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2834 search results for:

Menstrual and Ovulation Disorder 

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  1. Open Access 06-05-2024 | Contraception | ReviewPaper

    Contraception and Menstrual Management in Transmasculine and Gender-Diverse Individuals

    A 2022 study reported that 1.6 million adults and 0.6% of those 13 and older identify as transgender and gender-diverse in the United States [ 1 ]. However, this population has largely been excluded from healthcare research, despite experiencing …

  2. 19-05-2024 | Online First

    Ethical Risks of Systematic Menstrual Tracking in Sport

    In this article it will be concluded that systematic menstrual tracking in women’s sport has the potential to cause harm to athletes. Since the ruling of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022) in the United States, concerns regarding …

  3. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Obesity | OriginalPaper

    Association of heavy menstrual bleeding with cardiovascular disease in US female hospitalizations

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality with a global burden of approximately 19 million deaths in 2020, accounting for about 32% of all global deaths [ 1 ]. Considering sex differences and the increasing prevalence of …

  4. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Menorrhagia | OriginalPaper

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of the etiology of heavy menstrual bleeding in 2,770 adolescent females

    Among female adolescents, menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), has an estimated prevalence of 37% [ 1 ]. It is important to note the complexities in terminology when discussing heavy or abnormal menstrual bleeding. Differing terminology …

  5. Open Access 01-12-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Impact of Menstrual cycle-based Periodized training on Aerobic performance, a Clinical Trial study protocol—the IMPACT study

    Note: This protocol is written with the support and guidance of the SPIRIT 2013 and the SPIRIT-outcomes 2022 items [ 1 ]. The numbers in curly brackets in this protocol refer to SPIRIT checklist item numbers (see …

  6. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Migraine | OriginalPaper

    Continuous combined oral contraceptive use versus vitamin E in the treatment of menstrual migraine: rationale and protocol of a randomized controlled trial (WHAT!)

    Sex hormones have long been known to play a prominent role in the pathophysiology of migraine. Menstruation is an important factor increasing the susceptibility for an upcoming attack, with the highest risk in the period of 2 days before the …

  7. 15-12-2023 | Hypomenorrhea | OriginalPaper

    Prevalence of Menstrual Disorder in Women and Its Correlation to Body Mass Index and Physical Activity

    Menstruation is a cyclical phenomenon where in monthly discharge of blood and mucosal tissue lining from the uterus through the vagina takes places in women with onset of puberty. The menstrual cycle is marked by the rise and fall of hormones …

  8. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Breast Cancer | ReviewPaper

    Progesterone from ovulatory menstrual cycles is an important cause of breast cancer

    Many factors, including reproductive hormones, have been linked to a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer (BC). We reviewed the literature regarding the relationship between ovulatory menstrual cycles (MCs) and BC risk. Physiological …

  9. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Insulins | OriginalPaper

    Association between insulin resistance and abnormal menstrual cycle in Chinese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common reproductiveendocrine disorder in women of reproductive age today [ 1 , 2 ]. Studies have shown that its current prevalence is 5.5%-16.0% [ 3 ]. PCOS is characterized by polycystic ovaries …

  10. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Anxiety | OriginalPaper

    Gastrointestinal functioning and menstrual cycle phase in emerging young adult women: a cross-sectional study

    Evidence for sex differences in gastrointestinal (GI) functioning exist across many studies. For example, women reported significantly more GI symptoms, such as abdominal pain and bloating compared to men in two studies [ 1 , 2 ]. In another study …

  11. 30-06-2023 | Amenorrhoea | ReviewPaper

    The Prevalence of Menstrual Cycle Disorders and Menstrual Cycle-Related Symptoms in Female Athletes: A Systematic Literature Review

    Menstrual cycle (MC) disorders are broadly defined as abnormal uterine bleeding, ovarian dysfunction, pain and other symptomatology that characterise premenstrual syndrome (PMS) [ 1 – 3 ]. Abnormal uterine bleeding includes disruptions to bleeding …

  12. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | OriginalPaper

    Effects of GLP1RAs on pregnancy rate and menstrual cyclicity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a meta-analysis and systematic review

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder affecting 4 to 21% reproductive-age women and also the leading cause of anovulatory infertility [ 1 , 2 ]. Apart from its impact on ovulatory dysfunction, PCOS also affects overall health of …

  13. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Migraine | ReviewPaper

    Menstrual migraine is caused by estrogen withdrawal: revisiting the evidence

    Migraine is a disabling neurologic disease that affects more than one billion people worldwide, predominantly females [ 1 ]. Characteristic features include recurrent attacks of headache and accompanying symptoms such as photophobia, phonophobia …

  14. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | OriginalPaper

    The association between menstrual cycle characteristics and cardiometabolic outcomes in later life: a retrospective matched cohort study of 704,743 women from the UK

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major public health burden and remains the leading cause of mortality in women accounting for 35% of the total deaths worldwide based on estimates from the global burden of disease study [ 1 , 2 ]. Recent …

  15. 05-08-2023 | Primary Ovarian Insufficiency | OriginalPaper

    Chromosomal polymorphisms and susceptibility to menstrual disorders: a retrospective analysis of 24,578 women

    Menstruation, also called menstrual period or period, is the periodic vaginal discharge of the endometrium and blood from the lining of the uterus after ovulation that occurs as part of a woman’s monthly cycle. The cycle is part of the …

  16. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Fertility | OriginalPaper

    Oil-based versus water-based contrast media for hysterosalpingography in infertile women of advanced age, with ovulation disorders or a high risk for tubal pathology: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial (H2Oil2 study)

    Infertility, defined as the inability to conceive within 12 months of unprotected intercourse, was estimated to effect approximately 48.5 million couples worldwide in 2010 [ 1 , 2 ]. Fertility work-up includes the medical investigation into the …

  17. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Insulins | OriginalPaper

    Hyperandrogenism and menstrual imbalance are the best predictors of metformin response in PCOS patients

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Its etiology is complex and poorly understood. PCOS is clinically characterized by hyperandrogenism and ovulatory disturbances frequently …

  18. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Nutrition | OriginalPaper

    Are health promoting lifestyles associated with pain intensity and menstrual distress among Iranian adolescent girls?

    Dysmenorrhea (i.e., painful menstruation) is one of the most common reproductive problems and occurs as acute pelvic pain around the time of menstruation [ 1 ]. It is defined as primary or secondary according to the underlying pathological …

  19. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Obesity | OriginalPaper

    The mediating role of menstrual irregularity on obesity and sexual function in Chinese women with pelvic floor disorders: a cross-sectional study

    Sexual health is a universal part of women’s life quality at all ages. If a woman has sexual dysfunction, it can be dyspareunia, lack of vaginal lubrication, difficulty to reach orgasm, vaginal bleeding or irritation after sex, and loss of sexual …

  20. Open Access 15-03-2023 | Migraine | OriginalPaper

    The effects of estradiol levels on crossmodal perception: a study on the sound induced flash illusion in healthy and menstrually related migraine individuals

    Variations of gonadal hormones estradiol and progesterone can affect cognition, mood, emotion, and social behavior throughout the menstrual cycle and contribute to modulate the delicate balance between excitatory and inhibitory processes in the …

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