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Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy

Issue 5/2015

Content (44 Articles)

Open Access Knee

Functional assessments for decision-making regarding return to sports following ACL reconstruction. Part I: development of a new test battery

Carolin Hildebrandt, Lisa Müller, Barbara Zisch, Reinhard Huber, Christian Fink, Christian Raschner


Erratum to: Functional assessments for decision-making regarding return to sports following ACL reconstruction. Part I: development of a new test battery

Carolin Hildebrandt, Lisa Müller, Barbara Zisch, Reinhard Huber, Christian Fink, Christian Raschner

Open Access Sports Medicine

Functional assessments for decision-making regarding return to sports following ACL reconstruction. Part II: clinical application of a new test battery

E. Herbst, C. Hoser, C. Hildebrandt, C. Raschner, C. Hepperger, H. Pointner, C. Fink


Prospective evaluation of anatomic patellofemoral inlay resurfacing: clinical, radiographic, and sports-related results after 24 months

Andreas B. Imhoff, Matthias J. Feucht, Gebhart Meidinger, Philip B. Schöttle, Matthias Cotic


Distal femoral varus osteotomy combined with tibial plateau fresh osteochondral allograft for post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the knee

Michael Drexler, Allan Gross, Tim Dwyer, Oleg Safir, David Backstein, Hasaan Chaudhry, Anna Goulding, Yona Kosashvili


No radiographic difference between patient-specific guiding and conventional Oxford UKA surgery

Bart Kerens, Martijn G. M. Schotanus, Bert Boonen, Nanne P. Kort


Education in wrist arthroscopy: past, present and future

M. C. Obdeijn, N. Bavinck, C. Mathoulin, C. M. A. M. van der Horst, M. P. Schijven, G. J. M. Tuijthof

Experimental Study

Efficacy of common surgical compounds in preventing articular chondrocyte death from desiccation

A. Von Keudell, H. M. Syed, J. A. Canseco, A. H. Gomoll

Experimental Study

Mechanical testing of different knot types using high-performance suture material

M. H. Baums, Ch. Sachs, T. Kostuj, K. Schmidt-Horlohé, W. Schultz, H.-M. Klinger

Experimental Study

Synovial cytokine expression in ankle osteoarthritis depends on age and stage

Hagen Schmal, Ralf Henkelmann, Alexander T. Mehlhorn, Kilian Reising, Gerrit Bode, Norbert P. Südkamp, Philipp Niemeyer

Experimental Study

PVA-chitosan composite hydrogel versus alginate beads as a potential mesenchymal stem cell carrier for the treatment of focal cartilage defects

Havva Dashtdar, Malliga Raman Murali, Azlina Amir Abbas, Abdulrazzaq Mahmod Suhaeb, Lakshmi Selvaratnam, Liang Xin Tay, Tunku Kamarul

Experimental Study

The biomechanical and histological effects of platelet-rich plasma on fracture healing

Yunus Guzel, Nazım Karalezli, Onur Bilge, Burkay K. Kacira, Hasan Esen, Hakan Karadag, Serdar Toker, Recep Gani Göncü, Mahmut Nedim Doral

Experimental Study

Effect of VEGF-A165 addition on the integration of a cortical allograft in a tibial segmental defect in rabbits

Miguel Angel Ruiz-Ibán, Fausto Gonzalez-Lizán, Jorge Diaz-Heredia, Maria Elena Elías-Martin, Carlos Correa Gorospe

Experimental Study

Bone substitutes and implantation depths for subchondral bone repair in osteochondral defects of porcine knee joints

Tomohiko Matsuo, Keisuke Kita, Tatsuo Mae, Yasukazu Yonetani, Satoshi Miyamoto, Hideki Yoshikawa, Ken Nakata

Experimental Study

Intra-articular zoledronic acid in a rat osteoarthritis model: significant reduced synovitis may indicate chondroprotective effect

B. Murat Cınar, Gurkan Ozkoc, Filiz Bolat, Oguz Karaeminogullari, Nurzen Sezgin, Reha N. Tandogan


Why does minimally invasive coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction using a flip button repair technique fail? An analysis of risk factors and complications

Benedikt Schliemann, Steffen B. Roßlenbroich, Kristian N. Schneider, Christina Theisen, Wolf Petersen, Michael J. Raschke, André Weimann


A bizarre complication of shoulder arthroscopy

Maurilio Bruno, Vito Lavanga, Emanuele Maiorano, Valerio Sansone


Outcome of arthroscopic treatment for displaced lateral clavicle fractures using a double button device

