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BMC Cardiovascular Disorders

2001 - 2024
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Issue 1/2024
Latest issue

About this journal

Exploring all aspects of research related to disorders of the heart and circulatory system, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders is a well-established open access peer-reviewed journal with a broad scope and an international Editorial Board. Fast publication after acceptance ensures your work is made available quickly to a large global readership. This journal is part of the BMC series, a collection of journals that are focused on individual research communities, publishing all scientifically valid studies based on community-aligned standards of questioning, methods and analysis.

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
Volume 1/2001 - Volume 24/2024
BioMed Central
Electronic ISSN
Journal ID

A quick guide to ECGs

Improve your ECG interpretation skills with this comprehensive, rapid, interactive course. Expert advice provides detailed feedback as you work through 50 ECGs covering the most common cardiac presentations to ensure your practice stays up to date. 

PD Dr. Carsten W. Israel
Developed by: Springer Medizin
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Keynote webinar | Spotlight on medication adherence

  • Webinar | 27-06-2024 | 18:00 (CEST)

Medication non-adherence is a major barrier to effective healthcare delivery; half of all patients do not follow their doctor’s recommendations or treatment plan.

Our experts explain the fundamentals with a practical discussion of how to manage non-adherence in two common scenarios: hypertension and asthma control.

Prof. Kevin Dolgin
Prof. Florian Limbourg
Prof. Anoop Chauhan
Developed by: Springer Medicine
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