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Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Issue 9/2020

Content (32 Articles)

Human Alphaherpesvirus 3 Retinal Disorders

Visual outcome and poor prognostic factors in acute retinal necrosis syndrome

Mora Paolo, Zola Marta, Favilla Stefania, Tagliavini Viola, Calzetti Giacomo, Carta Arturo, Gandolfi Stefano, Guex-Crosier Yan

Retinal Detachment Retinal Disorders

Non-contact wide-angled visualization with chandelier-assisted scleral buckling for primary uncomplicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

José Antonio Roca, Mauricio Maia, Natasha Ferreira Santos da Cruz, Murilo Ubukata Polizelli, Jay Chhablani, Sankeert Gangakhedkar, Virgilio Morales-Cantón, Andres Lisker, Jose Luis Guerrero-Naranjo, Roberto Gallego-Pinazo, Manuel Diaz-Llopis, Maria H. Berrocal, Andres Lasave, Nelson A. Sabrosa, Ezequiel Rosendi, Juan Manuel Cubero-Parra, Arturo Alezzandrini, J. Fernando Arevalo, Nathaly Huaman, Lihteh Wu

Photodynamic Therapy Retinal Disorders

Long-term results of choroidal neovascularization secondary to angioid streaks

Hidetsugu Mori, Haruhiko Yamada, Kanji Takahashi

Retinal Detachment Retinal Disorders

Preoperative factors to select vitrectomy or scleral buckling for retinal detachment in microincision vitrectomy era

Koichi Nishitsuka, Ryo Kawasaki, Keita Yamakiri, Takayuki Baba, Takashi Koto, Hidetoshi Yamashita, Taiji Sakamoto

Retinal Disorders

Pattern dystrophy-like changes and coquille d’oeuf atrophy in elderly patients affected by pseudoxanthoma elasticum

Vittoria Murro, Dario Pasquale Mucciolo, Dario Giorgio, Andrea Sodi, Federica Boraldi, Daniela Quaglino, Gianni Virgili, Fabrizio Giansanti

Angiography Retinal Disorders

Wide-field optical coherence tomography angiography for the detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Francesco Pichi, Scott D. Smith, Emad B. Abboud, Piergiorgio Neri, Elizabeth Woodstock, Steven Hay, Emily Levine, Caroline R. Baumal

Angiography Retinal Disorders

Association of retinal vessel density with retinal sensitivity in surgery for idiopathic epiretinal membrane

Urara Osada, Hiroshi Kunikata, Masayuki Yasuda, Kazuki Hashimoto, Koji M. Nishiguchi, Toru Nakazawa

Uveitis Retinal Disorders

Prospective study of morphologic and functional parameter changes post intravitreal therapy for macular edema

Lazha Sharief, Yi-Hsing Chen, Sue Lightman, Oren Tomkins-Netzer

Open Access Edema Retinal Disorders

The usefulness of the retinal sensitivity measurement with a microperimetry for predicting the visual prognosis of branch retinal vein occlusion with macular edema

Ryosuke Fujino, Ryo Asaoka, Shuichiro Aoki, Aya Sugiura, Mari Kusakabe, Kimiko Asano-Shimizu, Yoko Nomura, Aya Aoki, Yohei Hashimoto, Keiko Azuma, Tatsuya Inoue, Ryo Obata

Conjunctivitis Basic Science

Ocular manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019

Basak Bostanci Ceran, Serdar Ozates

Silicone Basic Science

Emulsified silicone oil is taken up by and induces pro-inflammatory response in primary retinal microglia

Alexa Klettner, Antonia Harms, Vicki Waetzig, Jan Tode, Konstantine Purtskhvanidze, Johann Roider


Diagnosis and management of three optic neuropathies: a national survey

Haeng-Jin Lee, Hyuna Kim, Ju-Yeun Lee

Standard coronal orbital magnetic resonance imaging is an effective technique for diagnosing sagging eye syndrome

Manami Kawai, Toshiaki Goseki, Hitoshi Ishikawa, Sonoko Tatsui, Nobuyuki Shoji


Retro-equatorial inferior oblique myopexy for treatment of inferior oblique overaction

Manal Kasem, Heba Metwally, Ibrahim T. El-adawy, Ameera G. Abdelhameed

Rituximab Oculoplastics and Orbit

Efficacy of rituximab in patients with Graves’ orbitopathy: a retrospective multicenter nationwide study

Jean-Baptiste Deltour, Marie d’Assigny Flamen, Miriam Ladsous, Lama Giovansili, Bertrand Cariou, Philippe Caron, Delphine Drui, Pierre Lebranchu

Open Access Pathology

HIF-1α, HIF-2α, and ProExC: diagnostic or prognostic relevance in conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia?

Simone Nuessle, Daniel Soriano, Daniel Boehringer, Hans Mittelviefhaus, Clemens Lange, Thomas Reinhard, Lisa Atzrodt, Claudia Auw-Haedrich

Subclinical Retinal versus Brain Findings in Infants with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Shwetha Mangalesh, Du Tran-Viet, Carolyn Pizoli, Vincent Tai, Mays Antoine El-Dairi, Xi Chen, Christian Viehland, Laura Edwards, Joanne Finkle, Sharon F. Freedman, Cynthia Ann Toth

Coronavirus Letter to the Editor

May home confinement during the COVID-19 outbreak worsen the global burden of myopia?

Marco Pellegrini, Federico Bernabei, Vincenzo Scorcia, Giuseppe Giannaccare