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Clinical Oral Investigations

Issue 7/2023

Content (72 Articles)

Prevalence of signs and symptoms related to temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain in patients indicated for orthognathic surgery: a meta-analysis

Maysa Raksa Garcia, Rayane Délcia da Silva, Aline Xavier Ferraz, Flavio Magno Gonçalves, Rosane Sampaio Santos, Bianca Lopes Cavalcante de Leão, Weslania Viviane Nascimento, Angela Graciela Deliga Schroder, Bianca Simone Zeigelboim, Cristiano Miranda de Araujo

Open Access Osteitis Review

Effectiveness of the platelet-rich fibrin in the control of pain associated with alveolar osteitis: a scoping review

Giusy Rita Maria La Rosa, Antonia Marcianò, Carlotta Ylenia Priolo, Matteo Peditto, Eugenio Pedullà, Alberto Bianchi

Open Access Bleaching Review

Prognosis in home dental bleaching: a systematic review

Rossella Fioresta, María Melo, Leopoldo Forner, José Luis Sanz


Tooth automatic segmentation from CBCT images: a systematic review

Alessandro Polizzi, Vincenzo Quinzi, Vincenzo Ronsivalle, Pietro Venezia, Simona Santonocito, Antonino Lo Giudice, Rosalia Leonardi, Gaetano Isola

Open Access Caries Original Article

Oral and craniofacial research in the Generation R study: an executive summary

Agatha W. van Meijeren-van Lunteren, Xianjing Liu, Francien C. H. Veenman, Olja Grgic, Brunilda Dhamo, Justin T. van der Tas, Vid Prijatelj, Gennady V. Roshchupkin, Fernando Rivadeneira, Eppo B. Wolvius, Lea Kragt

Computed Tomography Original Article

Stability of maxillary expansion osteotomy using patient-specific fixation implants without necessitating removable appliances: a retrospective analysis

Philippe Galli, Jean-Philippe Foy, Marc-Kevin Le Roux, Patrick Goudot, Jean-Christophe Lutz, Thomas Schouman

Original Article

Oral health and 10-year cardiovascular risk in US adults: mediating role of inflammatory diet and vitamin D

Ling Wang, Xuanzhi Wang, Mengzi Sun, Xuhan Wang, Xiaotong Li, Wenyu Hu, Yixue Yang, Jing Li, Yibo Dong, Bo Li

Open Access Research

Evaluation of one-piece zirconia dental implants: An 8-year follow-up study

Stella Kiechle, Anja Liebermann, Gerson Mast, Marius Heitzer, Stephan Christian Möhlhenrich, Frank Hölzle, Heinz Kniha, Kristian Kniha

Gingival phenotype changes after different periodontal plastic surgical techniques: a single-masked randomized controlled clinical trial

Pasquale Santamaria, Michele Paolantonio, Luigi Romano, Matteo Serroni, Imena Rexhepi, Lorenzo Secondi, Giulia Paolantonio, Bruna Sinjari, Paolo De Ninis, Beatrice Femminella


Reporting quality of systematic reviews with network meta-analyses in Endodontics

Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Srinivasan Narasimhan, Clovis M. Faggion Jr, Lalli Dharmarajan, Pullikotil Shaju Jacob, Vellore Kannan Gopinath, Paul M. H. Dummer


Synthesis and characterization of calcium-releasing elastomeric resin-based endodontic sealers

Juliana S. Ribeiro, Samantha R. Xavier, Carlos E. Cuevas Suárez, Fernanda G. Pappen, Evandro Piva, Rafael G. Lund, Marco C. Bottino

Influence of graft thickness on tunnel technique procedures for root coverage: a pilot split-mouth randomized controlled trial

Victor Aguirre Teodoro de Carvalho, Marco Antonio Marques Mattedi, Andrea Vergara-Buenaventura, Francisco Wilker Mustafa Gomes Muniz, Jonathan Meza-Mauricio, Marcelo Faveri, Danilo Lazzari Ciotti

