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  1. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Meningitis | OriginalPaper

    Chronic meningitis in adults: a comparison between neurotuberculosis and neurobrucellosis

    Subacute or chronic meningitis refers to inflammation of the meninges that develops over days to weeks [ 1 ]. It is a serious category of neurological infections and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Given the wide range of …

  2. 01-02-2021 | Tuberculosis | ReviewPaper

    Neurotuberculosis: an update

    Tuberculous (TB) meningitis (TBM), accounting for 70–80% of cases of neurotuberculosis, is one of the most severe forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Two-thirds of new TB cases come from eight countries. Polymorphisms in toll–interleukin-1 …

  3. 03-01-2021 | Tuberculosis

    Development of high signal intensity within the globus pallidus and dentate nucleus following multiple administrations of gadoterate meglumine in a patient with neurotuberculosis

    Since 1988, when gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). At that time, those have been considered extremely safe pharmaceutical agents [ 1 ]. However, in the early 2000s, research has …

  4. 01-12-1999 | OriginalPaper

    Infection of the Central Nervous System by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (the New Neurotuberculosis)

    Neurologic complications of HIV infection are numerous. This review focuses on the clinical presentation, diagnostic particularities and therapeutic issues of neurotuberculosis. The pertinent literature describing this important infection is …

  5. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Tuberculosis | OriginalPaper

    Unusual presentation of miliary tuberculosis in a 12-year-old girl: a case report

    Tuberculosis (TB), caused by mycobacteria, is a preventable and curable disease with 1.5 million mortality annually most of them live in low and middle-income countries [ 1 ]. Intracranial tuberculosis (ITB) is an unusual and rare presentation of …

  6. Open Access 03-07-2023 | Meningoencephalitis | Case Study

    Bilateral vocal cord palsy as a complication of CNS tuberculosis

    A rare case of bilateral vocal cord palsy due to involvement of the caudal cranial nerves, emphasizing the importance of early treatment for tuberculous meningitis to prevent serious complications.

  7. Open Access 01-03-2020 | Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disease | ReviewPaper

    Brain miliary enhancement

    Contrast-enhanced MRI of the CNS is routinely used in clinical practice. Parenchymal enhancement after intravenous contrast administration is not disease-specific and may therefore be associated with many pathological processes, as it reflects …

  8. 01-05-2023 | Infliximab | News


    Neurotuberculosis: case report
  9. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Epilepsy | OriginalPaper

    Seizures in adults with suspected central nervous system infection

    Patients suspected of a central nervous system (CNS) infection often pose a diagnostic dilemma [ 1 ]. The differential diagnosis can be broad, and the diagnostic accuracy of clinical and laboratory features in this group is insufficient to …

  10. Open Access 01-12-2019 | Multiple Sclerosis | OriginalPaper

    Myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis (Schilder’s disease) is immunologically distinct from multiple sclerosis: results from retrospective analysis of 92 lumbar punctures

    Myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis (MDS; also termed Schilder’s disease or encephalitis periaxialis diffusa) was first described in 1912 by the Austrian psychiatrist Paul Ferdinand Schilder (1886–1940) [ 1 ]. MDS is characterized by one or two …

  11. 01-11-2021 | Candida Balanitis | News


    Lack of efficacy: case report
  12. Open Access 01-12-2021 | Tuberculosis | OriginalPaper

    Immunologic biomarkers, morbidity and mortality among HIV patients hospitalised in a Tertiary Care Hospital in the Brazilian Amazon

    Brazil has been successfully combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic by providing antiretroviral therapy (ART) in a unified, universal and free public health system that is widely available to the population [ 1 , 2 ]. The mortality rate due to HIV/AIDS in …

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