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28 search results for:

Papular Acrodermatitis of Childhood 

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  1. 01-12-2019 | Fifth Disease | ReviewPaper

    Gianotti–Crosti syndrome (papular acrodermatitis of childhood) in the era of a viral recrudescence and vaccine opposition

    Gianotti–Crosti syndrome, also known as papular acrodermatitis, papular acrodermatitis of childhood, or infantile papular acrodermatitis, is characterized by an acute onset of a papular or papulovesicular eruption with a symmetrical distribution [ …

  2. 26-04-2024 | Papular Acrodermatitis of Childhood | Online First

    Gianotti–Crosti syndrome mimicking scabies

    This case report highlights a case of a 65-year-old woman who presented to our clinic with suspicion of refractory scabies. She had undergone multiple treatments without improvement. However, the clinical condition was not scabies but rather …

  3. Open Access 16-12-2023 | Generalized Pustular Psoriasis | ReviewPaper

    Autoinflammatory Keratinization Diseases—The Concept, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Implications

    Recent advances in medical genetics elucidated the background of diseases characterized by superficial dermal and epidermal inflammation with resultant aberrant keratosis. This led to introducing the term autoinflammatory keratinization diseases …

  4. 01-03-2023 | Human Herpesvirus 6 | News


    Lack of efficacy: case report
  5. 01-05-2022 | Paracetamol | News


    Gianotti-Crosti syndrome and erythema multiforme: case report
  6. 23-06-2023 | Abstract

    Abstracts from the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine

  7. 01-09-2021 | Scabies | News


    Gianotti–Crosti syndrome and lack of efficacy: case report
  8. 24-05-2023 | Vasculitis | ReviewPaper

    Extrahepatic Manifestations of Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B is a hepatotropic DNA virus that results in acute and chronic infection. Acute HBV infection is often self-limited and typically occurs later in life due to parenteral exposure and high-risk sexual practices [ 1 , 2 ]. In endemic …

  9. 01-02-2019 | Human Alphaherpesvirus 3 | News


    Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: case report
  10. 01-09-2017 | ReviewPaper

    Atopic Dermatitis in Infants and Toddlers: a Diagnostic Challenge in Daily Practice

    The presentation of newborns (0 to 28 days), infants, and toddlers (28 days to 2 years) with eczematous skin lesions is always a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Although these lesions represent most commonly an early atopic dermatitis (AD) …

  11. 01-10-2017 | OriginalPaper

    Treatment of severe psoriasis in children: recommendations of an Italian expert group

    This article provides comprehensive recommendations for the systemic treatment of severe pediatric psoriasis based on evidence obtained from a systematic review of the literature and the consensus opinion of expert dermatologists and …

  12. 01-04-2014 | Events

    Abstracts from the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine

  13. 01-08-2002 | OriginalPaper

    Common skin problems

    Dermatological problems manifesting as primary and secondary cutaneous complaints, constitute at least 30% of all outpatient visits to a pediatrician and 30% of all visits to dermatologists involve patients of pediatric age group. There is …

  14. 01-09-2015 | OriginalPaper

    Vesiculobullous Disorders in Children

    Vesiculobullous disorders are common in children. Primary vesiculobullous disorders include vesicles, bullae and pustules. It can either be very benign or potentially fatal in some cases. They can be either inherited or acquired depending on the …

  15. 01-07-2005 | OriginalPaper

    Gianotti-Crosti syndrome associated with HBV infection in an adult

  16. 01-09-2005 | OriginalPaper

    Comprehensive classification of pediatric cataracts

    A comprehensive classification of pediatric cataracts with extensive bibliography is presented.

  17. Open Access 01-01-2016 | EditorialNotes

    Asian-Pacific clinical practice guidelines on the management of hepatitis B: a 2015 update

    Worldwide, some 240 million people have chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV), with the highest rates of infection in Africa and Asia. Our understanding of the natural history of HBV infection and the potential for therapy of the resultant disease is …

  18. 01-06-2010 | Events

    Joint Irish Paediatric Association/Welsh Paediatric Society, Abstracts, 14–16 May 2009

  19. 01-02-2015 | ReviewPaper

    Cutaneous Manifestations of Viral Hepatitis

    There are several extrahepatic cutaneous manifestations associated with hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infection. Serum sickness and polyarteritis nodosa are predominantly associated with hepatitis B infection, whereas mixed cryoglobulinemia …

  20. 01-06-2013 | News

    Abstracts from the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine

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