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  1. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Cholangiocarcinoma | OriginalPaper

    MiR-380 inhibits the proliferation and invasion of cholangiocarcinoma cells by silencing LIS1

    Primary liver cancer is one of the most common malignancies worldwide [ 1 , 2 ]. It is the fourth most common malignant tumor and the second cause of cancer in China [ 3 , 4 ]. Primary liver cancer includes three different pathological types: …

  2. Open Access 27-11-2023 | Solid Tumor | OriginalPaper

    Pharmacodynamic effects of the PARP inhibitor talazoparib (MDV3800, BMN 673) in patients with BRCA-mutated advanced solid tumors

    Poly-ADP-ribosylation of histones and other nuclear proteins by poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases 1 and 2 (PARP1/2) occurs after single- or double-stranded DNA damage, [ 1 ] and PARP activity is essential for the repair of single-stranded DNA breaks …

  3. 14-09-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Zinc intake, SLC30A8 rs3802177 polymorphism, and colorectal cancer risk in a Korean population: a case–control study

    In accordance with GLOBOCAN 2020 data, the CRC incidence rate has increased, and CRC has ranked as the third most common cancer type worldwide with the highest incidence rate focused on specific geographical regions, e.g., Northern America …

  4. 01-12-2022 | Paracetamol | Original Research

    Suspected clinical chorioamnionitis with peak intrapartum temperature <380C: the prevalence of confirmed chorioamnionitis and short term neonatal outcome

    Intraamniotic infection (IAI) or Chorioamnionitis (CA)refers to the infection of the amniotic fluid, membranes, placenta, and/or deciduas. At term, CA complicates approximately 1 to 4 percent of deliveries overall [ 1 – 3 ]. CA is a well-recognized …

  5. 01-12-2022 | Metastasis | OriginalPaper

    Clinicopathological characteristics of carcinoma penis over 10 years in a tertiary-level oncology center in Nepal: a retrospective study of 380 cases

    Penile cancer is a relatively rare cancer in developed countries with an incidence of 0.7–0.9 per 100,000 men [ 1 , 2 ]. However, in some developing countries, the incidence is as high as 10–20% of all malignant disease in men [ 3 , 4 ]. The …

  6. Open Access 16-06-2023 | Pompe Disease | OriginalPaper

    Home-Based Infusion of Alglucosidase Alfa Can Safely be Implemented in Adults with Late-Onset Pompe Disease: Lessons Learned from 18,380 Infusions

    Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with intravenously administered alglucosidase alfa (recombinant human alfa-glucosidase [rhGAA]) is the treatment for patients with Pompe disease (OMIM #232300), a metabolic myopathy due to the deficiency of the …

  7. Open Access 01-12-2021 | Breast Cancer | OriginalPaper

    Comprehensive molecular profiling of Taiwanese breast cancers revealed potential therapeutic targets: prevalence of actionable mutations among 380 targeted sequencing analyses

    In Taiwan, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of female malignancy and ranked fourth of cancer-related deaths. Breast cancer incidence rate has continuously increased throughout the past two decades, and has reached 73 per 100,000 females …

  8. 01-12-2021 | Overweight | Original Research

    Interactions between Caveolin-1 (rs3807992) polymorphism and major dietary patterns on cardio-metabolic risk factors among obese and overweight women

    The mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) rise to 23.6 million by 2030 [ 1 ]. Obesity-induced dyslipidemia, high blood pressure (BP) and inflammation have a key role in the pathogenesis of CVDs [ 2 , 3 ]. Modifiable factors such as …

  9. Open Access 01-12-2020 | Circulatory Arrest | OriginalPaper

    Hemoperfusion with HA380 in acute type A aortic dissection patients undergoing aortic arch operation (HPAO): a randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide [ 1 ]. In the last couple of decades, the advancement of cardiac surgery has enabled invasive management and improved overall outcomes in patients with heart and great vessel diseases.