Open Access Research

Effect of psychosocial stress and coping strategies on non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients with generalized stage III/IV periodontitis: a longitudinal intervention study

Federica Romano, Ahmad Bebars, Valentina Ortu, Michele Bottone, Marta Giraudi, Giulia Maria Mariani, Giacomo Baima, Mario Aimetti

Open Access Arterial Occlusive Disease Research

Periodontitis is associated with subclinical cerebral and carotid atherosclerosis in hypertensive patients: A cross-sectional study

María Vázquez-Reza, Iria López-Dequidt, Alberto Ouro, Ramón Iglesias-Rey, Francisco Campos, Juan Blanco, Manuel Rodríguez-Yáñez, José Castillo, Tomás Sobrino, Yago Leira

Open Access Research

Influence of different surgical techniques on primary implant stability in the posterior maxilla: a randomized controlled clinical trial

Maria-Victoria Olmedo-Gaya, María-Nuria Romero-Olid, Francisco M. Ocaña-Peinado, Marta Vallecillo-Rivas, Cristina Vallecillo, Candela Reyes-Botella

Open Access Rheumatoid Arthritis Research

Porphyromonas gulae and PPAD antibodies are not related to citrullination in rheumatoid arthritis

Camilo Castellar-Mendoza, Diana Marcela Castillo, Lorena Chila-Moreno, Wilson Bautista-Molano, Consuelo Romero-Sánchez

Effects of in vitro erosion on surface texture, microhardness, and color stability of resin composite with S-PRG fillers

Eliene Soares Pimentel, Fabiana Mantovani Gomes França, Cecilia Pedroso Turssi, Roberta Tarkany Basting, Waldemir Francisco Vieira-Junior

Open Access Candida Balanitis Research

Effects of Nystatin oral rinse on oral Candida species and Streptococcus mutans among healthy adults

Mohammed Aljaffary, Hoonji Jang, Nora Alomeir, Yan Zeng, Naemah Alkhars, Shruti Vasani, Abdullah Almulhim, Tong Tong Wu, Sally Quataert, Jennifer Bruno, Aaron Lee, Jin Xiao

Nutrition Research

Nutrition and oral health in children with recently and previously diagnosed celiac disease

M Bulut, M Tokuc, MN Aydin, H Ayyildiz Civan, E Polat, G Dogan, C Altuntas, NA Bayrak, OF Beser

Pedodontics Research

Stress levels of a group of dentists while providing dental care under clinical, deep sedation, and general anesthesia

Esra Kızılcı, Fatmanur Kızılay, Türkan Mahyaddinova, Sabahattin Muhtaroğlu, Kevser Kolçakoğlu

Open Access Root Coverage Research

Tunnel vs. coronally advanced flap in combination with a connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: a multi-center randomized clinical trial

Jerián González-Febles, Mario Romandini, Florencia Laciar-Oudshoorn, Fernando Noguerol, Crystal Marruganti, Antonio Bujaldón-Daza, Ion Zabalegui, Mariano Sanz

Open Access Research

Cerebral abscesses with odontogenic origin: a population-based cohort study

Frederik V. B. Jespersen, Signe U.-B. Hansen, Simon S. Jensen, Lars H. Omland, Jannik Helweg-Larsen, Thomas Bjarnsholt, Claus H. Nielsen, Morten Ziebell, Jacob Bodilsen, Merete Markvart


Influence of age and diet consistency on the oral muscle pressure of orthodontically treated and untreated subjects with normal occlusion and comparison of their 3D facial shape

Amit Arvind Rajbhoj, Harold Matthews, Kaat Doucet, Peter Claes, Giacomo Begnoni, Guy Willems, María Cadenas de Llano-Pérula

Bleaching Research

Can all highly concentrated in-office bleaching gels be used as a single-application?

