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2055 search results for:

Fibroadenoma of the Breast 

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  1. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Incision | OriginalPaper

    Clinical study on single-port endoscopic resection via a gasless transaxillary approach in the treatment of breast fibroadenoma in adolescents

    Breast fibroadenoma, a mixed tumour derived from fibrous tissues and glandular epithelia of the breast, is the most common benign breast tumour, accounting for approximately 50% of all breast tumours [ 1 – 3 ]. This disease occurs in females of

  2. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Biomarkers | OriginalPaper

    miR-140-3p is a potential differential biomarker in benign phyllodes tumors and fibroadenoma of the breast

    Phyllodes Tumor (PT) accounts for about 0.3–1% in all primary breast tumors [ 1 , 2 ]. Usually it occurs in females aged 40–50 years [ 3 ]. PT is classified as benign, borderline and malignant according to histological features, of which the most …

  3. Open Access 01-12-2021 | Breast Disease | OriginalPaper

    Metformin as a new option in the medical management of breast fibroadenoma; a randomized clinical trial

    Fibroadenoma (FA) is the most common benign solid mass of the female breast, with an approximate incidence rate of around 12–25 % in young women, albeit the exact incidence is not known. It is most commonly seen in young women between 14 and 35 …

  4. 18-10-2022 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | OriginalPaper

    Why is the depth/width ratio of a typical fibroadenoma small in breast ultrasonography?

    Breast ultrasonography is useful for the differential diagnosis of breast masses, and several diagnostic criteria to distinguish between benign and malignant breast tumors have already been established and are widely used [ 1 , 2 ]. The depth/width …

  5. 09-01-2022 | Ultrasound | OriginalPaper

    Prospective clinical trial on the learning curve of high-intensity-focused ultrasound for the treatment of breast fibroadenoma

    Fibroadenomas is a common breast condition among young females, estimated to affect up to 25% of patients and found in up to 50% of all breast biopsies [ 1 , 2 ]. While asymptomatic fibroadenomas can be followed up by surveillance, treatment of

  6. Open Access 01-12-2021 | Breast Disease | OriginalPaper

    Early onset, multiple, bilateral fibroadenomas of the breast: a case report

    The PTEN protein acts as an antagonist to the P13k/Akt pathway. Insufficient suppression in the setting of a PTEN mutation leads to increased cell proliferation with decreased apoptosis [ 1 ]. PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome is a family of clinical …

  7. MRI-based radiomics analysis for differentiating phyllodes tumors of the breast from fibroadenomas

    Phyllodes tumor is a rare neoplasm composed of epithelial and stromal components, with a reported incidence of less than 1.0% of all female breast tumors [ 1 – 3 ]. Whereas all fibroadenomas are considered benign, phyllodes tumors can be …

  8. 02-11-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Native T1 mapping of the breast in MRI to differentiate fibroadenomas from benign phyllodes tumors: a preliminary study

    Fibroadenomas (FA) and phyllodes tumor (PTs) are classified as fibroepithelial lesions of the breast. The histopathological classification of PTs includes a spectrum ranging from benign to malignant. The malignant subtypes of PT can be invasive …

  9. Open Access 01-12-2016 | OriginalPaper

    Low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma arising in fibroadenoma of the breast-A case report–

    Myofibroblastic sarcoma or myofibrosarcoma (MFS) is a malignant tumor which is composed of or originated from myofibroblasts. It has been known to arise mainly at head and neck regions, although it could be found at the extremities, trunk, and …

  10. 01-04-2010 | OriginalPaper

    Fibroadenoma of the ectopic breast of the axilla

    Polymastia is a term that is used to describe the presence of more than two breasts in human beings. It is synonymous with supernumerary or accessory breast tissue. Ectopic breast tissue (EBT) may occur any where along the primitive embryonic milk …

  11. 01-08-2004 | OriginalPaper

    Invasive ductal carcinoma within a fibroadenoma of the breast

    A rare case of invasive ductal carcinoma within a fibroadenoma of the breast in a 42-year-old woman is reported. The patient had a well-defined mass, measuring 6.0 × 5.0 cm, in the upper lateral quadrant of the left breast. Physical examination …

  12. 01-06-2012 | Report

    Maffucci's syndrome and fibroadenoma of the breast: a case report

    Maffucci's syndrome is a rare congenital non-hereditary condition that was initially described by Angelo Maffucci in 1881. It is characterised by multiple enchondromas and haemangiomas or lymphangiomas, however since the initial description …

  13. 01-11-2010 | Report

    DNA methylation profiling of phyllodes and fibroadenoma tumours of the breast

    Phyllodes tumours and cellular fibroadenomas are both fibroepithelial tumours of the breast. Phyllodes tumours, unlike fibroadenomas, have the ability to recur and metastasise. Although these lesions can be distinguished by their stromal …

  14. 01-05-1998 | OriginalPaper

    The incidence of microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygosity in fibroadenoma of the breast

    A majority of studies have shown an increase in the risk of breast cancer among women previously diagnosed with fibroadenoma (FA). At present there is conflicting evidence whether some of the chromosome abnormalities frequently found in breast

  15. 01-12-2010 | OriginalPaper

    Fibroadenoma of ectopic breast tissue in the vulva: a case report

  16. 01-06-2006 | OriginalPaper

    CD10+ stromal cells in fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors of the breast

  17. 01-01-2014 | OriginalPaper

    Spontaneously infarcted fibroadenoma of the breast in an adolescent girl: sonographic findings

    Spontaneous infarction in fibroadenoma unrelated to any known risk factors is extremely rare. Here, I present a case of a spontaneously infarcted fibroadenoma in an adolescent girl in whom no plausible predisposing factors were identified.

  18. 01-10-2010 | OriginalPaper

    Fibroadenoma of the axillary accessory breast: diagnostic value of dynamic magnetic resonance imaging

    Accessory breast is synonymous with polymastia or supernumerary breast tissue. An accessory breast without a nipple or areola is rare. We report a case of fibroadenoma of an accessory breast with no nipple or areola in a 41-year-old woman who …

  19. 01-10-2005 | Report

    A case of phyllodes tumor of the breast with a lesion mimicking fibroadenoma

    We report a case of phyllodes tumor (PT) with multiple lesions partly mimicking fibroadenoma (FA). A 43-year-old woman was referred to our institute because of a left breast mass which was diagnosed as FA clinically. During the follow-up, the mass …

  20. Open Access 01-12-2013 | OriginalPaper

    Infarcted fibroadenoma of the breast: report of two new cases with review of the literature

    Fibroadenomas are the most common benign neoplasms of the breast usually affecting adolescents and young women[ 1 , 2 ]. Infarction in benign breast lesions is rare and may occur in various conditions, including fibroadenomas[ 1 , 3 ]. Infarction …

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