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  1. Open Access 01-12-2019 | Dystonia | OriginalPaper

    Chorea-ballism as a dominant clinical manifestation in heteroplasmic mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes syndrome with A3251G mutation in mitochondrial genome: a case report

    Mitochondrial cytopathies are characterized by energy failure in the cellular system. These disorders are associated with an increasingly large number of heterogeneous clinical presentations. Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and …

  2. 01-08-2017 | OriginalPaper

    Bilateral chorea–ballism and diabetic ketoacidosis as the initial presentation of a case with maternally inherited diabetes and deafness

    Maternally Inherited Diabetes and Deafness (MIDD) is a rare diabetic syndrome mainly caused by mitochondrial A3243>G point mutation. Common clinical manifestations include diabetes mellitus (DM), deafness, short stature, ophthalmic disease …

  3. 01-12-2014 | OriginalPaper

    Chorea-ballism associated with ketotic hyperglycemia

    Chorea-ballism is a rare movement disorder characterized by irregular, poorly patterned, and involuntary movements, which are usually unilateral but may be bilateral or involve the extremities. The most common metabolic cause of transient …

  4. 01-07-2001 | OriginalPaper

    In vivo proton MR spectroscopy of chorea-ballismus in diabetes mellitus

    The most common cause of chorea-ballismus (CB) is a vascular lesion; it is also associated with nonketotic hyperglycaemia in diabetes mellitus (DM) and may be the first manifestation of this disorder. We describe the CT, MRI and proton MR …

  5. 01-07-2000 | OriginalPaper

    Clinicopathological study of atypical motor neuron disease with vertical gaze palsy and ballism

    The case of a 38-year-old patient with rapidly progressing motor neuron disease, complicated by major dysfunction of the extrapyramidal system and of vertical gaze is described. Neuropathological examination revealed a degenerative process that …

  6. 01-10-2012 | Report

    CT and MRI findings in the basal ganglia in non-ketotic hyperglycaemia associated hemichorea and hemi-ballismus (HC–HB)

  7. 01-10-2008 | OriginalPaper

    No evidence of perfusion abnormalities in the basal ganglia of a patient with generalized chorea-ballism and polycythaemia vera: analysis using subtraction SPECT co-registered to MRI

    Polycythaemia vera is a well-known cause of symptomatic chorea, however, the pathophysiology of this correlation remains unclear. We report on a patient with generalized chorea-ballism associated with polycythaemia vera, and we present the …

  8. 28-03-2024 | Botulinum Toxin | Online First

    Botulinum neurotoxin as early treatment in acute-onset lesional hemiballism

    Hemiballism (HB) and hemichorea (HC) are the most frequent secondary movement disorder, usually caused by cerebrovascular diseases [ 1 ]. Even though up to 90% of them may wear off within 6 months, they may severely compromise patients’ quality of …

  9. Open Access 12-03-2024 | Type 2 Diabetes | Case Study

    Nonketotic hyperglycemia hemichorea-hemiballismus

    HC-HB is a rare movement disorder that can occur in patients with poorly controlled diabetes and hyperglycemia without ketoacidosis. The mainstay of treatment is prompt correction of hyperglycemia.

  10. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Hyperglycemia | OriginalPaper

    Is diabetic striatopathy the culprit of seizures in a patient with ketotic hyperglycemia-induced hemichorea–hemiballismus?

    Diabetic striatopathy (DS) is a rare movement disorder syndrome known as nonketotic hyperglycemia associated with hemichorea-hemiballismus (NKHCHB). It is associated with basal ganglia involvement manifesting with contralateral involuntary …

  11. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | OriginalPaper

    Hemiballismus–hemichorea syndrome in an acute rehabilitation setting: two case reports 

    Hemiballismus–hemichorea (HBHC) syndrome can be defined as a hyperkinetic movement disorder characterized by involuntary, irregular, continuous, unilateral movements of the body resulting from a contralateral basal ganglia lesion. The most common …

  12. 03-04-2023 | Stroke | OriginalPaper

    Investigation of the factors associated with hemichorea/hemiballismus in post-stroke patients

    Classical knowledge highlights the role of lesions of the subthalamic nuclei (STN) in the pathophysiology of hemichorea/hemiballismus (HH). However, the published reports indicate various other lesion regions in the majority of post-stroke cases …

  13. 07-02-2023 | Cranial MRI | OriginalPaper

    Hemiballism and chorea with acute/subacute onset: a retrospective series

    Chorea is a hyperkinetic movement disorder (MD) with sudden, irregular, random, dance-like involuntary movements that affect any part of the body. Athetosis is a slower form of chorea and ballism is usually one-sided, high-amplitude movements at …

  14. 24-02-2022 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Letter

    Hemiballism after transient hemiparesis on the same side: a red flag of middle cerebral artery disease?

  15. 01-10-2020 | Hyperglycemia | Letter

    Long-term overdose of cold syrup induced hemichorea-hemiballismus

  16. Open Access 14-08-2023 | Hyperglycemia | ReviewPaper

    Diabetic striatopathy: an updated overview of current knowledge and future perspectives

    Diabetic striatopathy (DS) is a rare complication of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus (DM), mainly type 2, characterized by hyperglycemia associated with chorea/ballism and/or reversible characteristic basal ganglia abnormalities on CT and/or …

  17. 01-09-2011 | OriginalPaper

    Neuronal discharge patterns in the Globus Pallidus pars interna in a patient with Parkinson’s disease and hemiballismus secondary to subthalamotomy

    Alterations in the basal ganglia-thalamocortical “motor” circuit activity, have been proposed to explain many features associated with hypokinetic and hyperkinetic movement disorders. We describe the firing pattern of the globus pallidus pars …

  18. 01-08-2018 | Letter

    Levofloxacin-induced hemichorea-hemiballism in a patient with previous thalamic infarction

  19. 01-09-2017 | Letter

    Post-stroke restless arm syndrome mimicking hemichorea–hemiballism

  20. 01-02-2016 | BriefCommunication

    Hemichorea–hemiballismus in patients with non-ketotic hyperglycemia

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