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1112 search results for:

Branchial Cyst 

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  1. 24-04-2024 | Branchial Cyst | Online First

    Branchial Cyst Masquerading as Myositis and Abscess of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle and Necrotic-Cystic Lymphadenopathy

    Branchial cleft cysts are considered one of the most common cystic lesions in neck and are commonly seen in pediatric age group and young adulthood with most of the cases presenting within second and third decade. Here we intend to discuss a case …

  2. 30-04-2024 | Metastasis | Online First

    Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma Presenting as a Branchial Cleft Cyst in Young Female

    Though aetiology of lateral neck masses is complex, branchial cleft cyst is the second most common congenital lesions of the neck next only to thyroglossal duct cysts. Rarely ectopic thyroid tissue within a branchial cleft cyst may develop into …

  3. 14-12-2023 | Incision | OriginalPaper

    Scarless Excision of Second Branchial Cleft Cyst via Retroauricular Hairline Incision

    Branchial arch anomalies are congenital lesions formed from the incomplete obliteration of branchial arches [ 1 ]. The second branchial cleft cyst (2nd BCC) is the most common branchial cleft anomaly presenting an asymptomatic unilateral swelling …

  4. 06-09-2023 | Ultrasound | OriginalPaper

    Ultrasound diagnosis and treatment of branchial cleft cyst and preoperative management

    Branchial cleft anomalies are a congenital, rare disease, and has a variety of clinical manifestations and symptoms such as cysts, sinus tracts, fistulas, and other atypical clinical manifestations and symptoms. As a result, the initial …

  5. 05-07-2023 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | OriginalPaper

    Unusual Branchial Cleft Cyst at Parapharyngeal Space: Case Report and a Review of Literature

    Branchial cleft cyst in parapharyngeal space is a very rare occurrence. Only 0.5% of all head and neck tumours constitute parapharyngeal space tumours. It is mainly congenital but can be seen at a later age following infection. MRI is the gold …

  6. 22-01-2022 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | OriginalPaper

    An Unusual Presentation of type-IV Second Branchial Cyst: A Case Report

    Second branchial cleft cysts are a cystic dilatation of the remnant of the second branchial cleft that account for 95-percent of all branchial cleft malformations, along with second branchial fistulae and sinuses. Among them, the type-IV second …

  7. 02-08-2021 | OriginalPaper

    Evaluation of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Mean Platelet Volume in Patients with Branchial Cleft Cyst

    Branchial cleft cysts are benign masses of the head and neck. Etiopathogenesis is unclear and many factors such as inflammatory mechanisms can play a role. The aim of our study is to investigate the predictive value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte …

  8. 27-01-2021 | Branchial Cyst | OriginalPaper

    A Rare Case of Parotid Swelling Presenting as Branchial Cleft Cyst

    First brachial cleft cyst arise due to incomplete fusion of first and second brachial arches. It is classified into type 1, which is thought to arise from the duplication of the membranous external ear canal and are composed of ectoderm only, and …

  9. 01-03-2019 | OriginalPaper

    CT and MR imaging findings of infection-free and benign second branchial cleft cysts

    Second branchial cleft cysts (SBCCs), also known as cervical lymphoepithelial cysts, are benign developmental cysts assumed to arise from congenital remnants of the second branchial arch [ 1 ]. Branchial cleft anomalies are second only to …

  10. 17-11-2020 | Tracheostomy | OriginalPaper

    An Infected Third Branchial Pouch Cyst presenting with Acute Stridor in an Infant

    Branchial pouch cysts clinically mimic deep neck space infection and misdiagnosis leads to surgical drainage which can complicate into a persistently draining sinus or fistula. We present a unique case of infected third branchial pouch cyst in an …

  11. 01-10-2019 | OriginalPaper

    Branchial Cyst with Branchial Fistula: A Rare Association

    Branchial arch anomalies are the most common congenital neck masses. The second branchial arch anomalies followed by first arch anomalies are seen commonly in the descending order. They originate from remnants of branchial arches and clefts. They …

  12. 01-10-2019 | OriginalPaper

    Endoscopically-Associated Hairline Approach to Excision of Second Branchial Cleft Cysts

    To improve the treatment outcome and post-operation rehabilitation of patients with second branchial cleft cysts (SBCC), 46 patients were operated for SBCC. 22 patients were operated by conventional approach, 22 patients were operated by original …

  13. 01-04-2019 | BriefCommunication

    Concomitant Occurrence of Papillary Thyroid Cancer (PTC) in a Branchial Cleft Cyst and an Occult Multifocal PTC of the Thyroid Gland

    Development of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) inside branchial cleft cyst (BCC) is very rare and may cause diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. We describe a 29-year-old female who presented with a gradually increasing painless cyst of the neck.

  14. 01-06-2017 | Report

    A Rare Case Report of a Child Coexistence Thyroglossal Cyst and Second Branchial Cleft Fistulae

    Thyroglossal duct cysts followed by branchial cleft anomalies are the most common congenital neck masses encountered in practice, second branchial cleft cysts and sinuses are the most common type (LaRiviere and Waldhausen in Surg Clin North Am …

  15. 01-09-2015 | OriginalPaper

    Second Branchial Cleft Cyst

    A 31 year old white female presented with complaints of an enlarging right sided neck mass of 1.5 months. She reported fluctuation in size over the past month. Her primary care physician prescribed antibiotics but the mass did not decrease in …

  16. 01-02-2016 | Report

    A branchial cyst of the pyriform fossa transoral laser resection: a case report

    Pyriform sinus malformations represent rare third and fourth branchial anomalies. Fistulae at the latter site were initially described and make up less than 1 % of all brachial anomalies. They may be discovered incidentally, or may present as a …

  17. Open Access 01-12-2015 | OriginalPaper

    Branchial cysts: an unusual cause of a mediastinal mass: a case report

    The development of the head and neck is a complex embryologic process. It commences with the formation of branchial clefts and pouches (branchial apparatus) during the fourth week of gestation [ 1 ], fusion of the branchial apparatus marks the …

  18. 01-08-1998 | OriginalPaper

    Pharyngeal localizations of branchial cysts

    Two cases with unusual pharyngeal localizations of branchial cysts medial to the great neck vessels and pharyngeal constrictor muscle are presented. The authors reviewed the theories of origin of the branchial cysts and the surgical treatment …

  19. 01-03-2009 | OriginalPaper

    Branchial cleft cyst versus dermoid cyst of digastric triangle: report of two cases

    Lateral neck soft tissue masses manifests with variable etiologies, clinical signs and symptoms. Although these lesions are congenital in nature, manifestations of these may not occur until adulthood. Also some of these lesions may undergo …

  20. 01-03-2012 | Report

    Branchial Cleft Cyst with Xanthogranulomatous Inflammation

    Xanthogranulomatous inflammation (XGI) is a special type of inflammation presenting as mass lesions and mimicking malignant tumors. It is rarely described in the head and neck region, and to the best of our knowledge, there are no cases associated …

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