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Open Access 01-12-2017 | Research

Characterization of the novel In1059 harbouring VIM gene cassette

Authors: Dongguo Wang, Jinhong Yang, Meiyu Fang, Wei He, Ying Zhang, Caixia Liu, Dongsheng Zhou

Published in: Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control | Issue 1/2017

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VIM-type enzyme encodes the most widely acquired metallo-β-lactamases in Gram- negative bacteria. To obtain current epidemiological data for integrons from enterobacteriae in hospital, the study characterizes the genetic structure in In1059 by comparison with In846 integrons harbouring VIM gene and other class 1 integrons including In37, In62, In843 and In1021 with the aim of identifying the putative mechanisms involved integron mobilization and infer evolution of relevant integrons.


Six of 69 recombinant plasmids from clinical strains were found to be class 1 integrons by digestion with BamHI, drug susceptibility testing, conjugation experiments, PCR amplification, integron cloning and sequencing, genome comparison, and detection of carbapenemase activity.


The sequences of the six recombinant plasmids encoding In1021, In843, In846, In37, In62, and the novel In1059 integron had approximate lengths of ~4.8-, 4.1-, 5.1-, 5.3-, 5.3- and 6.6- kb, respectively. The genetic structures of these integrons were mapped and characterized, and the carbapenemase activities of their parental strains were assessed.


Our results suggest that the six variable integron structures and regular variations that exist in the gene cassettes provide a putative mechanism for the integron changes. Our study has also shown that the genetic features in the integrons named above fall within a scheme involving the stepwise and parallel evolution of class 1 integron variation likely under antibiotic selection pressure in clinical settings.
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Characterization of the novel In1059 harbouring VIM gene cassette
Dongguo Wang
Jinhong Yang
Meiyu Fang
Wei He
Ying Zhang
Caixia Liu
Dongsheng Zhou
Publication date
BioMed Central
Published in
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control / Issue 1/2017
Electronic ISSN: 2047-2994

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