Karine Letícia da Silva, Michael Willian Favoreto, Gabrielle Gomes Centenaro, Laís Giacomini Bernardi, Christiane Philippini Ferreira Borges, Alessandra Reis, Alessandro D. Loguercio

Open Access Research

Evaluation of the properties of a new super quick-setting (2 min) polyether impression material

Lamia Singer, Ludger Keilig, Michèle Fichte, Christoph Bourauel

Open Access Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research

Visualization of clinically silent, odontogenic maxillary sinus mucositis originating from periapical inflammation using MRI: a feasibility study

Egon Burian, Georg Feuerriegel, Nico Sollmann, Gintare Burian, Benjamin Palla, Magdalena Griesbauer, Caspar Bumm, Monika Probst, Meinrad Beer, Matthias Folwaczny

Denture Research

Medium-chain fatty acids as an alternative treatment for denture stomatitis in older people

Ximena Lee Muñoz, Cristian Vergara Núñez, Javiera Jerez Fuentes, Carla P. Lozano

Caries Research

Evaluation of the relationship between pain inflammation due to dental caries and growth parameters in preschool children

Basak Gunay, Mustafa Sarp Kaya, Ilker Tolga Ozgen, Eray Metin Guler, Abdurrahim Kocyigit

Association between serum biomarkers and oral health status in children with chronic kidney disease: A cross-sectional study

Berkant Sezer, Nur Kodaman Dokumacıgil, Remziye Kaya, Serçin Güven, Özde Nisa Türkkan, Neslihan Çiçek, Harika Alpay, Betül Kargül

Open Access Research

Determining primary stability for adhesively stabilized dental implants

Ole Zoffmann Andersen, Benjamin Bellón, Maryam Lamkaouchi, Marzia Brunelli, Qiuju Wei, Philip Procter, Benjamin E. Pippenger

Open Access Research

The influence of interradicular anatomy on the predictability of periodontal regenerative therapy of furcation defects: a retrospective, multicenter clinical study

Enrico Limiroli, Andrea Calò, Pierpaolo Cortellini, Peter Eickholz, Akihiko Katayama, Jad Majzoub, Jennifer Wong, Pamela McClain, Ivan Cortinovis, Giulio Rasperini

Open Access Research

The precision of two alternative indirect workflows for digital model production: an illusion or a possibility?

Noha Mohamed Elkersh, Rania A. Fahmy, Mohamed K. Zayet, Yousria S. Gaweesh, Mohamed G. Hassan

Denture Research

A qualitative analysis of denture wearing experience affecting the quality of life of older adults

Priscila de Moraes Flores, Rodrigo Kern, Alexandre da Silva Tedesco, Erico Fabbro Teixeira, Roger Keller Celeste, Mario Brondani, Cristiane Machado Mengatto

Effects of different custom-made mouthguard palatal extensions on the stress-state of dentoalveolar structures: a 3D-FEA

Zhe Sun, Jiayun Zhang, Ruitong Sun, Meng Zhang, Qinqiu Zhong, Minghao Huang, Xu Yan, Jian Li


Reliability and lifetime of lithium disilicate, 3Y-TZP, and 5Y-TZP zirconia crowns with different occlusal thicknesses

Gelson Luis Adabo, Diogo Longhini, Mariana Ribeiro Baldochi, Edmara Tatiely Pedroso Bergamo, Estevam Augusto Bonfante


Biocompatibility, bioactive potential, porosity, and interface analysis calcium silicate repair cements in a dentin tube model

Rafaela Nanami Handa Inada, Marcela Borsatto Queiroz, Camila Soares Lopes, Evelin Carine Alves Silva, Fernanda Ferrari Esteves Torres, Guilherme Ferreira da Silva, Juliane Maria Guerreiro-Tanomaru, Paulo Sérgio Cerri, Mário Tanomaru-Filho

Ultrasound Research

Long-term evaluation of masseter muscle activity, dimensions, and elasticity after orthognathic surgery in skeletal class III patients

Ozge Muftuoglu, Ezgi Sunal Akturk, Hakan Eren, Cansu Gorurgoz, Hakan Alpay Karasu, Kaan Orhan, Bora Akat, Tulin Ufuk Toygar Memikoglu

