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Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Issue 1/2007

Content (47 Articles)

Open Access Research

The sensitivity of murine spermiogenesis to miglustat is a quantitative trait: a pharmacogenetic study

Wilhelm Bone, Charlotte M Walden, Martin Fritsch, Ulrike Voigtmann, Eckhard Leifke, Ulrich Gottwald, Stephanie Boomkamp, Frances M Platt, Aarnoud C van der Spoel

Open Access Research

Developmental stage on day-5 and fragmentation rate on day-3 can influence the implantation potential of top-quality blastocysts in IVF cycles with single embryo transfer

Tiziana della Ragione, Greta Verheyen, Evangelos G Papanikolaou, Lisbet Van Landuyt, Paul Devroey, Andre Van Steirteghem

Open Access Research

EGF increases expression and activity of PAs in preimplantation rat embryos and their implantation rate

Eliahu D Aflalo, Uriel A Sod-Moriah, Gad Potashnik, Iris Har-Vardi

Open Access Research

Expression of costimulatory molecules in the bovine corpus luteum

Matthew J Cannon, John S Davis, Joy L Pate

Open Access Review

Control of human trophoblast function

Laura Lunghi, Maria E Ferretti, Silvia Medici, Carla Biondi, Fortunato Vesce

Open Access Research

Progesterone reduces erectile dysfunction in sleep-deprived spontaneously hypertensive rats

Monica L Andersen, Raquel CS Martins, Tathiana AF Alvarenga, Isabela B Antunes, Ligia A Papale, Sergio Tufik

Open Access Research

Studies of a co-chaperone of the androgen receptor, FKBP52, as candidate for hypospadias

Ana Beleza-Meireles, Michela Barbaro, Anna Wedell, Virpi Töhönen, Agneta Nordenskjöld

Open Access Research

Ovarian volume and antral follicle count for the prediction of low and hyper responders with in vitro fertilization

Janet Kwee, Mariet E Elting, Roel Schats, Joseph McDonnell, Cornelis B Lambalk

Open Access Research

THG113.31, a specific PGF2alpha receptor antagonist, induces human myometrial relaxation and BKCa channel activation

Helen C Doheny, Michael J O'Reilly, Donal J Sexton, John J Morrison

Open Access Research

A study of the prostate, androgens and sexual activity of male rats

Maria Elena Hernandez, Abraham Soto-Cid, Gonzalo E Aranda-Abreu, Rosaura Díaz, Fausto Rojas, Luis I Garcia, Rebeca Toledo, Jorge Manzo

Open Access Research

Semaphorin-4D (Sema-4D), the Plexin-B1 ligand, is involved in mouse ovary follicular development

Avital Regev, Shlomit Goldman, Eliezer Shalev

Open Access Research

Ubp43 gene expression is required for normal Isg15 expression and fetal development

Lea A Rempel, Kathleen J Austin, Kenneth J Ritchie, Ming Yan, Meifeng Shen, Dong-Er Zhang, Luiz E Henkes, Thomas R Hansen

Open Access Research

E-cadherin expression and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation during development of ovarian inclusion cysts in age-matched breeder and incessantly ovulated CD-1 mice

Jean S Fleming, H James McQuillan, Melanie J Millier, Clare R Beaugié, Vicki Livingstone

Open Access Research

Lifestyle impact and the biology of the human scrotum

Richard Ivell

Open Access Research

Distinct phospholipase A2 enzymes regulate prostaglandin E2 and F2alpha production by bovine endometrial epithelial cells

Patricia K Tithof, Mary P Roberts, Wei Guan, Mona Elgayyar, James D Godkin

Open Access Research

Global gene expression analysis and regulation of the principal genes expressed in bovine placenta in relation to the transcription factor AP-2 family

Koichi Ushizawa, Toru Takahashi, Misa Hosoe, Hiroko Ishiwata, Kanako Kaneyama, Keiichiro Kizaki, Kazuyoshi Hashizume

Open Access Research

Laser capture microdissection and cDNA array analysis of endometrium identify CCL16 and CCL21 as epithelial-derived inflammatory mediators associated with endometriosis

Ashwini L Chand, Andrew S Murray, Rebecca L Jones, Natalie J Hannan, Lois A Salamonsen, Luk Rombauts

Open Access Research

Developmental expression of DAX1 in the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax: lack of evidence for sexual dimorphism during sex differentiation

Rute ST Martins, Laurence AM Deloffre, Constantinos C Mylonas, Deborah M Power, Adelino VM Canário

Open Access Research

Testicular involution prior to sex change in gilthead seabream is characterized by a decrease in DMRT1 gene expression and by massive leukocyte infiltration

Sergio Liarte, Elena Chaves-Pozo, Alicia García-Alcazar, Victoriano Mulero, José Meseguer, Alfonsa García-Ayala

