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23 search results for:

Corrective in Endodontics 

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  1. Open Access 07-11-2023 | Corrective in Endodontics | ReviewPaper

    The effect of hard tissue defects on the clinical outcome of endodontic microsurgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Endodontic microsurgery (EMS) procedures are indicated in previously treated teeth where non-surgical retreatment is not feasible or as an adjunct to non-surgical root canal treatment in teeth with longstanding periapical disease and can also be …

  2. 01-06-2024 | Events

    CARS 2024—Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 38th International Congress and Exhibition Barcelona, Spain, June 18–21, 2024

  3. Open Access 01-12-2021 | Root Canal Debridement | OriginalPaper

    A protocol for the Development of Core Outcome Sets for Endodontic Treatment modalities (COSET): an international consensus process

  4. 18-08-2023 | Abstract

    EANM’23 Abstract Book Congress Sep 9-13, 2023

  5. 01-10-2020 | Corrective in Endodontics | OriginalPaper

    Predicting the outcome of initial non-surgical endodontic procedures by periapical status and quality of root canal filling: a cohort study

    To assess the previous periapical status and the quality of root canal filling as predictors of the outcome in initial non-surgical endodontic procedures. A retrospective cohort study was designed in which the presence of a previous periapical …

  6. 01-06-2021 | Bleaching | Abstract

    Abstracts of the 10th Virtual Conseuro 2021 Congress

  7. 02-11-2022 | Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization | OriginalPaper

    Molar Incisor Hypomineralization in adolescents and adults and its association with facial profile and occlusion

    Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is a qualitative defect of dental enamel development (DDE) affecting at least one permanent first molar, and may or may not be associated with permanent incisors [ 1 ]. However, the presence of enamel …

  8. Open Access 01-02-2022 | Bone Infection | ReviewPaper

    Pathophysiology of Demineralization, Part II: Enamel White Spots, Cavitated Caries, and Bone Infection

    Demineralization is the fundamental mechanism for loss of mineralized tissue [ 1 – 5 ]. The biomechanics of routine loading, parafunction, and aging results in accumulation of microdamage that compromises structural integrity. Bone remodels to …

  9. 01-09-2019 | Caries | EditorialNotes

    National guidelines for dental diagnostic imaging in the developmental age

    On the recommendation of the “Technical Dentistry Group – GTO*” operating at the General Secretariat, the following professionals took part in drawing these guidelines: Maria Cristina FIRETTO (Foundation IRCCS “Cà Granda”- Ospedale Maggiore …

  10. 01-01-2020 | Root Canal Debridement | ReviewPaper

    Oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) before and after endodontic treatment: a systematic review

    There has been a paradigm shift in health care to assess treatment needs and treatment outcomes from the perspective of the patient rather than rely on the perspective of clinicians alone [ 1 ]. Pain and discomfort arising from endodontic diseases …

  11. 01-12-2021 | Abstract

    45th AOMSI Conference

  12. 01-11-2019 | Events

    44th National AOMSI Conference

  13. 01-11-2017 | Events

    42 Annual Congress of AOMSI Nagpur 16–18 Nov 2017

  14. 01-09-2020 | Abstract

    European Association of Nuclear Medicine October 22 – 30, 2020 Virtual

  15. 01-06-2018 | Events

    CARS 2018—Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress and Exhibition Berlin, Germany, June 20–23, 2018

  16. 01-08-2016 | Events

    Scientific Abstracts of the 13th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD)

  17. 01-03-2016 | Abstract

    Scientific Abstracts of 40th Annual Conference of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

  18. 01-06-2017 | Events

    CARS 2017—Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 31st International Congress and Exhibition Barcelona, Spain, June 20–24, 2017

  19. Open Access 01-04-2018 | Events


  20. 01-10-2018 | Events

    43rd National AOMSI Conference

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