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34 search results for:

Lichen Nitidus 

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  1. 01-10-2008 | Letter

    Persistent Generalized Lichen Nitidus Successfully Treated with Enoxaparin Sodium

  2. 01-04-2024 | Dupilumab | News

    Multiple drugs

    Lack of efficacy and lichen nitidus
  3. Open Access 01-06-2021 | Alopecia Areata | ReviewPaper

    Use of H-1 Antihistamine in Dermatology: More than Itch and Urticaria Control: A Systematic Review

    H-1 antihistamines are commonly used in dermatological practice for itch and urticaria control. The widespread expression of H-1 receptor on different cells in the skin and various biologic functions of H-1 antihistamines indicate the possible …

  4. 01-07-2021 | Glimepiride | News

    Non-serious case reports

  5. 01-03-2021 | Alopecia | News

    Non-serious case reports

  6. Open Access 22-09-2022 | Alopecia Areata | ReviewPaper

    Use of Contact Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Skin Diseases Other than Alopecia Areata

    For decades, contact immunotherapy with dinitrochlorobenzene, diphencyprone, and squaric acid dibutylester has played an important role in both clinical practice and scientific research. It is listed as the first-line treatment for extensive …

  7. Open Access 01-12-2021 | Vasculitis | Letter

    Dermoscopy in General Dermatology (Non-Neoplastic Dermatoses): The Journey So Far

    Although classically used for assisting the diagnosis of skin neoplasias, dermoscopy is increasingly gaining significant appreciation also in the field of general dermatology, including inflammatory, pigmentary, infectious, and infiltrative …

  8. 01-12-2020 | Bullous Pemphigoid | ReviewPaper

    Management of Immune-Related Cutaneous Adverse Reactions to PD-1 and PD-L1 Inhibitors for the Inpatient Dermatologist

    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPi) are a class of immunotherapeutic agents that have revolutionized oncologic care within the past decade. This pharmacologic group includes monoclonal antibodies targeting PD-1 (nivolumab, pembrolizumab …

  9. 01-11-2020 | Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections | News

    Non-serious case reports

  10. 01-05-2020 | Lichen Nitidus | News


    Various toxicities: case report
  11. 01-12-2021 | Piperacillin | News


    Dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome and leukaemoid reaction: case report
  12. 01-08-2021 | Pathology | Abstract

    33 rd European Congress of Pathology – Abstracts

  13. 01-04-2019 | Kidney Cancer | News


    Psoriasiform dermatitis and generalised lichen nitidus: case report
  14. 01-05-2021 | Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis | News


    Lack of efficacy: case report
  15. 01-04-2018 | News


    Generalised lichen nitidus: case report
  16. 01-08-2018 | News


    Lichen nitidus: case report
  17. 01-08-2017 | News


    Generalised lichen nitidus-like eruption: case report
  18. 01-09-2015 | OriginalPaper

    Role of skin biopsy in papulosquamous lesions—a comparative study

    Dermatologists make their clinical diagnosis mostly through skin reaction patterns. This study was done to assess the correlation between the clinical diagnoses of papulosquamous lesions made at dermatological clinics and the diagnosis of these …

  19. 01-04-2019 | Lichen Nitidus | News


    Generalised lichen nitidus: case report
  20. 01-07-2021 | Herpes Virus | OriginalPaper

    Viral Venereal Diseases of the Skin

    Viral venereal diseases remain difficult to treat. Human papilloma virus (HPV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) are two common viral venereal diseases. HPV infections are characterized by anogenital warts and less commonly by premalignant or …

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