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172132 search results for:

Nuclear Medicine 

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  1. Journal

    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

    Highly ranked among journals in its field, the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging provides a forum for the exchange of clinical and scientific information for the nuclear medicine community and allied professions involved …

  2. 24-05-2024 | Online First

    Patient communication of nuclear imaging results: do nuclear medicine practitioners have a role to play?

    Nuclear medicine practitioners are faced with the responsibility of communicating imaging examination results to clinicians involved directly in the management of patients referred to them for imaging studies, but do they have a role in …

  3. 29-04-2024 | Cardiac Amyloidosis | EditorialNotes

    Nuclear medicine practice for the assessment of cardiac sarcoidosis and amyloidosis. A survey endorsed by the EANM and EACVI.

    Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is an infiltrative and restrictive cardiomyopathy that might rapidly lead to heart failure if left untreated. The prognosis is variable and depends on the type of cardiac amyloidosis, but the end stages are associated with …

  4. Open Access 16-01-2024 | EditorialNotes

    The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)’s Response to the 2023 European Thyroid Association (ETA) clinical practice guidelines for thyroid nodule management and nuclear medicine: a deliberate oversight?

    The guidelines appropriately emphasised the adoption of TIRADS (Thyroid Imaging and Reporting Data System) as a pivotal tool for the risk stratification of thyroid nodules, underscoring its significance for the field. However, colleagues from the …

  5. 24-05-2024 | Molecular Imaging | Online First

    Why and how optical molecular imaging should further be catalyzed by nuclear medicine and molecular imaging: report from the EANM piloting group

  6. Open Access 10-02-2024 | Positron Emission Tomography | OriginalPaper

    A patient journey audit tool (PJAT) to assess quality indicators in a nuclear medicine service

    Nuclear medicine services are being increasingly sought for both diagnostic imaging procedures and radionuclide therapy in the evaluation of oncological, cardiac, neurological and endocrinological conditions and infections. The patient journey in …

  7. 18-04-2024 | Computed Tomography | Online First

    Current Status of Cardiac CT for Nuclear Medicine Professionals: Coronary Artery Disease Evaluation

    With advances in computed tomography (CT) technology over the past two decades, cardiac CT has become a noninvasive diagnostic tool for morphological evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD) caused by atherosclerotic plaques and stenosis and …

  8. Open Access 06-02-2024 | ReviewPaper

    Guardians of precision: advancing radiation protection, safety, and quality systems in nuclear medicine

    In the intricate world of healthcare, nuclear medicine has carved a niche for itself, offering innovative solutions for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. To ensure the significant advancements and contributions of nuclear medicine to …

  9. 02-04-2024 | Radionuclide Therapy | Online First

    The status of nuclear medicine in China: the first official national survey

    In 2020, the National Health Commission of China established the National Nuclear Medicine Quality Control Center (NNMQCC), located at Peking Union Medical College Hospital. One of the NNMQCC’s responsibilities is to develop a national quality …

  10. 24-02-2024 | Artificial Intelligence | EditorialNotes

    Recent Updates on Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Medicine Professionals: Prostate Cancer and PET/CT

    Elin Trägårdh, Olof Enqvist, Johannes Ulén, Jonas Jögi, Ulrika Bitzén, Fredrik Hedeer, Kristian Valind, Sabine Garpered, Erland Hvittfeldt, Pablo Borrelli, and Lars Edenbrandt.

  11. Open Access 23-03-2024 | Cardiac Amyloidosis | Online First

    Detection of cardiac amyloidosis on routine bone scintigraphy: an important gatekeeper role for the nuclear medicine physician

    Cardiac amyloidosis (CA)—mostly transthyretin-related (ATTR-CA)—has recently gained interest in cardiology. Bone scintigraphy (BS) is one of the main screening tools for ATTR-CA but also used for various other reasons. The objective was to …

  12. 29-02-2024 | Scintigraphy | OriginalPaper

    Nuclear medicine practice in Japan: a report of the ninth nationwide survey in 2022

    Subcommittee on Survey of Nuclear Medicine Practice in Japan has performed a nationwide survey of nuclear medicine practice every 5 years since 1982 to survey contemporary nuclear medicine practice and its changes over the years. The subcommittee …

  13. 09-01-2024 | Scintigraphy | EditorialNotes

    Recent Updates on Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Medicine Professionals: Bone Scintigraphy

    We face a new world of artificial intelligence (AI) when we wake up. It is like a labyrinth that changes in real time and can be really difficult to navigate. Small marks of researchers who went before often remain in various forms and lead the …

  14. 14-02-2024 | Cardiomyopathy | Online First

    Recent Progress of Cardiac MRI for Nuclear Medicine Professionals

    Recent technical innovation enables faster and more reliable cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging than before. Artificial intelligence is used in improving image resolution, fast scanning, and automated analysis of CMR. Fast CMR techniques …

  15. Journal

    Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

    Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Nucl Med Mol Imaging) publishes papers on nuclear medicine and a wide range of related sciences including radiochemistry, radiopharmacy, dosimetry and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of …

  16. 01-02-2024 | Urinary Tract Infection | Letter

    Conflicting views of physicians and surgeons concerning paediatric urinary tract infection: a comparative review. May nuclear medicine provide an answer? Reply to Hewitt et al.

  17. Journal

    Annals of Nuclear Medicine

    Annals of Nuclear Medicine is an official journal of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine. It develops the appropriate application of radioactive substances and stable nuclides in the field of medicine.

  18. 20-12-2023 | EditorialNotes

    Theragnostic: radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine as viewed through Hegel’s eyes

  19. 14-11-2023 | Artificial Intelligence | EditorialNotes

    The first international network symposium on artificial intelligence and informatics in nuclear medicine: “The bright future of nuclear medicine is illuminated by artificial intelligence”

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and informatics are rapidly gaining clinical relevance in healthcare and especially in medical imaging, with 76% of the currently FDA approved AI-enabled medical devices operating in the domain of radiology [ 1 ]. In …

  20. 20-12-2023 | Prostate Cancer | EditorialNotes

    Structured reporting in prostate cancer: the revolution of quality in nuclear medicine scan interpretation

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