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European Journal of Pediatrics

Issue 11/2003

Content (23 Articles)


The role of bisphosphonates in diseases of childhood

Tarak Srivastava, Uri S. Alon

Original Paper

Selective deficiency of naïve CD4+ T-lymphocytes in a child with congenital lymphoedema

Elena Chiappini, Luisa Galli, Maria Grazia Giudizi, Chiara Azzari, Augusto Antonio Niccoli, Sergio Romagnani, Maurizio de Martino

Original Paper

Virus genotype 1b and long-term response to interferon alpha monotherapy in children with chronic hepatitis C

Iwona Mozer-Lisewska, Wojciech Służewski, Khaled Ali Youseif, Magdalena Figlerowicz, Arleta Kowala-Piaskowska

Original Paper

Lipid, nitrogen, water and energy content of a single stool sample in healthy children and children with cystic fibrosis

Anita Maria Van den Neucker, Pierre-Philippe Forget, Bernard van Kreel

Original Paper

The early clinical phenotype of Fabry disease: a study on 35 European children and adolescents

Markus Ries, Uma Ramaswami, Rossella Parini, Bengt Lindblad, Catharina Whybra, Ingrid Willers, Andreas Gal, Michael Beck

Original Paper

Hyperammonaemia as a cause of psychosis in an adolescent

Amaya Bélanger-Quintana, Mercedes Martínez-Pardo, María José García, Bendicht Wermuth, Julián Torres, Esperanza Pallarés, Magdalena Ugarte

Original Paper

Novel point mutations in complete androgen insensitivity syndrome with incomplete müllerian regression: two Taiwanese patients

Yang-Hau Van, Ju-Li Lin, Shiu-Feng Huang, Chih-Cheng Luo, Chen-Sheng Hwang, Fu-Sung Lo

Original Paper

Early onset neonatal infection with Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C: case report and literature review

Wen-Tsung Lo, Yeong-Seng Yuh, Chih-Chien Wang, Mong-Ling Chu

Original Paper

Height, weight, body mass index and pubertal development reference values for children of Turkish origin in the Netherlands

A. Miranda Fredriks, Stef van Buuren, Sara E. R. Jeurissen, Friedo W. Dekker, S. Pauline Verloove-Vanhorick, Jan Maarten Wit

Original Paper

Acute loss of the small bowel in a school-age boy. Difficult choices: to sustain life or to stop treatment?

René Severijnen, Ineke Hulstijn-Dirkmaat, Bert Gordijn, Leo Bakker, Ger Bongaerts

Short Report

Influenza A virus-associated encephalopathy with haemophagocytic syndrome

Toru Watanabe, Etsuo Okazaki, Hiroyuki Shibuya

Short Report

Acute cerebellitis in primary human herpesvirus-6 infection

Zenichiro Kato, Ryo Kozawa, Takahide Teramoto, Kazuyuki Hashimoto, Shinji Shinoda, Naomi Kondo

Short Report

Horizontal transmission of hepatitis B from a father to two brothers

Tatsuo Shimizu, Toshiyuki Horiuchi, Hidekazu Kamitsuji, Tomohiko Murakami, Hiroshi Tamai

Short Report

Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome type I in a Japanese boy

Tomohiro Kamoda, Akira Matsui

Short Report

Intestinal malrotation: an unusual presentation

Wael El-Matary, Mathew Jones, Neville Wright, Mark Dalzell

Short Report

Intensive care in an adolescent with trisomy 18: an ethical dilemma

Marco Piastra, Elena Caresta, Antonio Chiaretti, Giancarlo Polidori, Manuela Pardeo, Gabriella De Rosa


The nature of naevus flammeus

Alexander K. C. Leung