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Diabetology Diabetic Emergency

Diabetic Emergency

Managing neuroendocrine tumors and diabetes

Diabetes and NET can adversely affect each other’s prognosis, but what impact do NET therapies have on diabetes and vice versa? And how should radiological and functional procedures be managed in patients with NET and diabetes?

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Editor's Choice

Sequential oral agents do not equal insulin in gestational diabetes

Sequential oral metformin and glyburide is not equivalent to insulin for gestational diabetes with respect to the proportion of infants born large for gestational age.

Brain health, glycemic homeostasis, and type 2 diabetes

Understand the link between diabetes and dementia-related disorders, planning for cognitive wellness, and the choice of therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes who have, or are at risk of, comorbid cognitive impairment.

Significant improvements in pediatric glycemic control

Glycemic control improved significantly in children with type 1 diabetes between 2013 and 2022, coinciding with increased use of diabetes technology.

Automated insulin delivery and physical activity in people with type 1 diabetes

A joint EASD/ISPAD position statement providing general and device-specific guidance to help AID systems be used effectively around physical activity and exercise in people with type 1 diabetes.

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At a glance: The ONWARDS insulin icodec trials

A round-up of the ONWARDS phase 3 clinical trials evaluating the novel weekly insulin icodec in people with diabetes.

Developed by: Springer Medicine
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Using CGM to optimize type 2 diabetes management with non-intensive insulin treatment in primary care

With the growing importance of primary care in diabetes, this podcast discusses the evidence on continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) use, the role of primary healthcare, and practical tips for interpreting the ambulatory glucose profile (AGP) report. 

Supported by:
  • Abbott Diabetes Care
Prof. Samuel Seidu
Developed by: Adis
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Case Studies

Circulatory collapse due to autoimmune adrenal insufficiency

A rare case of new onset autoimmune adrenal insufficiency in a 7-year-old boy, presenting with severe cardiogenic shock requiring ECMO. Steroid replacement is critical.

Managing exogenous insulin antibody syndrome

EIAS can cause hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and ketoacidosis in people with diabetes. This case in an older adult with type 1 diabetes shows how EIAS can be managed in an outpatient setting.

Insulinoma misidentified as schizophrenia

Intermittently scanning CGM detected hypoglycemia in a woman previously diagnosed with schizophrenia and treated with antipsychotic medication. Insulinoma was diagnosed and resected, resolving her neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Keynote webinar | Spotlight on diet and diabetes

  • Webinar | 08-11-2023 | 18:00 (CET)

An expert-led symposium exploring the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes through dietary interventions. Highlights include discussion of the recent EASD guidelines, therapeutic diets, food types and processing, plus psychological factors that influence patient success, and the drivers of healthy eating and diabetes control.

Prof. Mike Lean
Prof. Falko Sniehotta
Developed by: Springer Medicine
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Current Reviews

Exploring the interplay of glucose metabolism, insulin resistance, and neurodegenerative pathologies: insights from streptozotocin and hypoglycaemic in vitro models

  • Open Access
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Neurology and Preclinical Neurological Studies - Review Article

Neurodegenerative diseases raise public health concerns. Recent evidence indicates that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) sufferers will triple by 2050. The rising incidence of dementia diagnoses raises concerns about the socio-economical and emotional …

Sheehan syndrome: a current approach to a dormant disease

Sheehan syndrome (SS) is postpartum pituitary necrosis leading to severe hypopituitarism. Severe bleeding during delivery and postpartum period results in ischemic necrosis of the enlarged pituitary gland during pregnancy. The improved obstetrical …

Automated insulin delivery in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Pregnancy in women with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) presents a complex clinical scenario characterized by the need for meticulous glycaemic control to ensure optimal maternal and fetal outcomes [ 1 ]. During pregnancy, the body undergoes …

A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing outcomes between using subcutaneous insulin and continuous insulin infusion in managing adult patients with diabetic ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of diabetes. DKA most commonly occurs in patients with type 1 diabetes; however it can also present among people with type 2 diabetes with concomitant insulin deficiency [ 1 ] and among …

Further Reading

Exploring the interplay of glucose metabolism, insulin resistance, and neurodegenerative pathologies: insights from streptozotocin and hypoglycaemic in vitro models

  • Open Access
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Neurology and Preclinical Neurological Studies - Review Article

Neurodegenerative diseases raise public health concerns. Recent evidence indicates that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) sufferers will triple by 2050. The rising incidence of dementia diagnoses raises concerns about the socio-economical and emotional …

Sheehan syndrome: a current approach to a dormant disease

Sheehan syndrome (SS) is postpartum pituitary necrosis leading to severe hypopituitarism. Severe bleeding during delivery and postpartum period results in ischemic necrosis of the enlarged pituitary gland during pregnancy. The improved obstetrical …

European Survey on Adults with Type 1 Diabetes and their Caregivers: Insights into Personal Experience and Needs for Improving Diabetes Care

Diabetes is an important public health issue that affects 60 million people in Europe [ 1 ]. Type 1 diabetes (T1D) accounts for 10% of all diabetes cases, with its prevalence increasing worldwide [ 2 ]. T1D is a complex condition to treat [ 3 ] …

Once-weekly IcoSema versus once-weekly semaglutide in adults with type 2 diabetes: the COMBINE 2 randomised clinical trial

Owing to the progressive nature of type 2 diabetes, and despite the availability of drugs that provide benefits beyond the reduction of blood glucose levels, disease progression is hallmarked by relative insulin deficiency. Consequently, many …

Related topics

Managing neuroendocrine tumors and diabetes

Diabetes and NET can adversely affect each other’s prognosis, but what impact do NET therapies have on diabetes and vice versa? And how should radiological and functional procedures be managed in patients with NET and diabetes?

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