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European Journal of Ageing

Issue 1/2004

Content (14 Articles)

Original Investigation

Social inequality in the later life: cross-national comparison of quality of life

Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Hans-Joachim von Kondratowitz, Clemens Tesch-Römer

Original Investigation

Life satisfaction of older people in six European countries: findings from the European Study on Adult Well-Being

Dieter Ferring, Cristian Balducci, Vanessa Burholt, Clare Wenger, F. Thissen, Germain Weber, Ingalill Hallberg

Original Investigation

National context of healthcare, economy and religion, and the association between disability and depressive symptoms in older Europeans: results from the EURODEP concerted action

Arjan W. Braam, Philippe Delespaul, Aartjan T. F. Beekman, Dorly J. H. Deeg, Karine Pérès, Michael Dewey, Sirkka-Liisa Kivelä, Brian A. Lawlor, Hallgrímur Magnússon, Ingeborg Meller, Martin J. Prince, Friedel M. Reischies, Marc Roelands, Pedro Saz, Robert A. Schoevers, Ingmar Skoog, Cesare Turrina, Ann Versporten, John R. M. Copeland

Original Investigation

Disability-free life expectancy: a cross-national comparison of six longitudinal studies on aging. The CLESA project

N. Minicuci, M. Noale, S. M. F. Pluijm, M. V. Zunzunegui, T. Blumstein, D. J. H. Deeg, C. Bardage, M. Jylhä

Original Investigation

Social and behavioural science perspectives on out-of-home mobility in later life: findings from the European project MOBILATE

Heidrun Mollenkopf, Fiorella Marcellini, Isto Ruoppila, Zsuzsa Széman, Mart Tacken, Hans-Werner Wahl

Original Investigation

Contacts between elderly parents and their children in four European countries: current patterns and future prospects

Cecilia Tomassini, Stamatis Kalogirou, Emily Grundy, Tineke Fokkema, Pekka Martikainen, Marjolein Broese van Groenou, Antti Karisto

Original Investigation

Revisiting convergence and divergence: support for older people in Europe

Karen Glaser, Cecilia Tomassini, Emily Grundy

Original Investigation

Challenges of cross-national housing research with older persons: lessons from the ENABLE-AGE project

Susanne Iwarsson, Hans-Werner Wahl, Carita Nygren


Prevention of Falls Network Europe: a thematic network aimed at introducing good practice in effective falls prevention across Europe

D. A. Skelton, C. Becker, S. E. Lamb, J. C. T. Close, W. Zijlstra, L. Yardley, C. J. Todd