Efficacy of upper-incisor torque control with clear aligners: a retrospective study using cone-beam computed tomography

Ya-Ya Hong, Meng-Qi Zhou, Chao-Ying Cai, Jie Han, Nan Ning, Ting Kang, Xue-Peng Chen

Care Research

The association of oral health with length of stay and mortality in the intensive care unit

Erika Caroline Steinle, Jessica Antonia Montovani Pinesso, Leonardo Bernardi Bellançon, Solange de Paula Ramos, Gabriela Fleury Seixas


Identification of DSPP novel variants and phenotype analysis in dentinogenesis dysplasia Shields type II patients

Qin Du, Li Cao, Nana Yan, Sujun Kang, Mu Lin, Peilin Cao, Ran Jia, Chenyang Wang, Hanyu Qi, Yue Yu, Jing Zou, Jiyun Yang

Open Access Research

Predictability of intraoral scanner error for full-arch implant-supported rehabilitation

Francesco Zingari, Matteo Meglioli, Francesco Gallo, Guido Maria Macaluso, Sara Tagliaferri, Andrea Toffoli, Benedetta Ghezzi, Simone Lumetti

Open Access Digital Volume Tomography Research

A learning curve in 3D virtual surgical planned orthognathic surgery

Dirk-Melle Beek, Frank Baan, Jeroen Liebregts, Marloes Nienhuijs, Stefaan Bergé, Thomas Maal, Tong Xi

Open Access Research

Effect of glazing technique and firing on surface roughness and flexural strength of an advanced lithium disilicate

Y Lu, A. M. O Dal Piva, I Nedeljkovic, J. P. M Tribst, A. J Feilzer, C. J Kleverlaan


Transcriptome analysis of human peri-implant soft tissue and periodontal gingiva: a paired design study

Danying Chen, Zhixin Li, Zhipeng Li, Yue Sun, Qifan Liu, Jieting Yang, Jiaying Song, Huaxiong Cai, Zhicai Feng, Zhuofan Chen, Baoxin Huang

Open Access Research

The impact of membrane perforation and L-PRF for vertical ridge augmentation with a xenogeneic block graft: an experimental study in a canine model

Abdelrahman K. Eldabe, Khaled A. Abdel-Ghaffar, Ahmed E. Amr, Ashraf M. Abu-Seida, Ehab S. Abdelhamid, Ahmed Y. Gamal


Influence of brushing motions on the shaping of oval canals by rotary and reciprocating instruments

Kaline Romeiro, Sabrina C. Brasil, Thaís M. Souza, Luciana F. Gominho, Alejandro R. Pérez, Renata Perez, Flávio R. F. Alves, Isabela N. Rôças, José F. Siqueira Jr

Open Access Research

Long-term survival of monolithic tooth-supported lithium disilicate crowns fabricated using a chairside approach: 15-year results

Angelika Rauch, Lea Lorenz, Sven Reich, Sebastian Hahnel, Anne Schmutzler, Oliver Schierz

Causes and treatment of temporomandibular luxation—a retrospective analysis of 260 patients

Reetta Tarhio, Miika Toivari, Johanna Snäll, Johanna Uittamo

Open Access Research

Impact of material combinations and removal and insertion cycles on the retention force of telescopic systems

Danka Micovic Soldatovic, Maximiliane Bitter, John Meinen, Karin Christine Huth, Anja Liebermann, Bogna Stawarczyk

Open Access Research

Association between constitution, axiography, orthodontic cast analysis, and upper body posture in women aged 31 to 40 years

C. Loewe, J. Pflaum, E. M. Wanke, C. Erbe, F. Holzgreve, D. A. Groneberg, Daniela Ohlendorf

Bleaching Research

The bleaching effect of office bleaching agents containing S-PRG filler evaluated by pH value and electron spin resonance

Kodai Akabane, Noriko Hiraishi, Mika Shimojima, Mohannad Nassar, Feng Qi, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada