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822 search results for:

Thread Lifting 

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  1. 06-03-2024 | Liposuction | OriginalPaper

    Combining Liposuction and Thread-Lifting for Middle-Lower Facial Rejuvenation

    Facial aging is characterized by skin wrinkling and sagging, as well as herniation and migration of fat compartments [ 1 – 3 ]. Thread-lifting (TL) is to lift the saggy skin by inserting barbed or cog threads in the layer of superficial muscular …

  2. Open Access 14-11-2023 | Injectable Filler | OriginalPaper

    Infraorbital Rejuvenation Combined with Thread-Lifting and Non-cross-linked Hyaluronic Acid Injection: A Retrospective, Case-Series Study

    The infraorbital area is one of the primary regions to show signs of aging, making a significant contribution to the overall facial appearance. The aging process is influenced by a combination of genetic composition and environmental factors.

  3. 26-07-2022 | Fat Grafting | OriginalPaper

    Satisfaction of Patients and Surgeons with Combined Aptos Thread Lifting Treatment, Fat Grafting and Laser Treatment

    Facial aging is process that leads to a decrease in skin quality, fat atrophy and subsequent loss of facial volume and elasticity, resulting in ptotic skin [ 1 , 2 ]. Knowing the aging process helps doctors prioritize and rationalize decisions …

  4. 13-09-2022 | Fat Grafting | Letter

    Comment on “Satisfaction of Patients and Surgeons with Combined Aptos Thread Lifting Treatment, Fat Grafting and Laser Treatment”

  5. 14-11-2022 | Skin Wrinkling | Letter

    A Case Study: Comprehensive Approach for Treating Horizontal Neck Wrinkles using Hyaluronic Acid Injections and Thread-lifting

    I commend the authors to have chosen a scale that allows to objectify which candidates were suitable for their techniques although I still think that a more extensive evaluation of other areas influencing neck ageing like lower face and temples …

  6. Open Access 25-08-2022 | Injectable Filler | OriginalPaper

    A Case Study: Comprehensive Approach for Treating Horizontal Neck Wrinkles Using Hyaluronic Acid Injections and Thread-Lifting

    A slender, smooth, wrinkle-free neck is a desirable feature associated with youth and beauty [ 1 ]. Horizontal neck wrinkles have been acknowledged as a key feature of the aging neck [ 2 ]. It is inevitable that the proportion of collagen fibers …

  7. 01-09-2020 | Injectable Filler | OriginalPaper

    Nasolabial fold correction through cheek volume loss restoration versus thread lifting: a comparative study

    Nasolabial folds are caused by loss of deep fat and subsequent loss of muscle contour in the midface, leading to sagging which forms cosmetic issues in some cases when they are otherwise overly pronounced. Various treatment procedures have been …

  8. 01-10-2021 | ReviewPaper

    A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the Incidences of Complications Following Facial Thread-Lifting

    Facial thread-lifting (FTL), a mini-invasive method for facial rejuvenation, has gained more popularity due to low risks of complications, low cost, and short downtime since first introduced by Sulamanidze et al. [ 1 ] two decades ago. The instant …

  9. 01-10-2018 | Erratum

    Correction to: Buttock Lifting Using Elastic Thread (Elasticum®) with a New Classification of Gluteal Ptosis

    The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. On page 8, in Table 2, the superscripts for the vertical and horizontal axes are incorrect. The correct information is shown below.

  10. 01-08-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Buttock Lifting Using Elastic Thread (Elasticum®) with a New Classification of Gluteal Ptosis

    The buttocks are a very important part of the body line and are of great interest to many young and middle-aged women [ 1 ]. The buttocks can be a problem if the volume is too small or too large, and it also lowers women’s self-esteem if their hips …

  11. 01-12-2012 | Report

    Successful Treatment of Thread-Lifting Complication From APTOS Sutures Using a Simple MACS Lift and Fat Grafting

    A 48 year-old woman presented to our clinic reporting pain and discomfort over the left cheek after a thread-lift procedure with APTOS sutures performed 13 months previously elsewhere. Although she was satisfied with the initial result, 6 months …

  12. Open Access 01-10-2021 | Face Rejuvenation | Letter

    Invited Discussion on: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the Incidences of Complications Following Facial Threadlifting

  13. 17-05-2024 | Abstract

    Abstracts of the ISAPS World Congress 2024, Cartagena, Colombia

    June 11–15, 2024
  14. Open Access 22-03-2024 | Face Lift | OriginalPaper

    Advanced Facial Rejuvenation: Synergistic Effects of Lower Blepharoplasty and Ultrasound Guided Mid-Face Lift Using Polydioxanone (PDO) Threads

    Facial aging is a complex process involving changes in skin texture, volume loss, and gravitational descent of facial tissues [ 1 ]. Signs of aging, especially lower eyelid and mid-cheek laxity and descent, contribute to an "aged" and "tired" …

  15. 01-03-1998 | OriginalPaper

    Browlifting with Thread: The Technique Without Undermining Using Minimum Incisions

    The position of the eyebrows exerts great influence over the upper eyelids, both in terms of skin excess as well as in the overall aesthetics of the lid/orbit region. Based on the need to associate the treatment of the eyelids with that of the …

  16. Open Access 22-01-2024 | Computed Tomography | OriginalPaper

    Imaging characteristics of incidentally detected cosmetic surgery-derived foreign bodies on CT images in the maxillofacial region

    Various materials are used in cosmetic surgery, and it is challenging to maintain extensive knowledge about them. In dentistry, surgical orthodontic treatments (e.g., osteotomy and otoplasty) for jaw deformities and dysarthria often produce …

  17. 10-05-2024 | Injectable Filler | Online First

    Comparison of Fat Transfer Combined with Plasma Energy and Only Fat Transfer Methods for Genital Rejuvenation

    The popularity of related applications in the field of genital rejuvenation and genital esthetics has been increasing in recent years [ 1 ]. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports, in 2015, 8745 labiaplasty …

  18. 01-04-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Clinical study of electroacupuncture plus stuck-needle lifting method for intractable facial paralysis

  19. 01-06-2020 | Face Lift | OriginalPaper

    Mesh Suspension Thread for Facial Rejuvenation

    Thread lifting for facial rejuvenation has undergone several clinical trials for over 1 decade. Marlen Sulamanidze introduced the Aptos thread for facial rejuvenation in 2002 [ 1 ]. Since then, thread lifting has remained a popular procedure among …

  20. 02-02-2024 | Injectable Filler | ReviewPaper

    Ellansé: Advanced Technology and Advantageous Selection of New Collagen Stimulating Agents for Face Rejuvenation

    With the popularity of facial injection to reverse facial aging in China, according to the market statistics of China Cosmetics magazine, the market scale of hyaluronic acid cosmetics in China reached 68 billion yuan in 2020, of which the …

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