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3930 search results for:

Primary Testicular Failure 

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  1. 21-02-2024 | Hypogonadism | News | Article

    TRAVERSEing the findings on TRT use in diabetes prevention

    Testosterone replacement therapy does not prevent progression from prediabetes to diabetes in men with hypogonadism, shows the TRAVERSE Diabetes study.

  2. 31-01-2024 | Hypogonadism | News | Article

    Testosterone fails to prevent fractures in men with hypogonadism

    After a median follow-up of 3.2 years, significantly more men treated with testosterone (n=2601) than placebo (n=2603) had experienced the primary endpoint of a clinical fracture, at 3.5% versus 2.5% (hazard ratio=1.43).

  3. 01-06-2024 | Abstract

    ESPR 2024

  4. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Back Pain | OriginalPaper

    Extravertebral low back pain: a scoping review

    Fundamentally, low back pain (LBP) represents a symptom rather than an aetiological diagnosis per se . Since establishing a definite pathophysiological diagnosis is often neither necessary nor possible, most clinical guidelines pragmatically …

  5. Open Access 02-05-2024 | Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases | Review

    Inflammatory rheumatic diseases and male reproductive health

    Explore how chronic inflammation, physical restrictions, stress, and antirheumatic drugs may contribute to infertility and sexual dysfunction in men with IRDs.

  6. 11-05-2024 | Varicocele | Online First

    Parameters affecting the success rate of microscopic testicular sperm extraction in male patients with a solitary testis and non-obstructive azoospermia

    It has been well known for many years that men with a solitary testis due to surgical history have sought expert opinion with concerns that they may be subfertile [ 1 ]. A testicular tumor is the most common cause of an orchiectomy [ 2 ]. Despite …

  7. Open Access 16-05-2024 | Spinal Muscular Atrophy | Online First

    Male Reproduction in Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and the Potential Impact of Oral Survival of Motor Neuron 2 (SMN2) Pre-mRNA Splicing Modifiers

    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neuromuscular disease caused by deletions or mutations in the survival of motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene resulting in reduced levels of SMN protein. SMN protein is produced by cells throughout the body, and evidence …

  8. Open Access 24-05-2024 | Varicocele | Online First

    Mean platelet volume might be an effective indicator of poor semen quality in varicocele patients

    Varicocele is recognized to be the most common surgically treatable vascular cause of infertility, manifesting as dilatation and tortuosity of the spermatic plexus, which can be graded on palpation [ 1 , 2 ]. Varicocele accounts for approximately …

  9. 01-04-2024 | Events

    SPR 2024

  10. Open Access 26-02-2024 | ICSI | OriginalPaper

    Genetic profiling of azoospermic men to identify the etiology and predict reproductive potential

    Male infertility accounts for approximately half of the causes of the inability to reproduce among infertile couples [ 1 ]. Fortunately, the introduction of ICSI has enhanced the treatment of even the most extreme forms of male factor infertility [ …2

  11. 13-04-2024 | Hysterectomy | ReviewPaper

    Genital Reconstructive Surgery for the Transmasculine Patient: An Overview for the OBGYN Practitioner

    Approximately one-third of the transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) population in the United States identifies as transmasculine [ 1 ]. Obstetrician-gynecologists play a critical role in caring for transmasculine patients, necessitating familiarity …

  12. Open Access 05-10-2023 | Gonadal Disorders | Case Study

    Novel mutations causing normosomic idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

    A 15-year-old boy with nIHH presented with typical symptoms of delayed testicular development, with low testosterone and reduced gonadotrophin levels. Two novel causative GNRH1 mutations were discovered.

  13. Open Access 08-05-2024 | Online First

    Exploring the Role of HtrA Family Genes in Cancer: A Systematic Review

    The HtrA (High temperature requirement A) family of serine proteases present in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms is composed of four proteins—HtrA1 (L56 or PRSS11), HtrA2/Omi, HtrA3 (PRSP) (with its long and short isoforms—HtrA3-L and HtrA3-S) …

  14. 01-06-2024 | Fertility | ReviewPaper

    Psychosocial experiences regarding potential fertility loss and pregnancy failure after treatment in cancer survivors of reproductive age to identify psychosocial care needs: a systematic review

    Gonadotoxicity, which is the damage to reproductive organs caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy, can considerably affect fertility in young patients with cancer [ 1 ]. Fertility preservation options for patients with cancer include …

  15. 04-04-2024 | Fertility | Online First

    Fertility preservation in hematological cancer patients

    Among adolescents and young adults, hematological malignancies are the most common malignancies. Although the survival rate of hematological malignancies in young patients has been dramatically improved, due to the continuous improvement and …

  16. Open Access 19-02-2024 | Testosterone | OriginalPaper

    Are they functional hypogonadal men? Testosterone serum levels unravel male idiopathic infertility subgroups

    Male infertility is estimated to affect about 50% of all reproductive-aged infertile couples in Western countries [ 1 , 2 ]. In about 40% of the cases, the underlying cause of male infertility could not be identified, falling into the broad …

  17. 30-12-2023 | Orchidopexy | OriginalPaper

    Evaluating testicular function changes in unilateral cryptorchid chinese infants underwent orchidopexy in the first year of life

    Cryptorchidism, also referred to as undescended testes (UDT), defined as the failure of the testis to descend into the scrotal position is one of the most common urological disorder, occurring in 2–4% of children at birth and decreasing to 1% in …

  18. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Endometriosis | ReviewPaper

    Vitamin D and reproductive disorders: a comprehensive review with a focus on endometriosis

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble steroid hormone that was initially known only for regulating calcium and phosphorus levels and maintaining bone health. However, it was later discovered that many organs express vitamin D metabolizing enzymes and have a …

  19. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Tuberculosis | OriginalPaper

    The challenges in diagnosing isolated epididymal tuberculosis (TB) in an adolescent male: a case report

    TB in children and adolescents is recognized as a worldwide health problem, [ 1 ] spreading to almost all organs, through the respiratory system as the main route [ 2 ]. Based on CXR results, Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is only found in < 50% of …

  20. Open Access 27-01-2024 | Seminoma | OriginalPaper

    Predictive tissue markers in testicular germ cell tumors: Immunohistochemical expression of MLH1 and REV-7 proteins

    Although testicular cancer is rare in the general population, it represents the most frequent solid malignant tumor in young adult men [ 1 ]. Testicular Germ Cell Tumors (TGCTs) account for most cases of testicular cancer diagnoses [ 2 ]. TGCTs can …

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