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1528 search results for:

Nipple Correction 

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  1. 08-06-2023 | Mastectomy | Erratum

    Correction: A Novel Fat-Augmented Omentum-Based Construct for Unilateral and Bilateral Free-Flap Breast Reconstruction in Underweight and Normal Weight Women Receiving Nipple or Skin-Sparing Mastectomies

  2. 08-03-2023 | Aesthetic-Plastic Surgery | Erratum

    Correction: A New Method for Inverted Nipple Treatment with Diamond-Shaped Dermal Flaps and Acellular Dermal Matrix: A Preliminary Study

  3. 29-04-2022 | Mastectomy | Erratum

    Correction: Health-Related Quality of Life After Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: Results From the INSPIRE Registry

    The following members of the INSPIRE collaborators group are missing from the original article: …

  4. 28-06-2022 | Mastectomy | Erratum

    Correction to: Large Nipple Volume as a Risk Factor of Nipple–Areola Complex Necrosis Following Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

    In the original online version of this article all instances of volume (cc) were incorrect. The correct measurement is mm 3 .

  5. 24-05-2022 | OriginalPaper

    A Two-Step Technique for Correction of Severe Inverted Nipples with Minimally Invasive Procedures

    Congenital nipple inversion is a common malformation affecting 2–10% women [ 1 ]. The deformity can be bilateral or unilateral. It can result in esthetic dissatisfaction, psychological discomfort, and functional problems, such as local irritation …

  6. 01-12-2021 | Mastectomy

    Correction to: Two-Stage Versus One-Stage Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: Timing of Surgery Prevents Nipple Loss

    The article title is correct as reflected here. The original article has been updated.

  7. 01-02-2022 | Inverted Nipple Correction | OriginalPaper

    A New Technique in Correction of Nipple Inversion Using Dermal C Flaps

    The nipple is a pink or light-brown conical projection below the center of the breast. The nipple and areola vary in size, shape, and color among individuals. The average nipple is 1 cm in length and 1 cm in diameter [ 1 , 2 ], and the average …

  8. 20-10-2021 | Gynecomastia | Letter

    Percutaneous Intradermal Purse-String Closure for Correction of Male Tuberous Nipple-Areola Complex Deformity

  9. 01-06-2020 | Autologous Fat | Letter

    Autologous Fat Grafting with Percutaneous Fasciotomy and Reduction of the Nipple–Areolar Complex for the Correction of Tuberous Breast Deformity in Teenagers

  10. 19-10-2021 | Inverted Nipple Correction | Letter

    A new Technique in Correction of Nipple Inversion Using Dermal C Flaps

  11. 01-04-2020 | Fat Grafting | Letter

    Autologous Fat Grafting with Percutaneous Fasciotomy and Reduction of the Nipple–Areolar Complex for the Correction of Tuberous Breast Deformity in Teenagers

  12. 01-10-2021 | Breast Surgery | OriginalPaper

    Percutaneous Intradermal Purse-String closure for Correction of Male Tuberous Nipple-Areola Complex Deformity

    Although gynecomastia is reported to be a common condition with a prevalence ranging from 32 to 65% in young men, [ 1 ] one of its variants, the tuberous breast, is exceedingly rare and its incidence is unknown. [ 2 – 6 ] In spite of the fact that …

  13. 23-06-2021 | Inverted Nipple Correction | Letter

    Invited Response on: Sense and Sensibility in Inverted Nipple Correction

  14. 01-04-2020 | Fat Grafting | Letter

    Invited Response on: “Autologous Fat Grafting with Percutaneous Fasciotomy and Reduction of the Nipple-Areolar Complex for the Correction of Tuberous Breast Deformity in Teenagers”

  15. 01-10-2021 | Gynecomastia | Letter

    Invited Discussion on: Percutaneous Intradermal Purse-String Closure for Correction of Male Tuberous Nipple–Areola Complex Deformity

  16. 01-11-2021 | Inverted Nipple Correction | Letter

    Invited Response on: Letter to the Editor: A New Technique in Correction of Nipple Inversion Using Dermal C Flaps

  17. 22-07-2021 | Mastopexy | Letter

    Comment to “Percutaneous Intradermal Purse-String Closure for Correction of Male Tuberous Nipple-Areola Complex Deformity”

  18. 22-07-2021 | Gynecomastia | Letter

    Letter-to-the-Editor: Percutaneous Intradermal Purse-String Closure for Correction of Male Tuberous Nipple-Areola Complex Deformity

  19. 01-04-2021 | Inverted Nipple Correction | OriginalPaper

    Inverted Nipple Correction Techniques: An Algorithm Based on Scientific Evidence, Patients’ Expectations and Potential Complications

    Inverted nipples, also known as retracted or flatten nipples, are a frequent condition in which the nipple is pulled inward into the breast instead of pointing outward. The estimated global prevalence of inverted nipple is between 3 and 5% of the …

  20. 01-04-2021 | Fat Grafting | Letter

    Comment on: “Autologous Fat Grafting with Percutaneous Fasciotomy and Reduction of the Nipple–Areolar Complex for the Correction of Tuberous Breast Deformity in Teenagers”

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