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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

1997 - 2025
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Issue 3/2025
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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment OnlineFirst articles

About this journal

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment provides the surgeon, radiotherapist, medical oncologist, endocrinologist, epidemiologist, immunologist or cell biologist investigating problems in breast cancer a single forum for communication. The journal creates a "market place" for breast cancer topics which cuts across all the usual lines of disciplines, providing a site for presenting pertinent investigations, and for discussing critical questions relevant to the entire field. It seeks to develop a new focus and new perspectives for all those concerned with breast cancer.

Oncology is undoubtedly the most rapidly growing subspecialty in the field of medicine, and breast cancer is one of the most serious problems of oncology. It is the leading cause of death of women in many countries, and is truly a multidisciplinary problem without geographic restrictions. Yet this very multidisciplinary aspect accounts for breast cancer literature appearing in any of the dozens of existing medical journals. None of these journals provides a focus on the unique problems of breast cancer. There has been no convenient arena for the discussion and resolution of ongoing controversies in breast cancer treatment, or for the consideration of thoughtful speculation and comments on current work. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment aims to fill this need.

Each issue contains several articles dealing with original laboratory investigations and articles dealing with clinical studies. There are sections devoted to review articles, pro and con discussions of controversial subjects, meeting reports, and editorials. The panel discussions encourage experts to consider important topics.There is a section for letters to the editor, which provides for a lively exchange of opinions on previously published articles or other topics of interest. There is also an opportunity to publish the proceedings of special workshops, symposia, etc., devoted to breast cancer. All man uscripts are peer reviewed by a distinguished group of advisory editors from many countries covering all of the various disciplines of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Volume 42/1997 - Volume 210/2025
Springer US
Electronic ISSN
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ASH 2024 Annual Meeting Coverage

inMIND supports tafasitamab addition in follicular lymphoma

Combining tafasitamab with lenalidomide and rituximab significantly improves progression-free survival for patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma.

Featuring the official presentation video

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Recent advances in the use of CAR T-cell therapies in relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma

In this webinar, Professor Martin Dreyling and an esteemed international panel of CAR T-cell therapy experts discuss the latest data on the safety, efficacy, and clinical impact of CAR T-cell therapies in the treatment of r/r DLBCL and r/r FL.

Please note, this webinar is not intended for healthcare professionals based in the US and UK.

Sponsored by:
  • Novartis Pharma AG
Chaired by: Prof. Martin Dreyling
Developed by: Springer Healthcare
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