhanced MRI showing enlargement of the pituitary stalk and enhancement/© 2024, Hiroki Takizawa et al, BMC Endocr Disord, Pregnant woman holding her stomach/© Orientfootage / Getty Images / iStock (symbolic image with model), Illustration of legs with rickets/© rumruay /, A scientist looking at a DNA sequence/© nicolas_ / Getty Images / iStock, MRI of the sellar region in a patient with Sheehan syndrome/© (2024) Chin-Fang Chen et al BMC Endocrine Disorders, A multinodular anterior neck mass on the left lobe of thyroid gland/© 2024, Endeshaw Asaye Kindie et al, J Med Case Reports, Genetic sequence confirming cobalamin C defect/© 2024, Halil Tuna Akar et al, BMC Nephrol, Syringe and vial of medicine/© Алексей Громов /, CT scan of an abscess of the right hamstring/© 2024, Anne M. Kerola et al, J Med Case Reports, Fat shadows of patients with familial partial lipodystrophy/© (M) 2024, Monique Alvares da Silva et al, Diabetol Metab Syndr, Man with abdominal pain/© Azeemud-Deen Jacobs / / (symbolic image with model), Detection of HbE by capillary electrophoresis/© (M) 2024, Rashmi Karki et al, J Med Case Reports