Philippe Loriaut, Pierre-Emmanuel Moreau, Benjamin Dallaudière, Alexandre Pélissier, Hoang Duc Vu, Philippe Massin, Patrick Boyer


Biomechanical characterization of unicortical button fixation: a novel technique for proximal subpectoral biceps tenodesis

Joseph P. DeAngelis, Alvin Chen, Michael Wexler, Benjamin Hertz, Leandro Grimaldi Bournissaint, Ara Nazarian, Arun J. Ramappa


Arthroscopically assisted retrograde drilling of the humeral head with a guiding device

Jörn Kircher, Thilo Patzer, Christoph Ziskoven, Bernd Bittersohl, Achim Hedtmann, Rüdiger Krauspe


Trends in the diagnosis of SLAP lesions in the US military

Brian R. Waterman, Kenneth L. Cameron, Mark Hsiao, Joseph R. Langston, Nicholas J. Clark, Brett D. Owens


Blood flow changes of the anterior humeral circumflex artery decrease with the scapula in internal rotation

Yoshihiro Hagiwara, Kenji Kanazawa, Akira Ando, Akimoto Nimura, Takashi Watanabe, Kazuhiro Majima, Keiichi Akita, Eiji Itoi


Quantitative and qualitative analyses of subacromial impingement by kinematic open MRI

Atsushi Tasaki, Akimoto Nimura, Taiki Nozaki, Akira Yamakawa, Mamoru Niitsu, Wataru Morita, Yoshimitsu Hoshikawa, Keiichi Akita


Value of additional acromioclavicular cerclage for horizontal stability in complete acromioclavicular separation: a biomechanical study

Tim Saier, Arne J. Venjakob, Philipp Minzlaff, Peter Föhr, Filip Lindell, Andreas B. Imhoff, Stephan Vogt, Sepp Braun


The safe zone for avoiding suprascapular nerve injury in bone block procedures for shoulder instability. A cadaveric study

Umile Giuseppe Longo, Francisco Forriol, Mattia Loppini, Angela Lanotte, Giuseppe Salvatore, Nicola Maffulli, Vincenzo Denaro


An alternative endoscopic portal for suprascapular nerve approach: an anatomic study

Gazi Huri, Akin Üzümcügil, Omer S. Biçer, Hakan Ozturk, Edward G. McFarland, Mahmut N. Doral


The longitudinal anatomy of the long head of the biceps tendon and implications on tenodesis

Waqas M. Hussain, Deepak Reddy, Alfred Atanda, Morgan Jones, Mark Schickendantz, Michael A. Terry


Rotator cuff repair using a decellularized tendon slices graft: an in vivo study in a rabbit model

Juan Pan, Guo-Ming Liu, Liang-Ju Ning, Yi Zhang, Jing-Cong Luo, Fu-Guo Huang, Ting-Wu Qin


Effects of intra-articular steroid injection before pan-capsular release in patients with refractory frozen shoulder

Yoshihiro Hagiwara, Hiroyuki Sugaya, Norimasa Takahashi, Nobuaki Kawai, Akira Ando, Junichiro Hamada, Eiji Itoi

Open Access Shoulder

The variable morphology of suprascapular nerve and vessels at suprascapular notch: a proposal for classification and its potential clinical implications

Michał Polguj, Jacek Rożniecki, Marcin Sibiński, Andrzej Grzegorzewski, Agata Majos, Mirosław Topol


Pseudoaneurysm as a complication of shoulder arthroscopy

Yasuyuki Ishida, Etsuo Chosa, Noboru Taniguchi


Novel single-loop and double-loop knot stitch in comparison with the modified Mason–Allen stitch for rotator cuff repair

Stephan Frosch, Gottfried Buchhorn, Anja Hoffmann, Peter Balcarek, Jan Philipp Schüttrumpf, Florian August, Klaus Michael Stürmer, Hans Joachim Walde, Tim Alexander Walde


Double figure-of-eight reconstruction technique for chronic anterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation

Kohei Kawaguchi, Sayo Tanaka, Hiroki Yoshitomi, Ichiro Nagai, Wakyo Sato, Tasturo Karita, Taiji Kondo


Arthroscopic partial shoulder resurfacing

Werner Anderl, Bernhard Kriegleder, Manfred Neumaier, Brenda Laky, Philipp Heuberer


Atypical hip pain: coexistence of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and osteoid osteoma

Kamaljeet Banga, Antonella Racano, Olufemi R. Ayeni, Benjamin Deheshi