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  1. 01-10-2023 | Pimozide | News


    Polydipsia-hyponatremia syndrome: case report
  2. 01-09-2023 | Pimozide | News


    Hypertransaminasemia, parkinsonism and low blood pressure: case report
  3. 01-01-2023 | Tic Disorder | News


    No response: case report
  4. Open Access 01-07-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Chronic Administration of Pimozide Fails to Attenuate Motor and Pathological Deficits in Two Mouse Models of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease which presently does not have any efficient therapeutic approach. Pimozide, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved neuroepileptic drug, has been recently proposed as a …

  5. 01-01-2016 | News


    Loss of libido: case report
  6. 01-07-2015 | News


    Arrhythmia: case report
  7. 01-08-2006 | Abstract


    No adverse effects in a neonate following in utero exposure: case report
  8. 01-11-2012 | Abstract


    Extrapyramidal symptoms in an elderly patient: case report
  9. 01-08-2011 | Abstract


    Extrapyramidal symptoms: case report
  10. 01-06-2011 | Abstract


    Tardive dyskinesia and fatigue in an elderly patient: case report
  11. 01-07-2010 | Abstract


    Atrioventricular block: case report
  12. 01-01-2010 | Abstract


    Psychomotor agitation: case report
  13. 01-07-2000 | Abstract

    Pimozide interaction

    Interaction with concomitant clarithromycin leading to sudden cardiac death: case report
  14. 01-06-2005 | Abstract

    Pimozide overdose

    Various toxicities including delayed-onset dystonia in an infant: case report
  15. 01-03-1999 | Abstract

    Clarithromycin increases plasma concentrations of pimozide

  16. 01-07-2005 | Abstract

    Concomitant use of paroxetine and pimozide contraindicated

  17. 01-10-1999 | Abstract

    Labelling changes for pimozide in the US

  18. 01-08-2005 | Abstract

    GSK warns against concomitant use of paroxetine and pimozide

  19. 01-11-2002 | Abstract

    `Zoloft' labelling change in the US warns of pimozide interaction

  20. 01-12-1997 | Abstract

    Pimozide induced significant depressive symptoms in men with no history of psychiatric disorder

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