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18377 search results for:

Neurological Emergency Medicine 

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  1. Journal

    Neurocritical Care

    Neurocritical Care is a peer reviewed scientific publication whose major goal is to disseminate new knowledge on all aspects of acute neurological care. It is directed towards neurosurgeons, neuro-intensivists, neurologists, anesthesiologists, emergency physicians, and critical care nurses treating patients with urgent neurologic disorders …

  2. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Nitrous Oxide | OriginalPaper

    Serious consequences of nitrous oxide abuse

    An exceptional combination of polyneuropathy, bilateral pulmonary embolism, and severe pancytopenia related to vitamin B12 deficiency and hyperhomocysteinemia induced by recreational nitrous oxide use.

  3. 28-06-2023 | Traumatic Brain Injuries | Review

    Cardiac injury after TBI

    Acute brain injury triggers a systemic inflammatory response and a surge of catecholamines, resulting in different forms of cardiac injury in 25–35% of patients with TBI.

  4. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Circulatory Arrest | Review

    Critical care after cardiac arrest

    Systemic care of patients in the ICU after cardiac arrest influences survival and neurological outcomes, but guidelines are limited. These consensus statements advise clinicians on neurological, cardiac, pulmonary, hematological, infectious, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and general critical care management.

  5. Open Access 09-08-2023 | Brain Abscess | Case Study

    Nocardia brain abscess in a patient with poorly controlled diabetes

    A challenging case in which an immunocompromised patient with brain abscesses underwent extensive workup, but ultimately required a craniotomy with partial brain abscess resection to identify Nocardia infection.

  6. Open Access 04-08-2023 | Optic Neuritis | Case Study

    Toxic retrobulbar neuritis due to chronic sinusitis

    Optic neuritis is a highly probable differential diagnosis in acute unilateral vision loss, which in this case was induced by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug-exacerbated respiratory disease, a subtype of chronic rhinosinusitis.

  7. Open Access 29-06-2023 | Intracranial Aneurysm | Case Study

    Unilateral rete mirabile in multiple intracranial arteries

    Rete mirabile usually occurs in the middle cerebral or internal carotid artery. This is the first report of unilateral rete mirabile in multiple intracranial arteries with ipsilateral internal carotid artery agenesis.

  8. 07-06-2023 | Traumatic Brain Injuries | Case Study

    Intracranial monitoring or surgery in severe TBI

    A 27-year-old man presents with a severe traumatic brain injury with temporal lobe contusion after being hit by a car. Is invasive intracranial monitoring or immediate surgical decompression the best course of action?

  9. 17-07-2023 | Stroke | News | Article

    Butylphthalide boosts functional outcome in ischemic stroke after reperfusion

    “NBP in our trial was used within 6 hours after symptom onset; this early intervention can harness a more favorable time window to entry into play of plastic capacities of brain, which may have a potential protective role from neurological impairments,” Wang et al suggest. medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2023 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group JAMA Neurol 2023; doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.1871

  10. 13-07-2023 | Stroke | News | Article

    DAPT noninferior to alteplase for minor nondisabling acute ischemic stroke

    The researchers suggest this may be due to a greater number of patients crossing over from DAPT to alteplase than from alteplase to DAPT (n=87 vs 60), which “may have weakened the potential benefit of alteplase on early neurological improvement.”

  11. Open Access 21-06-2023 | Epileptic Seizure | Review

    Treating seizure clusters in epilepsy

    Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder in the United States, affecting approximately 1.2% of the population.

  12. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Back Pain | OriginalPaper

    Extravertebral low back pain: a scoping review

    Fundamentally, low back pain (LBP) represents a symptom rather than an aetiological diagnosis per se . Since establishing a definite pathophysiological diagnosis is often neither necessary nor possible, most clinical guidelines pragmatically …

  13. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | OriginalPaper

    Impact of intravenous accessibility and prehospital epinephrine use on survival outcomes of adult nontraumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients

    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) presents a life-threatening emergency, necessitating immediate and comprehensive intervention to enhance patient survival. Despite persistent efforts aimed at improving outcomes, the global survival rate for …

  14. 21-05-2024 | Neurological Emergencies | Online First

    Smartphone Use in the Management of Neurological Emergencies: A Simulation-Based Study

    Nearly all health care professionals use smartphone devices, and there is an increasing number of smartphone applications that are geared toward the medical field. Despite this, relatively little is known about how health professionals use …

  15. Open Access 01-12-2024 | OriginalPaper

    The 2023 WSES guidelines on the management of trauma in elderly and frail patients

    With improvements in health and social care in the last century, the over-65-year-old patient cohort makes up a quarter of the population in the developed world. In the year 2000, the number of persons aged 65 years and older represented just more …

  16. 18-05-2024 | Addiction | Online First

    The Fenice project to evaluate and improve the quality of healthcare in high-dependency care units: results after the first year

    High-Dependency care Units (HDUs) have been introduced worldwide as intermediate wards between Intensive Care Units (ICUs) and general wards. Performing a comparative assessment of the quality of care in HDU is challenging because there are no …

  17. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Carotid Endarterectomy | OriginalPaper

    Association between hospital ownership and patient selection, management, and outcomes after carotid endarterectomy or carotid artery stenting

    – Secondary data analysis of the Bavarian statutory quality assurance database –

    In contrast to tax-financed national health systems (Beveridge-model) such as in England, Spain, Denmark or the Scandinavian countries, the German health care system is based on social-insurance contributions (Bismarck-model) [ 1 ]. Embedded in …

  18. 27-04-2024 | Abstract

    Student Summer Research Awards – SSRA Abstracts of the SSRA September 2023 meeting, UCD School of Medicine

  19. 17-05-2024 | Abstract

    Abstracts of the ISAPS World Congress 2024, Cartagena, Colombia

    June 11–15, 2024
  20. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Emergency Medicine | OriginalPaper

    Prehospital anesthesia in postcardiac arrest patients: a multicenter retrospective cohort study

    Out-of-hospital-cardiac arrest continues to be of extraordinary social relevance due to its high mortality and morbidity [ 1 , 2 ]. In addition to strategies to shorten the treatment-free interval and to support early defibrillation, the importance …

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