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Pernicious Anemia 

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  1. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Pernicious Anemia | OriginalPaper

    Causal inference between pernicious anemia and cancers: a bidirectional two-sample mendelian randomization analysis

    Pernicious anemia (PA) is an autoimmune disease, mainly due to autoantibodies targeting and destroying gastric parietal cells, resulting in vitamin B12 deficiency caused by a lack of internal factors [ 1 ]. This condition is often mistaken for …

  2. 04-06-2024 | Pernicious Anemia | Online First

    Synchronous cancers of the stomach and esophagus in a patient with autoimmune gastritis and pernicious anemia: a case report and review of the literature

    Type-A gastritis/autoimmune gastritis (AIG) has gained renewed attention due to declining Helicobacter pylori infection rates and increasing eradication. AIG is associated with pernicious anemia (PA) and is prone to complicate various tumors, such …

  3. Open Access 03-06-2023 | Pernicious Anemia | OriginalPaper

    Th17 cytokines and factors modulating their activity in patients with pernicious anemia

    The effects of specific cytokines produced by T cell subsets (such as Th1, Th2, and newly discovered Th17, Treg, Tfh, or Th22) are diverse, depending on interactions with other cytokines, distinct signaling pathways, phase of the disease, or …

  4. 01-08-2021 | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | OriginalPaper

    Predominant tubulointerstitial lupus nephritis with preceding pernicious anemia

    Predominant tubulointerstitial nephritis with negligible glomerular lesions is a rare form of lupus nephritis. Although tubulointerstitial changes occur in two-thirds of patients with lupus nephritis, these lesions were mostly accompanied by …

  5. 01-04-2022 | Myelodysplastic Syndrome | Letter

    Falsely elevated serum vitamin B12 levels in a case of pernicious anemia

  6. 01-06-2021 | Anemia

    A Case of Pseudothrombotic Microangiopathy Associated with Pernicious Anemia

    Pernicious anemia (PA) is the result of cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ) deficiency in the setting of chronic autoimmune gastritis. The underlying pathophysiology of PA involves antibody formation against intrinsic factor (IF) or the gastric parietal …

  7. 01-03-2019 | Acute Kidney Injury | OriginalPaper

    When the diagnosis is difficult to digest: severe vitamin B12 deficiency secondary to pernicious anemia mimicking life-threatening thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is an uncommon yet life-threatening condition, usually marked by a classic pentad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA), thrombocytopenia, acute kidney injury (AKI), neurological disturbances, and …

  8. Open Access 01-12-2017 | OriginalPaper

    Venous thromboembolism and hyperhomocysteinemia as first manifestation of pernicious anemia: a case series

    Homocysteine is an amino acid formed from the intracellular demethylation of methionine. Hyperhomocysteinemia is characterized by an elevation of serum homocysteine levels. It is thought to be a modifiable risk factor of myocardial infarction …

  9. 01-02-2017 | OriginalPaper

    Pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of pernicious anemia

    Pernicious anemia is the hematologic manifestation of chronic atrophic gastritis affecting the corpus of the stomach that denudes the gastric mucosa of gastric parietal cells. Asymptomatic autoimmune gastritis, a chronic inflammatory disease of …

  10. 01-12-2011 | OriginalPaper

    Diagnosis and Management of Pernicious Anemia

    Pernicious anemia is a macrocytic anemia due to cobalamin deficiency, which is the result of intrinsic factor deficiency. Pernicious anemia is associated with atrophic body gastritis, whose diagnostic criteria are based on the histologic evidence …

  11. 01-04-2001 | OriginalPaper

    Concurrent pernicious anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome

    Megaloblastic anemia (MA) due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a reversible form of ineffective hematopoiesis. Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is an acquired, irreversible disorder of ineffective hematopoiesis, characterized by stem cell dysfunction as …

  12. 01-07-2002 | OriginalPaper

    A rare association of primary biliary cirrhosis and pernicious anemia

    and the presence of anti-parietal cell antibody and anti-intrinsic factor antibody. Pernicious anemia should be regarded as a possible complication of primary biliary cirrhosis.

  13. 01-03-2005 | Report

    Multifocal Gastric Carcinoid Tumor in a Patient with Pernicious Anemia Receiving Lansoprazole

  14. 01-12-2012 | Letter

    Severe pernicious anemia with distinct cytogenetic and flow cytometric aberrations mimicking myelodysplastic syndrome

  15. 01-09-2012 | Report

    Diffuse Signet-Ring Cell Gastric Adenocarcinoma “Linitis Plastica” and Pernicious Anemia: a Rare Association

    The term “ linitis plastica ” or leather-bottle stomach was introduced by William Brinton in 1858. This Greek eponym literally translates as “linen cloth” and refers to the characteristic fibrous proliferation noted on histology. Although largely …

  16. 01-12-2012 | Letter

    Response to “Severe pernicious anemia with distinct cytogenetic and flow cytometric aberrations mimicking myelodysplastic syndrome”

  17. Open Access 01-12-2014 | OriginalPaper

    Portal, superior mesenteric and splenic vein thrombosis secondary to hyperhomocysteinemia with pernicious anemia: a case report

    Acute thrombosis of the splanchnic venous circulation is a condition that, albeit rare in the general population, is of vital importance to the clinician, given its life-threatening sequelae, which include mesenteric infarction and progressive …

  18. Open Access 01-12-2009 | OriginalPaper

    Acute myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism in a young man with pernicious anemia-induced severe hyperhomocysteinemia

    A 27 year-old man who presented to the hospital with progressive lower extremity weakness, developed an acute ST elevation myocardial infarction on his second hospital day. Primary angioplasty to the left anterior descending coronary artery was …

  19. 01-04-2013 | Letter

    Comment to the response to “Severe pernicious anemia with distinct cytogenetic and flow cytometric aberrations mimicking myelodysplastic syndrome”

  20. 01-04-2013 | OriginalPaper

    In Japanese patients with type A gastritis with pernicious anemia the condition is very poorly associated with Helicobacter pylori infection

    There are conflicting views about the association between type A gastritis with pernicious anemia (PA) and infection with Helicobacter pylori, and currently, no definite conclusion has been reached. In this study, we evaluated H. pylori infection …

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