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  1. 01-01-2023 | Quinapril | News

    Contaminated quinapril products in Australia

  2. 01-08-2022 | Quinapril | News

    Nitrosamine detected in quinapril products in Australia

  3. Open Access 01-08-2008 | Abstract

    P1.04 The Influence of Quinapril on Arterial Stiffness, Blood Viscosity and Arterial Shear Stress in Patients with Essential Arterial Hypertension

  4. 01-04-2016 | News


    Angioedema: case report
  5. 01-02-2002 | OriginalPaper


    A Further Update of its Pharmacology and Therapeutic Use in Cardiovascular Disorders
  6. 01-08-1999 | Abstract


    First report of depression in an elderly patient: case report
  7. 01-02-1999 | Abstract


    First report of pancreatitis in an elderly patient: case report
  8. 01-01-2001 | Abstract


    Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, confusion and anxiety in an elderly patient: case report
  9. 01-04-1999 | Abstract


    First report of visual hallucinations in an elderly patient: case report
  10. 01-12-2000 | Abstract


    First report of pemphigus vulgaris: case report
  11. 01-06-2005 | Abstract


    Pemphigus: case report
  12. 01-04-2011 | Abstract


    Rhabdomyolysis leading to hyperkalaemia and complete AV block: case report
  13. 01-01-2015 | News


    Small bowel angioedema: case report
  14. 01-11-2014 | News


    Kaposi's sarcoma in an elderly patient: case report
  15. 01-09-2007 | OriginalPaper

    Quinapril for Treatment of Hypertension in Turkey

    Dose Titration and Diuretic Combination Treatment Strategies

    Background and objective: Recently the PatenT (Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Turkey) study showed that while the prevalence of hypertension in Turkey is high, effective control of BP is infrequently achieved. This …

  16. 01-01-2003 | OriginalPaper

    Moexipril and quinapril inhibition of tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in the rat: Evidence for direct effects in heart, lung and kidney and stimulation of prostacyclin generation

    The activation of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) may contribute to the development of vascular and myocardial structural changes. The level of ACE is stable in human plasma, and only limited data are available on its regulation at the tissue …

  17. 01-08-2000 | OriginalPaper

    Efficacy and Safety of Quinapril 40mg Once Daily as Monotherapy for Patients with Poorly Controlled Hypertension

    The EUREKA Study

    Objective: We assessed the efficacy and safety of quinapril 40mg once daily for treating essential hypertension in patients with poorly controlled hypertension who were using other angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, or in those who …

  18. 01-09-2007 | Abstract

    10.3 Effects of 2 Years Treatment with Quinapril on Carotid Intima Media in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is characterised by a clearcut progression with time of carotid artery wall thickness and atherosclerosis show, its magnitude being attenuated by blood pressure lowering interactions including those based on the …

  19. 01-06-2007 | ReviewPaper

    Anti-inflammatory Actions of Quinapril

    The effectiveness of quinapril as therapy for hypertension and congestive heart failure is believed to be due to its ability to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), the enzyme responsible for converting angiotensin I (Ang-I) to the potent …

  20. 01-03-2003 | OriginalPaper

    The Effect of Quinapril on Functional Status of Elderly Patients with Diastolic Heart Failure

    This double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated the effects of the ACE inhibitor, quinapril, on the functional status of elderly frail heart failure patients with preserved systolic function. Seventy-four elderly patients, mean (SD) age 78 …

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