09-05-2024 | Echocardiography | REVIEW
Assessment of Fluid Responsiveness with Critical Care Echocardiography: An Update
Govind Pandompatam
Published in:
Current Pulmonology Reports
Issue 3/2024
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Purpose of Review
To review the tests of fluid responsiveness and volume status with critical care echocardiography, including their uses, performance, and limitations.
Recent Findings
Fluid overload is detrimental to critically ill patients. Dynamic parameters of fluid responsiveness are able to predict which patients will respond to a fluid bolus with an increase in cardiac output. These tests include the passive leg raise, stroke volume variation, vena cava variability, and the end expiratory occlusion maneuver.
Critical care echocardiography can be used to evaluate changes in preload and stroke volume during performance of dynamic fluid responsiveness tests. The LVOT VTI is a central parameter used to estimate changes in stroke volume in real time during performance of these tests.