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  1. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Andropause | OriginalPaper

    The severity of andropause symptoms and its relationship with social well-being among retired male nurses: a preliminary cross-sectional study

    Nursing is a stressful job, and nurses are exposed to physical, mental, sexual, and social disorders due to exposure to various stresses such as high levels of work pressure, individual conflicts, rotational shifts, exposure to mortality, and lack …

  2. 01-07-2003 | OriginalPaper

    Andropause: To treat or not to treat?

  3. 01-10-2005 | OriginalPaper

    Andropause: Need for concrete guidelines until more evidence becomes available

  4. 01-11-2000 | OriginalPaper

    Testosterone: the male HRT for andropause

  5. 01-05-2005 | OriginalPaper

    Andropause: Is the Emperor Wearing Any Clothes?

  6. 01-08-2016 | OriginalPaper

    Modification Effects of Changes in Job Demands on Associations Between Changes in Testosterone Levels and Andropause Symptoms: 2-Year Follow-up Study in Male Middle-Aged Japanese Workers

    Progressive reduction in the function of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis has been observed in aging males, particularly after the age of 50 years [ 1 ]. Also, serum levels of testosterone decline through central and peripheral mechanisms [ …

  7. 01-06-2009 | OriginalPaper

    Prostatic profile, premature ejaculation, erectile function and andropause in an at-risk Mexican population

    Lower urinary tract obstructive symptoms are a very common clinical condition in adult men and are frequently associated with sexual disorders concerning ejaculation and signs and symptoms of androgen deficiency. These symptoms are considered to …

  8. Urology | Journal

    Current Urology Reports

    Current Urology Reports offers in-depth review articles contributed by international experts on the most significant developments in the field. By providing clear, insightful, balanced review articles that emphasize recently published papers of …

  9. Urology | Journal

    African Journal of Urology

    African Journal of Urology  (AFJU) plays an important and recognised role in contributing to the understanding of urological diseases. The journal is an open access peer reviewed journal publishing quality research that covers oncology related issues, endourology, genitourinary medicine, andrology …

  10. Urology | Journal

    BMC Urology

    BMC Urology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of urological disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology.

  11. Urology | Journal

    World Journal of Urology

    The World Journal of Urology publishes the essential results of urological research and their practical and clinical relevance to a broad audience of urologists in research and clinical practice. In order to guarantee a balanced program, articles …

  12. Urology | Journal

    International Urology and Nephrology

    International Urology and Nephrology publishes original papers on a broad range of topics in urology, nephrology and andrology. The journal integrates papers originating from clinical practice.

  13. Urology | Journal

    Geriatric Nephrology and Urology

    Geriatric Nephrology and Urology  is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.

  14. 27-12-2023 | Hypopituitarism | Online First

    Diagnosing and treating the elderly individual with hypopituitarism

    Hypopituitarism in the elderly is an underestimated condition mainly due to the non-specific presentation that can be attributed to the effects of aging and the presence of comorbidities. Diagnosis and treatment of hypopituitarism often represent …

  15. Open Access 13-04-2024 | Hypopituitarism | Review

    Pitfalls in the assessment of hypopituitarism

    Definitive diagnosis of pituitary insufficiency is largely based on laboratory tests, but these tests have limitations. Clinicians need to be alert to laboratory values that do not match the clinical picture.

  16. Open Access 01-12-2024 | CABG | OriginalPaper

    Sex differences in the physiological responses to cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review

    Heart disease (HD) is one of the leading causes of death in Canadian women with ischemic HD responsible for the vast majority at almost 14,000 deaths per year [ 1 ]. The age-standardized prevalence of ischemic HD in Canadian women is 6.3% compared …

  17. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Bariatric Surgery | OriginalPaper

    Sexuality and self-concept of morbidly obese women who are sexually attracted to men after bariatric surgery: a phenomenological study

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines being overweight as having a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2, and obesity as a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 [ 1 ]. Morbid obesity (MO) is a serious health condition as it means having a BMI greater than 40 kg/m² …

  18. 01-06-2019 | Erectile Dysfunction | OriginalPaper

    Peyronie’s disease and testosterone deficiency: Is there a link?

    Peyronie’s disease (PD) is a connective tissue disorder that involves scarring and plaque development in the tunica albuginea of the penis [ 1 ]. PD is associated with penile pain, curvature, shortening, and can contribute to erectile dysfunction …

  19. Open Access 15-01-2024 | Dementia | OriginalPaper

    Who Benefited the Most? Effectiveness of a Lifestyle Intervention Against Cognitive Decline in Older Women and Men – Secondary Analysis of the

    T o date, more than 55 million people are living with dementia and the tendency is expected to rise to nearly 140 million in the next twenty-five years ( 1 ). Currently, available treatments can improve cognitive function but do not provide a cure …

  20. 03-10-2023 | ReviewPaper

    The Plateau in Muscle Growth with Resistance Training: An Exploration of Possible Mechanisms

    It is hypothesized that there is likely a finite ability for muscular adaptation. While it is difficult to distinguish between a true plateau following a long-term training period and short-term stalling in muscle growth, a plateau in muscle …

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