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156 search results for:

Otogenic Brain Abscess 

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  1. 01-06-2016 | OriginalPaper

    Single-Stage Trans-mastoid Drainage of Otogenic Brain Abscess: A Single-Institution Experience

    Brain abscess is the ultimate otogenic complication, both in severity and difficulty of management. In developing countries with high incidence of cholesteatoma, brain abscess is not a rare complication. In India, brain abscesses constitute about …

  2. 01-12-2009 | OriginalPaper

    Clinicopathological study of otogenic brain abscess

    Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is one of the commonest disease entities encountered in otolaryngology practice. Due to poor economic conditions poor hygiene lack of education and death of knowledge about the disease and its complications …

  3. 01-06-2012 | OriginalPaper

    Conservative Management of Otogenic Brain Abscess with Surgical Management of Attico Antral Ear Disease: A Review

    Otological intra cranial complications are still a major problem in developing countries. Otogenic brain abscess is a serious, life-threatening complication of otitis media and it usually occurs due to attico antral ear disease. Treatment of …

  4. Open Access 01-12-2024 | COVID-19 | OriginalPaper

    The association of COVID-19 pandemic with the increase of sinogenic and otogenic intracranial infections in children: a 10-year retrospective comparative single-center study

    Objective: Otitis media and sinusitis are common childhood infections, typically mild with good outcomes. Recent studies show a rise in intracranial abscess cases in children, raising concerns about a link to COVID-19. This study compares a decade …

  5. Open Access 08-03-2024 | Post-COVID Syndrome | OriginalPaper

    Intracranial complications of sinogenic and otogenic infections in children: an ESPN survey on their occurrence in the pre-COVID and post-COVID era

    COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact in the neurosurgical clinical practice either in changing the way to take care of patients [ 1 , 2 ] or changing the risk of some disease like tumors or brain injuries [ 3 – 6 ]. During recent meetings of the …

  6. 26-04-2024 | Osteomyelitis | Online First

    Case Report: Extensive Osteomyelitis of the Craniofacial Skeleton Following Operative Fracture Treatment

    Osteomyelitis is a bone inflammation caused by an infectious microorganism, which may lead to complete structure decay. Over time, along with the discovery and usage of powerful antibiotics, it became a rare occurrence in modern practice. In this …

  7. 23-09-2023 | Brain Abscess | OriginalPaper

    Otogenic Cerebellar Abscess with Polymicrobial Anaerobic Infection in a Young Female- A Rare Presentation

    Brain abscess is a serious clinical condition caused by a localized collection of pus within the brain tissue. This typically occurs as a result of an infection that originates from a nearby area, such as an ear, sinus, or dental infection, or an …

  8. 12-12-2023 | Chronic Otitis Media | OriginalPaper

    Decision Making in Complicated Chronic Otitis Media- Squamous Active Disease on Surgical Approach: How it Influenced the Outcome?

    Chronic Otitis Media (COM) with complications is a common clinical entity in Otorhinolaryngology, but advances in antibiotics and surgical techniques have reduced complication rates and mortality. Management warrants surgical disease clearance …

  9. Open Access 14-05-2024 | Mastoiditis | Online First

    Increase in acute mastoiditis at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic

    An acute mastoiditis (AM) typically develops from an acute otitis media (AOM) in consequence of an infection of the upper airway [ 1 ]. The involvement of the mastoid mucosa in AOM due to the close proximity between those two sites of infection …

  10. 27-07-2023 | Osteomyelitis | OriginalPaper

    Endoscopic Transnasal Navigation Guided Treatment of Clivus Abscess in Adult with Mucormycosis: A Rare Report

    Osteomyelitis and abscess of the clivus are rare conditions thought to arise from contiguous spread of infection from the paranasal sinuses. Clival osteomyelitis is a rare potentially life-threatening skull base infection which is generally …

  11. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Brain Abscess | OriginalPaper

    Actinomyces meyeri-induced brain abscess in pregnancy: a case report

    Brain abscess is a condition characterized by the formation of an abscess within the cerebral parenchyma due to suppurative infections reaching the brain. Although less common, brain abscesses can also result from fungal or protozoan infections.

  12. 28-11-2023 | Otitis Externa | OriginalPaper

    Malignant Otitis Externa: Unveiling the Hidden Danger of ICA Pseudoaneurysm

    Pseudoaneurysm of the internal carotid artery following otogenic infection is rare but leads to catastrophic outcomes. In our case series, we present two patients with ICA pseudoaneurysm complicated by malignant otitis externa, and we emphasise …

  13. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Brain Abscess | OriginalPaper

    A case report of a brain abscess due to prevotella oris and a review of the literature

    A brain abscess is a focal suppurative process in the brain parenchyma and remains a significant health care problem in developing countries. Pathogenic studies have shown that aerobic bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci predominate …

  14. 04-07-2023 | Osteomyelitis | OriginalPaper

    Clinico-Radiological Evaluation for Longitudinal Assessment in Central Skull Base Osteomyelitis: Proposal of Novel Scoring System

    This study aims to evaluate clinical, radiological and laboratory parameters for longitudinal assessment and prognostication in central skull base osteomyelitis (CSBO). Novel radiological score and cranial nerve assessment score (CNAS) have been …

  15. Open Access 31-08-2023 | Meningitis | OriginalPaper

    German guidelines on community-acquired acute bacterial meningitis in adults

    The main causative pathogens in adults with acute bacterial community-acquired meningitis are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis , and Listeria monocytogenes . As a result of the available vaccinations against Haemophilus influenzae …

  16. 14-09-2022 | Bezold's Abscess | OriginalPaper

    Management of otogene extracranial complications in children and adolescents: report of 35 cases over 10 years

    Otitis media (OM), the inflammation of the middle ear, presents a pediatric health problem on a global scale. OM is the most common reason why children see a doctor all over the world. Nearly 70% of children experience at least one episode of …

  17. 15-03-2023 | Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis | OriginalPaper

    Sigmoid and Transverse Sinus Thrombosis in a Child with Chronic Otitis Media: a Case Report

    Sigmoid sinus and transverse sinus thrombosis may occur as intracranial complications of chronic otitis media. Central venous sinus thrombosis typically presents with picket fence fever along with otalgia, otorrhea, and altered mental status. CT …

  18. 01-02-2022 | Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis | OriginalPaper

    The management of elevated intracranial pressure and sinus vein thrombosis associated with mastoiditis: the experience of eighteen patients

    Acute otitis media (AOM) is one of the most commonly diagnosed infectious diseases in early childhood [ 1 ]. Despite the high incidence of AOM, significant complications are rare [ 2 ]. Acute mastoiditis (AM) is a suppurative severe complication of …

  19. 06-11-2022 | Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis | OriginalPaper

    Acute Otitis Media with Intracranial and Intratemporal Complications: A Case Study

    Acute otitis media continues to be one of the most common infections today and a major cause of the prescription of antibiotics in the pediatric age group. Complications of this condition are rare, especially when antibiotic therapy is started …

  20. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Meningococcus | OriginalPaper

    Bacterial meningitis in adults: a retrospective study among 148 patients in an 8-year period in a university hospital, Finland

    Bacterial meningitis (BM) is a severe, life-threatening infection, which causes notable morbidity and mortality [ 1 ]. Meningitis has many etiologies: bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites or additionally it may be associated with cancerous …

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