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29935 search results for:

Cardiovascular Disease in Intensive Care Medicine 

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  1. Journal

    Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis

    A Journal for Translation, Application and Therapeutics in Thrombosis and Vascular Science

    The Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis is a long-awaited resource for contemporary cardiologists, hematologists, vascular medicine specialists and clinician-scientists actively involved in treatment decisions and clinical investigation of …

  2. 12-01-2024 | Circulatory Arrest | Review

    Post Cardiac Arrest Care in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

    An overview of the evidence to determine optimal care of post cardiac arrest patients, including timing for routine angiography, therapeutic hypothermia, permissive hypercapnia, and empiric aspiration pneumonia treatment.

  3. Open Access 22-11-2023 | Cardiovascular Disease in Intensive Care Medicine | Case Study

    Mediastinal lipectomy for tamponade-like cardiac physiology

    Following coronary artery bypass, a patient in the ICU demonstrated evidence of compression of the right heart. Surgeons re-opened the chest and discovered significant  mediastinal fat surrounding the heart, which was successfully resected. 

  4. 08-05-2023 | Heart Failure | Review

    Management of acute right ventricular failure

    Acute right ventricular failure is a frequent and life-threatening condition, most commonly caused by pulmonary hypertension. Comprehensive understanding of the latest treatment approaches is essential. 

  5. Open Access 01-06-2024 | Abstract

    SCTS annual meeting 2023 abstracts

  6. 01-06-2024 | Abstract

    ESPR 2024

  7. 05-04-2024 | Airway Management | News | Article

    Individualized oxygenation targets have mortality benefit in ventilated ICU patients

    Personalized oxygenation saturation targets based on machine learning could significantly reduce mortality risk among patients on mechanical ventilators in intensive care units.

  8. 14-02-2024 | Septicemia | News | Article

    New criteria to help identify children at risk for sepsis

    Data were obtained from children younger than 18 years old who were admitted to emergency departments, intensive care units, or had a hospital stay between 2010 and 2019, with information on 3,049,699 children included in a dataset for development (derivation and internal validation) and on 581,317 children in an external validation dataset.

  9. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Antibiotic | OriginalPaper

    The 2023 WSES guidelines on the management of trauma in elderly and frail patients

    With improvements in health and social care in the last century, the over-65-year-old patient cohort makes up a quarter of the population in the developed world. In the year 2000, the number of persons aged 65 years and older represented just more …

  10. 01-06-2024 | Events

    CARS 2024—Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 38th International Congress and Exhibition Barcelona, Spain, June 18–21, 2024

  11. 09-05-2024 | Echocardiography | Online First

    Guidance for performance, utilization, and education of cardiac and lung point-of-care ultrasonography from the Japanese Society of Echocardiography

    In recent years, bedside ultrasound examinations have been used in many clinical departments and are called point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS). Regarding POCUS in the cardiac field, a protocol called focus (focused) cardiac ultrasound (FoCUS) has …

  12. 22-05-2024 | Online First

    XIV National Congress SISMES

  13. Open Access 01-12-2024 | COVID-19 | OriginalPaper

    COVID-19 in three waves in a tertiary referral hospital in Belgium: a comparison of patient characteristics, management, and outcome

    Since December 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has spread across the world. In Belgium, a first epidemic wave unfolded during spring 2020, a second in autumn and winter of 2020–2021, and a third wave spring 2021, coinciding with the emergence of the …

  14. Open Access 01-12-2024 | ReviewPaper

    Guideline for the application of heart rate and heart rate variability in occupational medicine and occupational health science

    This updated guideline replaces the “Guideline for the application of heart rate and heart rate variability in occupational medicine and occupational health science” first published in 2014. Based on the older version of the guideline, the authors …

  15. Open Access 14-05-2024 | Biomarkers | Online First

    Combination of Creatinine with Inflammatory Biomarkers (PCT, CRP, hsCRP) for Predicting Postoperative ICU Admissions for Elderly Patients

    Over the past three decades, improvements in the quality of healthcare have led to an increase in life expectancy. In 2019, there were about 703 million people aged 65 years and over worldwide, and the number is expected to reach 1.5 billion by …

  16. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Pneumonia | OriginalPaper

    Postoperative pneumonia after femoral fracture surgery: an in-depth retrospective analysis

    Femoral fractures are recognized as a serious, debilitating problem worldwide, especially concerning the geriatric population. As this issue continues to rise, with an annual estimate of 1.6 million patients with a hip fracture hospitalized [ 1 ] …

  17. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Acute Pancreatitis | OriginalPaper

    Opportunistic screening for long-term muscle wasting in critically ill patients: insights from an acute pancreatitis cohort

    Among the many gastrointestinal conditions that lead to hospitalization, acute pancreatitis is one of the most common. The severity of acute pancreatitis (AP) encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from clinically self-limiting cases to rapidly …

  18. Open Access 06-05-2024 | Heart Failure | OriginalPaper

    Real-World Clinical Burden of Newly Diagnosed Heart failure in Thai Patients

    Heart failure (HF) is a significant global public health concern, impacting a considerable number of individuals across the world [ 1 ]. However, the occurrence of this condition varies from one region to another. The prevalence of HF in Western …

  19. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Hyperkalemia | OriginalPaper

    The impact of hyperkalemia on ICU admission and mortality: a retrospective study of Chinese emergency department data

    Hyperkalemia is a frequently encountered electrolyte imbalance in clinical settings [ 1 ], Which is traditionally defined as a serum potassium level > 5.5 mmol/l [ 2 ]. This condition can give rise to various complications, notably cardiac …

  20. Open Access 03-05-2024 | COVID-19 | Online First

    Association between serum levels of GDF-15, suPAR, PIVKA-II, sdLDL and clinical outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

    To quantify the circulating levels of novel serum biomarkers including GDF-15, PIVKA-II, sdLDL, suPAR, and of CRP in hospitalized COVID-19 patients compared with healthy subjects, and to evaluate their association(s) with outcomes in COVID-19. We …

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