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Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy

2000 - 2024
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Issue 6/2024
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Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy OnlineFirst articles

About this journal

Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy provides researchers and healthcare professionals with insights into the latest molecular diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and their use in precision medicine.

Via a program of reviews and original research articles, the journal is focused on linking diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers to appropriate therapy, with an emphasis on the development of companion diagnostic/therapeutic products, along with the analysis of pharmacogenomic data for drug development and therapeutic decision making.

As a hybrid journal, Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy does not charge authors to publish using the traditional subscription-based publishing route, but does offer the option to publish accepted articles open access if authors so wish or if their funders require. This is achieved via the Springer Open Choice™ initiative. More information about this optional route to open access and the associated article processing charge can be found by clicking on the ‘How to publish with us, including Open Access’ link below.

Molecular Drugs & Therapy offers a range of additional features designed to increase the visibility, readership and educational value of the journal’s content. Each article is accompanied by a Key Points summary, giving a time-efficient overview of the content to a wide readership. Articles may be accompanied by plain language summaries to assist readers who have some knowledge of, but not in-depth expertise in, the area to understand the scientific content and overall implications of the article. The journal also provides the option to include various types of digital features including animated abstracts, video abstracts, slide decks, audio slides, instructional videos, infographics, podcasts and animations. All additional features are peer reviewed to the same high standard as the article itself. Peer review is conducted using Editorial Manager®, supported by a database of international experts. This database is shared with other Adis journals.

Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy
Volume 5/2000 - Volume 28/2024
Springer International Publishing
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Journal ID

Keynote webinar | Spotlight on adolescent vaping

  • Live
  • Webinar | 29-01-2025 | 18:00 (CET)

Live: Wednesday 29th January, 18:00-19:30 CET

Growing numbers of young people are using e-cigarettes, despite warnings of respiratory effects and addiction. How can doctors tackle the epidemic, and what health effects should you prepare to manage in your clinics?

Prof. Ann McNeill
Dr. Debbie Robson
Benji Horwell
Developed by: Springer Medicine
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Keynote webinar | Spotlight on modern management of frailty

Frailty has a significant impact on health and wellbeing, especially in older adults. Our experts explain the factors that contribute to the development of frailty and how you can manage the condition and reduce the risk of disability, dependency, and mortality in your patients.

Prof. Alfonso Cruz-Jentoft
Prof. Barbara C. van Munster
Prof. Mirko Petrovic
Developed by: Springer Medicine
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A quick guide to ECGs

Improve your ECG interpretation skills with this comprehensive, rapid, interactive course. Expert advice provides detailed feedback as you work through 50 ECGs covering the most common cardiac presentations to ensure your practice stays up to date. 

PD Dr. Carsten W. Israel
Developed by: Springer Medizin
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At a glance: The STEP trials

A round-up of the STEP phase 3 clinical trials evaluating semaglutide for weight loss in people with overweight or obesity.

Developed by: Springer Medicine
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