Open Access Research

Cytochrome P450arom, androgen and estrogen receptors in pig sperm

Vittoria Rago, Saveria Aquila, Rocco Panza, Amalia Carpino

Open Access Research

Ipsilateral vagotomy to unilaterally ovariectomized pre-pubertal rats modifies compensatory ovarian responses

Leticia Morales, Beatriz Ricardo, Adán Bolaños, Roberto Chavira, Roberto Domínguez

Open Access Research

An immunohistochemical study of the localization and developmental expression of ghrelin and its functional receptor in the ovine placenta

Joanne L Harrison, Clare L Adam, Yvonne A Brown, Jacqueline M Wallace, Raymond P Aitken, Richard G Lea, David W Miller

Open Access Research

Placentation in dolphins from the Amazon River Basin: the Boto, Inia geoffrensis, and the Tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis

Vera MF da Silva, Anthony M Carter, Carlos E Ambrosio, Ana F Carvalho, Marina Bonatelli, Marcelo C Lima, Maria Angelica Miglino

Open Access Research

Identification of 9 uterine genes that are regulated during mouse pregnancy and exhibit abnormal levels in the cyclooxygenase-1 knockout mouse

Baohui Zhao, Deanna Koon, Allyson L Curtis, Jessica Soper, Kathleen E Bethin

Open Access Research

Relaxin family peptide receptors Rxfp1 and Rxfp2: mapping of the mRNA and protein distribution in the reproductive tract of the male rat

Marcelo Filonzi, Laís C Cardoso, Maristela T Pimenta, Daniel BC Queiróz, Maria CW Avellar, Catarina S Porto, Maria FM Lazari

Open Access Research

Human type 2 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mRNA and protein distribution in placental villi at mid and term pregnancy

Renée Drolet, Marc Simard, Julie Plante, Philippe Laberge, Yves Tremblay

Open Access Research

Prostaglandin F2-alpha receptor (FPr) expression on porcine corpus luteum microvascular endothelial cells (pCL-MVECs)

Augusta Zannoni, Chiara Bernardini, Tommaso Rada, Luciana A Ribeiro, Monica Forni, Maria L Bacci

Open Access Research

Does measuring early basal serum follicular lutinising hormone assist in predicting In vitro fertilization (IVF)/Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcome?

Ahmed Kassab, Luca Sabatini, Gidon Lieberman, Amanda Tozer, Ariel Zosmer, Colin Davis, Talha Al-Shawaf

Open Access Research

Adrenal involvement in the biostimulatory effect of bulls

Shaun A Tauck, Jesse R Olsen, James G Berardinelli

Open Access Research

Genomic and proteomic profiling I: Leiomyomas in African Americans and Caucasians

Qun Pan, Xiaoping Luo, Nasser Chegini

Open Access Review

Spermatozoal sensitive biomarkers to defective protaminosis and fragmented DNA

Roxani Angelopoulou, Konstantina Plastira, Pavlos Msaouel

Open Access Research

Characterization of EN-1078D, a poorly differentiated human endometrial carcinoma cell line: a novel tool to study endometrial invasion in vitro

Marie-Claude Dery, Celine Van Themsche, Diane Provencher, Anne-Marie Mes-Masson, Eric Asselin

Open Access Research

Variable expressivity of the tumour suppressor protein TRP53 in cryopreserved human blastocysts

Vashe Chandrakanthan, Omar Chami, Tomas Stojanov, Chris O'Neill

Open Access Research

Dopamine receptor repertoire of human granulosa cells

Veronica Rey-Ares, Nikolai Lazarov, Dieter Berg, Ulrike Berg, Lars Kunz, Artur Mayerhofer

Open Access Research

The role of voltage-gated potassium channels in the regulation of mouse uterine contractility

Ryan C Smith, Marisa C McClure, Margaret A Smith, Peter W Abel, Michael E Bradley

Open Access Research

Regulation of surfactant protein D in the rodent prostate

Rebecca E Oberley, Kelli L Goss, Amado A Quintar, Cristina A Maldonado, Jeanne M Snyder

Open Access Research

Oncostatin-M inhibits luteinizing hormone stimulated Leydig cell progenitor formation in vitro

Katja J Teerds, Federica MF van Dissel-Emiliani, Maria P De Miguel, Mieke de Boer-Brouwer, Lina M Körting, Eddy Rijntjes

Open Access Research

In vitro secretion profiles of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and TNF alpha after selective infection with Escherichia coli in human fetal membranes

Veronica Zaga-Clavellina, Guadalupe Garcia-Lopez, Hector Flores-Herrera, Aurora Espejel-Nuñez, Arturo Flores-Pliego, Diana Soriano-Becerril, Rolando Maida-Claros, Horacio Merchant-Larios, Felipe Vadillo-Ortega

Open Access Research

The protective effect of ischemic preconditioning on rat testis

Tayfun Sahinkanat, K Ugur Ozkan, Fatma I Tolun, Harun Ciralik, Secil S Imrek