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Experimental Brain Research

Issue 6/2023

Content (20 Articles)


The ventricular-subventricular, subgranular and subcallosal zones: three niches of neural stem cells in the postnatal brain

Verónica Lopez-Virgen, Oscar Gonzalez-Morales, Oscar Gonzalez-Perez

Alzheimer's Disease Research Article

Cortical thickness is related to cognitive-motor automaticity and attention allocation in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease: a regions of interest study

Jason K. Longhurst, Karthik R. Sreenivasan, Jemma Kim, Jeffrey L. Cummings, Samantha E. John, Brach Poston, Dietmar Cordes, John V. Rider, Merrill R. Landers

Research Article

Placebo effect on gait: a way to reduce the dual-task cost in older adults

Bernardo Villa-Sánchez, Marialuisa Gandolfi, Mehran Emadi Andani, Nicola Valè, Giacomo Rossettini, Federico Polesana, Zoe Menaspà, Nicola Smania, Michele Tinazzi, Mirta Fiorio

Open Access Nausea Research Article

Assessment of vestibulo-ocular reflex and its adaptation during stop-and-go car rides in motion sickness susceptible passengers

Cecilia Ramaioli, Tobias Steinmetzer, Adrian Brietzke, Paul Meyer, Rebecca Pham Xuan, Erich Schneider, Martin Gorges

Open Access Research Article

Age-related effects of repeated task switching in a novel voluntary gait adaptability task

Kyungwan Kim, Lena Deller, Marie Vinent, Wiebren Zijlstra

Diabetes Research Article

Functional near infrared spectroscopy detects cortical activation changes concurrent with memory loss in postmenopausal women with Type II Diabetes

Stacey L. Gorniak, Victoria E. Wagner, Kelly Vaughn, Jonathan Perry, Lauren Gulley Cox, Hidetaka Hibino, Samuel A. Montero-Hernandez, Arturo E. Hernandez, Luca Pollonini

Research Article

Spinal cord injury leads to more neurodegeneration in the hippocampus of aged male rats compared to young rats

Hamid Soltani Zangbar, Solmaz Fallahi, Leila Hosseini, Meysam Ghorbani, Mohsen Jafarzadehgharehziaaddin, Parviz Shahabi

Open Access Research Article

Modulation of H-reflex and V-wave responses during dynamic balance perturbations

Samuli Nevanperä, Nijia Hu, Simon Walker, Janne Avela, Jarmo M. Piirainen

Open Access Nerve Stimulation Research Article

Effects of active and sham tDCS on the soleus H-reflex during standing

Lynn M. McCane, Jonathan R. Wolpaw, Aiko K. Thompson

Open Access Research Article

Cognitive and visual task effects on gaze behaviour and gait of younger and older adults

Gregory S. Walsh, James Snowball

Open Access Research Article

Older adults with slow sit to stand times show reduced temporal precision of audio–visual integration

A. O’Dowd, R. J. Hirst, A. Setti, R. A. Kenny, F. N. Newell

Open Access Research Article

Chord skill: learning optimized hand postures and bimanual coordination

Willem B. Verwey

Alzheimer's Disease Research Article

Effect of gastrodin against cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration in APP/PS1 mice via regulating gut microbiota–gut–brain axis

Yuhe Zhang, Yan Chen, Shushu Yuan, Qingxia Yu, Jianjiong Fu, Luyun Chen, Jiaming Liu, Yuping He

Open Access Research Article

Intramuscular coherence enables robust assessment of modulated supra-spinal input in human gait: an inter-dependence study of visual task and walking speed

Freschta Zipser-Mohammadzada, Marjelle Fredie Scheffers, Bernard A. Conway, David M. Halliday, Carl Moritz Zipser, Armin Curt, Martin Schubert

Research Article

The role of sural nerve reflexes during drop-landing in subjects with and without chronic ankle instability

Nicole E. Heimark, Annalee M. H. Friedman, Koichi Kitano, Leif P. Madsen