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Retention in Dentistry 

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  1. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Denture | OriginalPaper

    Evaluation of open-face maxillary complete denture for patients with prominent premaxilla: a crossover study

    Complete denture is the routine management for edentulous patients to restore mastication and esthetics [ 1 ]. In the era of dental implants, a complete denture is required for implant planning and temporization during the healing period [ 2 ].

  2. Open Access 01-12-2024 | CAD and CAM | OriginalPaper

    Fracture resistance and failure mode of three esthetic CAD-CAM post and core restorations

    Endodontically treated teeth (ETT) exhibit an elevated susceptibility to fracture, primarily attributable to the substantial loss of tooth structure resulting from decay and cavity preparation. Furthermore, the occurrence of biochemical and …

  3. Open Access 31-03-2023 | Orthopantomogram | Online First

    Effect of orthodontic extraction of mandibular premolars on third molar angulation after treatment with fixed appliances

    A cross-sectional study
  4. 01-09-2021 | Veneer | OriginalPaper

    Efficiency of Er:YAG laser versus Er;Cr:YSGG laser in debonding of different glass ceramic veneers: an in vitro study

    Minimally invasive treatment options have become vastly used in restorative dentistry, solely depending on adhesive properties of cement and bonding systems in their retention, thus featuring a defect-oriented approach rather than subtractive …

  5. 25-04-2024 | Online First

    Abstracts from the 7th European Society of Tissue Regeneration in Orthopaedics and Traumatology (ESTROT)

  6. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Pedodontics | OriginalPaper

    The fracture resistance of pulpotomized primary molars restored with zirconia crowns, lithium disilicate or resin based ceramic endocrowns

    Deciduous teeth are crucial for mastication, speech, aesthetic appeal, preserving space for the eruption of permanent teeth, and stimulating maxillary and mandibular development [ 1 ]. In cases of primary molars affected by extensive carious …

  7. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Denture | OriginalPaper

    Antimicrobial activity of cleanser tablets against S. mutans and C. Albicans on different denture base materials

    Many different base materials have been used to fabricate denture bases. The most commonly used material is polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), but polyamides, acrylic resin derivatives, and metal alloys are also favored alternatives. PMMA remains …

  8. 12-04-2024 | Caries | Online First

    Tensile bond strength between paediatric prefabricated zirconia crowns and primary maxillary incisors when using various types of luting cements: an in vitro study

    Prefabricated zirconia crowns (PZCs) have recently been introduced as an esthetic alternative to preformed metal crowns and resin strip crowns for primary teeth (Gosnell and Thikkurissy 2013 ; Waggoner 2015 ). In contrast to resin strip crowns …

  9. 18-05-2024 | Oral Cancer | Online First

    Holistic Approach for the Early Detection of Oral Cancer: A Comprehensive Training Module

    The burden of oral cancer is increasing in India, with 143,759 new cases and 79,979 deaths have been reported in 2022 and an age standardized incidence of 9.9%, while the mortality rate is 5.6% [ 1 ]. In addition, 30% of all cancers and one-third …

  10. 01-06-2024 | Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization | OriginalPaper

    Cost-effectiveness of restorative treatments for permanent molars with severe molar incisor hypomineralization: perspectives for the Brazilian public health system

    Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is defined as a qualitative enamel defect of multifactorial origin, affecting from one to four first permanent molars (FPMs), and may be associated with permanent incisors [ 1 ]. In 2016 its worldwide …

  11. 16-05-2024 | Online First

    Comparative evaluation of shear bond strength and penetration of self-etch sealant with and without enamel deproteinization: an in vitro study

    On the occlusal aspect of the teeth, pits along with fissures are the deep grooves which act as the site for accumulation of food debris. These are difficult to cleanse which lead to stagnation of microorganisms in these regions (Babaji et al. 2016 …). Because of their anatomy, fissures are the commonest sites for plaque retention and maturation which makes them susceptible to caries (Giller et al.

  12. 20-03-2024 | Events


  13. 29-07-2022 | Dental Plaque Index | OriginalPaper

    Periodontal health of unilateral labially vs. palatally impacted maxillary canines erupted by closed eruption technique

    When a tooth is embedded in the alveolar bone and fails to erupt into the oral cavity within the expected time, dental impaction occurs [ 1 ]. The most frequently impacted teeth in the anterior part of the mouth are the maxillary canines, due to …

  14. Open Access 01-06-2024 | Streptococci | OriginalPaper

    Evaluation of the surface characteristics and antibacterial properties of Titanium dioxide nanotube and methacryloyloxyethylphosphorylcholine (MPC) coated orthodontic brackets-a comparative invitro study

    Dentistry is a profession where in the primary goal is to provide patients with high-quality oral health care. The field of orthodontics frequently uses brackets and wires as part of fixed orthodontic appliance therapy to correct misaligned teeth …

  15. Open Access 01-12-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Impact of self-assessment on dental student’s performance in pre-clinical conservative dentistry course

    Dental education (DE) is an amalgamation of theoretical information as well as the progress of fine manual skills [ 1 ]. Theoretical information, comprising of obtaining information on the physiology and pathology of oral structure, is one of the …

  16. Open Access 01-05-2024 | Aligner | OriginalPaper

    Effect of material composition and thickness of orthodontic aligners on the transmission and distribution of forces: an in vitro study

    In the era of digital and aesthetic dentistry, orthodontic aligners have increasingly become a preferred choice over traditional braces, thanks to their transparency and comfort [ 1 ]. Additionally, clear aligners are often the treatment of choice …

  17. Open Access 08-04-2024 | Online First

    Impact of an Oral Health Education Program on the Oral Health Literacy of Refugees

    Inadequate comprehension of healthcare information contributes to poor health outcomes. Ethnic minorities are one of the populations most affected by low health and oral health literacy (OHL). The hypothesis of the current study was that an oral …

  18. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | OriginalPaper

    Baltimore oral epidemiology, disease effects, and HIV evaluation study (BEEHIVE) study protocol: a prospective cohort study

    The Baltimore Oral Epidemiology, Disease Effects, and HIV Evaluation Study (BEEHIVE) is a five-year prospective cohort study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), that …

  19. 01-06-2024 | Denture | OriginalPaper

    Orofacial esthetics, chewing function, and oral health-related quality of life in Kennedy class I patients with mini-implant-retained removable partial dentures: A 3-year clinical prospective study

    Complete or partial edentulism significantly impacts an individual's psychosocial well-being, leading to diminished self-esteem [ 1 ]. Even fundamental daily social interactions, smiling, laughing, verbal communication, or chewing can become …

  20. Open Access 01-12-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Perceptions and experience of rural older people in oral health management in China: a qualitative study

    According to World Social Report 2023 [ 1 ], the global population of people aged 65 and over will be 761 million in 2021, a figure that will increase to 1.6 billion by 2050. the population aged 80 and over is growing even faster. To achieve a …

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