  10. 30-09-2022 | Stroke | BriefCommunication

    Late-onset Fabry disease due to a new (p.Pro380Leu) pathogenic variant of GLA Gene

    Fabry disease is a rare X-linked lysosomal storage disorder due to pathogenic variants of the galactosidase alpha (GLA) gene, leading to a deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A. The inadequate enzymatic activity leads to progressive …

  11. Open Access 01-12-2020 | Contraception | OriginalPaper

    A one-year cohort study of complications, continuation, and failure rates of postpartum TCu380A in Tanzania

    In Tanzania, less than one in a hundred women are utilizing an intrauterine contraception device (IUD) as a method of contraception. Particularly, the use of IUD immediately following delivery (referred to as the postpartum period) is extremely …

  12. 23-04-2022 | Diabetic Retinopathy | OriginalPaper

    LncRNA FLG-AS1 Mitigates Diabetic Retinopathy by Regulating Retinal Epithelial Cell Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis via miR-380-3p/SOCS6 Axis

    The objective of this study is to investigate lncRNA FLG-AS1-mediated miR-380-3p/SOCS6 axis in inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis of retinal epithelial cells in diabetic retinopathy (DR). Fasting blood was collected from 60 DR patients …

  13. 01-04-2022 | Multiple Sclerosis | OriginalPaper

    Association of cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) promoter polymorphism (rs3808607) and cholesterol 24S-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) intron 2 polymorphism (rs754203) with serum lipids, vitamin D levels, and multiple sclerosis risk in the Turkish population

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating and inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that causes a loss of myelin sheath and degeneration of axons predominantly in the white matter and cortex [ 1 ]. MS occurs primarily in young …

  14. 01-11-2020 | Thalassemia | Letter

    Biallelic rare 17 bp deletion mutation (HBB:c.380_396 del TGCAGGCTGCCTATCAG) in a transfusion depended form of thalassemia

  15. 01-03-2021 | Obesity | OriginalPaper

    Relationships of physical and breast cancer phenotypes with three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (rs2046210, rs3757318, and rs3803662) associated with breast cancer risk in Japanese women

    Since 1975, the number of breast cancer patients has consistently increased in Japan, and more than 107,000 new cases of breast cancer were reported in 2016, according to the National Cancer Registry [ 1 ]. Therefore, identifying high-risk …

  16. 01-01-1999 | BriefCommunication

    CHH 380

    Chimeric Anti-CD7 Antibody, SDZ CHH 380
  17. 01-12-2003 | OriginalPaper

    Spot urinary iodine concentration as a measure of dietary iodine, evaluated in over 3800 young male subjects undergoing medical check-up preliminary to military enrolment in Piemonte and Aosta Valley (Italy)

    The aim of the study was to assess iodine status in over 3800 young male subjects aged 18, living in 6 different provinces of Piemonte and in Aosta Valley, Italy. A cross-sectional study on 3837 young male subjects undergoing medical evaluation …

  18. Open Access 01-12-2018 | OriginalPaper

    PfCap380 as a marker for Plasmodium falciparum oocyst development in vivo and in vitro

    Malaria caused by Plasmodium infection is a devastating disease resulting in an annual 212 million cases and 429,000 malaria deaths worldwide. Most deaths occur in Africa (92%), followed by the South-East Asia (6%) and the Eastern Mediterranean …

  19. 01-06-2015 | OriginalPaper

    Pharmacokinetics and Safety Profile of DA-3803, a Proposed Biosimilar of Recombinant Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, in Healthy Subjects

    Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the trophoblast, which is a group of specialized cells in the placenta [ 1 – 3 ]. hCG stimulates gonadal steroidogenesis in the corpus luteum, thereby supporting early …

  20. Open Access 01-12-2017 | OriginalPaper

    Prevalence of ESR1 E380Q mutation in tumor tissue and plasma from Japanese breast cancer patients

    ESR1 ligand-binding domain (LBD) mutations that induce endocrine therapy (ET) resistance in breast cancer (BC) were first reported almost two decades ago [ 1 – 4 ] and novel developments of sensitive technologies such as next-generation sequencing …

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