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Electric Burn 

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  1. 16-06-2023 | Electric Burn | OriginalPaper

    Electrical burn injuries: disabling lives even in 2022

    In the modern era of applied sciences, and with ascending mechanization, electricity has become an integral part of daily activities at household as well as industrial level. With this widespread consumption, electrical burn injuries have created …

  2. 01-09-2023 | Nerve Stimulation | OriginalPaper

    Comparative analysis of photobiomodulation therapy and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for burning mouth: a randomized clinical trial

    Burning in the mouth is a chronic painful condition that has received numerous definitions depending on the interpretation of different organizations that review this conflicting entity [ 1 – 3 ]. According to the International Headache Society …

  3. Open Access 01-12-2019 | OriginalPaper

    Burn wounds after electrical injury in a bathtub: a case report

    Risks of electrical devices in household use are underestimated. Although products are thoroughly tested and certified, they pose a great danger if used inappropriately. Electrical injuries can be caused by low-voltage electric current (50–1000 V) …

  4. 01-04-2022 | Wound Debridement | OriginalPaper

    Efficacy and safety of free medial plantar flap in repair of the high-voltage electrical burns in hands

    Although everyone has a certain knowledge of safe electricity use, the incidence of electrical burns is still high. In the United States, patients with electrical burns account for about 4% of hospitalized burn patients during the same period [ 1 …

  5. 01-05-2021 | Letter

    Cerebral Abscess: A Delayed Complication of Electrical Burns

  6. 01-02-2021 | Electric Burn | OriginalPaper

    Study of serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase levels and their correlation in high-voltage electric contact burns

    Electric burns are relatively uncommon compared with the thermal burns and constitute around 5–7% of total admissions in burn centers [ 1 – 3 ]. They inflict significant morbidity and mortality, and they are the most common cause of amputations in …

  7. Open Access 01-12-2020 | OriginalPaper

    Lower trapezius myocutaneous flap repairs adjacent deep electrical burn wounds

    Local tissue damage caused by electrical burns is often deep and severe. After debridement, tendons, nerves, important blood vessels, bones, and joints are easily exposed, making the wound difficult to repair [ 1 ]. In the past, these required …

  8. 01-12-2015 | Letter

    Electrical burn injuries secondary to copper theft

  9. 01-08-2013 | OriginalPaper

    The Management of Electrical Burn

    Aim of treatment is to achieve skin cover to prevent infection and to allow early mobilization. Electrical injuries are a relatively uncommon. Adult electrical injuries usually occur as an occupational hazard, whereas children are primarily …

  10. 01-12-2011 | OriginalPaper

    Changing trends in pediatric upper extremity electrical burns

    Burn injuries of the upper extremity may cause significant morbidity and disability in those affected. Electrical burns of the upper extremity add another level of complexity with tissue injury, rhabdomyolysis, and neurolysis occurring due to …

  11. 01-06-2015 | OriginalPaper

    The reconstructive challenges of electrical burns to the scalp: A case series

    Soft tissue or bony loss to the scalp and forehead present a reconstructive challenge, especially in the young patient. Much literature is available on scalp and forehead reconstruction for primary malignant pathologies, however reconstruction for …

  12. 01-02-2016 | OriginalPaper

    Management of scalp defects due to high-voltage electrical burns: a case series and proposed algorithm to treat calvarium injury

    The scalp extends anteriorly from the supraorbital ridge and posteriorly until the superior nuchal line of the occiput [ 1 ]. The causes of scalp defects are many; among them, post oncologic resection, trauma, infection and burns are common. In …

  13. 01-02-2004 | OriginalPaper

    The domestic washing machine: a common cause of electrical burn

    The dependence of the domestic washing machine on electricity makes it a potential source of an electric shock that can therefore lead to a burn. The aim of this report is to present a typical case of a washing machine burn and analyse their …

  14. 01-06-2015 | Erratum

    Erratum to: The reconstructive challenges of electrical burns to the scalp: a case series

  15. 01-05-1997 | OriginalPaper

    Intimal hypertrophy and tunica media degeneration of injured arteries in electrical burns

    This study describes the histologic findings of injured arteries after electrical burns. These findings are shown to correlate with the clinical findings of soft tissue necrosis and delayed bleeding. Eight patients with severe electrical injuries …

  16. 01-12-2001 | OriginalPaper

    A histological study on the mechanism of epidermal nuclear elongation in electrical and burn injuries

    Epidermal nuclear elongation is one of the most important signs for the diagnosis of electrical injury. In this study, we investigated the mechanism responsible for this phenomenon by comparing the findings from burn injuries and those from …

  17. 01-07-2009 | OriginalPaper

    Aesthetic Pubic Reconstruction After Electrical Burn Using a Portion of Hair-Bearing Expanded Free-Forehead Flap

    An electrical burn in the pubic region usually results in deep soft tissue loss in the area, including the pubic hair [ 1 ]. A large flap with a certain amount of hair could be an ideal option for the reconstruction of the pubic lesion. Since an …

  18. Open Access 01-05-2013 | Abstract

    Should serum creatinine kinase levels and an ECG be routinely obtained in low voltage electrical burn injuries?

    Initial excess of creatinine kinase (CK) has been shown to correlate with extent of muscle damage in electrical burns.[ 1 ] High voltage burns leading to extensive muscle damage, compartment syndrome and rhabodmyolysis is clinically apparent at an …

  19. 01-12-2014 | OriginalPaper

    Electrical burn injuries of 246 patients treated at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo during the period 2005–2010

    In the developing world, the incidence of electrical injuries has increased in the past few years [ 1 ]. Electrical injuries represent approximately 5 % of all burn admissions to burn units in the United States [ 2 – 4 ]. Injuries due to electrical …

  20. 01-02-2013 | OriginalPaper

    Utility of Serum Creatinine, Creatine Kinase and Urinary Myoglobin in Detecting Acute Renal Failure due to Rhabdomyolysis in Trauma and Electrical Burns Patients

    Rhabdomyolysis due to trauma and burns is an important cause of acute renal failure (ARF) secondary to myoglobinuria. To prevent morbidity and mortality from ARF due to rhabdomyolysis, early detection of ARF by monitoring the biochemical …

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