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Critical Care

Issue Special Issue 2/2010

Sepsis 2010

Content (56 Articles)

Poster presentation

Epidemiology of sepsis in pediatrics: first Colombian multicenter pilot survey

J Camilo Jaramillo-Bustamante, A Marín-Agudelo, M Fernández-Laverde, J Bareño-Silva

Poster presentation

Abstract withdrawn

Poster presentation

Risk of neonatal septicemia associated with neonatal-maternal-bacterial determinants

M Douraghi, MN Rostami, H Goudarzi, M-M Soltandallal, M Radfar, H Zeraati

Poster presentation

A novel molecular biomarker diagnostic for the early detection of sepsis

D Venter, M Thomas, J Lipman, B Tang, A McLean, R Pascoe, G Price, T Nguyen, R Brandon, A Sutherland

Poster presentation

In vivo and in vitro role of cholecystokinin in nitric oxide

R Simone Saia, EC Cárnio

Poster presentation

New sepsis-related marker: endotoxin activity assay

T Ikeda, K Ikeda, H Taniuchi, M Hiramatsu, S Suda

Poster presentation

Serum procalcitonin as a diagnostic tool of bacteremia

C Gartzonika, E Priavali, N Zotos, A Kallinteri, I Katsoula, H Sakkas, E Papapetrou, E Kapsali, G Vrioni, A Mavridis, G Nakos, S Levidiotou

Poster presentation

Lipopolysaccharide alters expression of incretin receptors in monocytic and hepatocytic cell lines

H Daabo, I Welters, J Gallagher, L Ranganath

Poster presentation

The new sepsis marker, sCD14-ST, induction mechanism in the rabbit sepsis models

K Shirakawa, K Naitou, J Hirose, M Nakamura, T Takeuchi, Y Hosaka, S Furusako

Poster presentation

Impact of delayed antimicrobial therapy in septic ITU patients

R Frost, H Newsham, S Parmar, A Gonzalez-Ruiz

Poster presentation

Estimating coagulopathy in an ovine acute lung injury model of sepsis using a disease progression model

BW Footer, S Rehberg, P Enkhbaatar, DM Parish, HM Linge, LD Traber, EJ Miller, DL Traber, JJ Schentag

Poster presentation

CCR2 drives neutrophil infiltration and elicits tissue damage in remote organs during sepsis

FO Souto, JC Alves-Filho, WM Turato, DC Nascimento, M Auxiliadora-Martins, A Basile-Filho, F de Queiroz Cunha

Poster presentation

Increased survival after a cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis in mice consuming oleic acid

IM de Moraes, F Magno, C Campbell, P Estevam, C Araújo, P Bozza, C Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque, A Silva, HCF Neto

Poster presentation

Anti-inflammatory effect of procalcitonin on in vitro LPS-stimulated human PBMC

A Foca, A Quirino, MC Pulicari, L Rametti, G Matera, MC Liberto

Poster presentation

Clinical effects of adsorption of lipopolysaccharide in the treatment of Gram-negative severe sepsis

V Kulabukhov, A Chizhov, A Kleuzovich, A Kudryavtsev

Poster presentation

Abstract withdrawn

Poster presentation

Extracellular metabolic alterations in critically ill septic patients studied by adipose tissue microdialysis

M Theodorakopoulou, N Nikitas, S Orfanos, D Vassiliadou, A Diamantakis, A Kotanidou, P Kopterides, N Maniatis, A Armaganidis, I Dimopoulou

Poster presentation

Abstract withdrawn

Poster presentation

Cardiovascular hyporesponsiveness in sepsis is associated with G-protein receptor kinase expression via a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism

D Dal Secco, V Olivon, T Corrêa, MR Celes, M Abreu, M Rossi, AM Oliveira, F Cunha, J Assreuy

Poster presentation

Chromogranin A expression in plasma of critically ill patients

T Lavaux, F Schneider, C Bach, J-E Herbrecht, D Aunis, M-H Metz-Boutigue

Poster presentation

Influence of hydroxyethyl starch and gelatin versus crystalloids on renal function, fluid balance, and ICU length of stay in patients with severe sepsis

O Bayer, M Kohl, B Kabisch, N Riedemann, U Settmacher, K Hekmat, M Bauer, K Reinhart, C Hartog

Poster presentation

Incidence of bacteremia at the time of ICU admission and its impact on outcome

D Juneja, O Singh, G Singh, P Bajaj

Poster presentation

Soluble TLT-1 is a naturally occurring TREM-1 inhibitor and protects mice from hyperresponsiveness and death during sepsis

M Derive, Y Bouazza, F Massin, C Alauzet, B Levy, P-E Bollaert, S Gibot

Poster presentation

Monoamino-oxidase-A function and potential benefit of its inhibition in sepsis

GP Otto, M Sossdorf, J Lemm, S Scholz, RA Claus, M Bauer

Poster presentation

Transcripts coding the VWF cleaving protease are decreased under proinflammatory conditions, which is reversed by co-incubation with activated protein C and selenate

F Conradi, CL Bockmeyer, M Sossdorf, MW Sieber, P Recknagel, MF Blaess, T Schürholz, W Lösche, M Bauer, RA Claus

Poster presentation

Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor antagonist induces a protection from lethal sepsis: involvement of toll-like receptor 4 signaling

F Petronilho, F Felisberto, L Constantino, F Vuolo, F Cardoso, F Mina, CT de Souza, FG Soriano, EL Streck, C Ritter, JCF Moreira, R Roesler, G Schwartsmann, AV Schally, F Dal-Pizzol

Poster presentation

System biology of multiple organ dysfunction: formation of a ceramide-enriched macro-domain in SIRS/sepsis

I Suckert, GP Otto, P Urban, B Acht, MJ Dorer, AC Bunck, DC Hupe, M Bauer, RA Claus

Poster presentation

Predicting organ failure at 24 hours from early clinical data in an ovine pneumonia-sepsis model

BW Footer, S Rehberg, HM Linge, DM Parish, P Enkhbaatar, LD Traber, EJ Miller, DL Traber, JJ Schentag

Poster presentation

Modeling sepsis induced by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection: a human/ovine approach

JJ Schentag, S Rehberg, BW Footer, P Enkhbaatar, HM Linge, LD Traber, DM Parish, EJ Miller, DL Traber

Poster presentation

Building up an infection control strategy based on the e-health concept

C Palos, A Pedroso, J Mapril, C Alves

Poster presentation

Elimination of cytokine and soluble cytokine receptors by carbon sorbents from blood

N Anisimova, M Kiselevsky, E Gromova, L Kuznetzova

Poster presentation

Regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis by toll-like receptor 9 is important for sepsis survival

SC Trevelin, JC Alves-Filho, F Sônego, W Turato, D Nascimento, FO Souto, TM Cunha, R Gazzinelli, F de Queiroz Cunha

Poster presentation

Disruption of sarcolemmal dystrophin and β-dystroglycan may be a potential mechanism for myocardial dysfunction in severe sepsis

MR Celes, D Torres-Duenas, L Malvestio, V Blefari, E Campos, C Prado, F Cunha, M Rossi

Poster presentation

Endocan (endothelial cell-specific molecule-1) as a pertinent biomarker of endothelial dysfunction in sepsis

E Parmentier, N de Freitas Caires, B Grigoriu, J Pastré, A Palud, M Delehedde, D Mathieu, A Scherpereel, P Lassalle

Poster presentation

Epidemiological situation of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

S Chinikar, SM Ghiasi, M Moradi