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BMC Psychiatry

Issue 1/2006

Content (58 Articles)

Open Access Research article

Exploratory analysis of obsessive compulsive symptom dimensions in children and adolescents: a Prospective follow-up study

Richard Delorme, Arnaud Bille, Catalina Betancur, Flavie Mathieu, Nadia Chabane, Marie Christine Mouren-Simeoni, Marion Leboyer

Open Access Research article

Urbanization and traffic related exposures as risk factors for Schizophrenia

Carsten Bøcker Pedersen, Preben Bo Mortensen

Open Access Research article

The effect of verbalization strategy on wisconsin card sorting test performance in schizophrenic patients receiving classical or atypical antipsychotics

Alessandro Rossi, Enrico Daneluzzo, Annarita Tomassini, Francesca Struglia, Roberto Cavallaro, Enrico Smeraldi, Paolo Stratta

Open Access Research article

Influence of postpartum onset on the course of mood disorders

Alessandro Serretti, Paolo Olgiati, Cristina Colombo

Open Access Research article

Word Processing differences between dyslexic and control children

Isabella Paul, Christof Bott, Christian Wienbruch, Thomas R Elbert

Open Access Research article

Psychosis among "healthy" siblings of schizophrenia patients

Ritva Arajärvi, Jonna Ukkola, Jari Haukka, Jaana Suvisaari, Jukka Hintikka, Timo Partonen, Jouko Lönnqvist

Open Access Research article

Time to discontinuation of atypical versus typical antipsychotics in the naturalistic treatment of schizophrenia

Haya Ascher-Svanum, Baojin Zhu, Douglas Faries, Ron Landbloom, Marvin Swartz, Jeff Swanson

Open Access Research article

Cognitive function during early abstinence from opioid dependence: a comparison to age, gender, and verbal intelligence matched controls

Pekka Rapeli, Reetta Kivisaari, Taina Autti, Seppo Kähkönen, Varpu Puuskari, Olga Jokela, Hely Kalska

Open Access Research article

Metabolic risk factor profile associated with use of second generation antipsychotics: a cross sectional study in a community mental health centre

Ilaria Tarricone, Michela Casoria, Beatrice Ferrari Gozzi, Daniela Grieco, Marco Menchetti, Alessandro Serretti, Manjola Ujkaj, Francesca Pastorelli, Domenico Berardi

Open Access Research article

Anxiety and stress in the postpartum: Is there more to postnatal distress than depression?

Renée L Miller, Julie F Pallant, Lisa M Negri

Open Access Research article

The effect of web based depression interventions on self reported help seeking: randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN77824516]

Helen Christensen, Liana S Leach, Lisa Barney, Andrew J Mackinnon, Kathy M Griffiths

Open Access Research article

Prevention of coronary heart disease in people with severe mental illnesses: a qualitative study of patient and professionals' preferences for care

Christine A Wright, David PJ Osborn, Irwin Nazareth, Michael B King

Open Access Research article

Predicting inpatient violence using an extended version of the Brøset-Violence-Checklist: instrument development and clinical application

Christoph Abderhalden, Ian Needham, Theo Dassen, Ruud Halfens, Hans-Joachim Haug, Joachim Fischer

Open Access Research article

Insomnia in school-age children with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism

Hiie Allik, Jan-Olov Larsson, Hans Smedje

Open Access Research article

Reconciling disparate prevalence rates of PTSD in large samples of US male Vietnam veterans and their controls

William W Thompson, Irving I Gottesman, Christine Zalewski

Open Access Research article

Perceived quality of life in obsessive-compulsive disorder: related factors

Beatriz Rodriguez-Salgado, Helen Dolengevich-Segal, Manuel Arrojo-Romero, Paola Castelli-Candia, Mercedes Navio-Acosta, Maria M Perez-Rodriguez, Jeronimo Saiz-Ruiz, Enrique Baca-Garcia

Open Access Research article

Stigma in response to mental disorders: a comparison of Australia and Japan

Kathleen M Griffiths, Yoshibumi Nakane, Helen Christensen, Kumiko Yoshioka, Anthony F Jorm, Hideyuki Nakane

Open Access Case report

Topiramate in the treatment of compulsive sexual behavior: case report

Yasser Khazaal, Daniele Fabio Zullino

Open Access Research article

Disordered semantic representation in schizophrenic temporal cortex revealed by neuromagnetic response patterns

Andreas Löw, Brigitte Rockstroh, Thomas Elbert, Yaron Silberman, Shlomo Bentin

Open Access Research article

Posttraumatic stress disorder among female street-based sex workers in the greater Sydney area, Australia

Amanda Roxburgh, Louisa Degenhardt, Jan Copeland

Open Access Research article

Association between two distinct executive tasks in schizophrenia: a functional transcranial Doppler sonography study

Deborah Feldmann, Daniel Schuepbach, Bettina von Rickenbach, Anastasia Theodoridou, Daniel Hell

Open Access Research article

Insight dimensions and cognitive function in psychosis: a longitudinal study

Manuel J Cuesta, Victor Peralta, Amalia Zarzuela, Maria Zandio

Open Access Research article

Mental health consultations in a prison population: a descriptive study

Ellen Kjelsberg, Paal Hartvig, Harald Bowitz, Irene Kuisma, Peder Norbech, Aase-Bente Rustad, Marthe Seem, Tom-Gunnar Vik

Open Access Research article

Evaluation of the Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Scale using Rasch analysis

Julie F Pallant, Renée L Miller, Alan Tennant

Open Access Research article

Dresden PTSD treatment study: randomized controlled trial of motor vehicle accident survivors

Andreas Maercker, Tanja Zöllner, Hans Menning, Sirko Rabe, Anke Karl

Open Access Research article

Morphological correlates to cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia as studied with Bayesian regression

Glenn Lawyer, Håkan Nyman, Ingrid Agartz, Stefan Arnborg, Erik G Jönsson, Göran C Sedvall, Håkan Hall

Open Access Research article

Interoceptive hypersensitivity and interoceptive exposure in patients with panic disorder: specificity and effectiveness

Kiyoe Lee, Yumiko Noda, Yumi Nakano, Sei Ogawa, Yoshihiro Kinoshita, Tadashi Funayama, Toshiaki A Furukawa

Open Access Research article

Prevalence of mental disorders in French prisons for men

Bruno Falissard, Jean-Yves Loze, Isabelle Gasquet, Anne Duburc, Christiane de Beaurepaire, Francis Fagnani, Frédéric Rouillon

Open Access Research article

The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ): a validation study of a multidimensional self-report questionnaire to assess distress, depression, anxiety and somatization

Berend Terluin, Harm WJ van Marwijk, Herman J Adèr, Henrica CW de Vet, Brenda WJH Penninx, Marleen LM Hermens, Christine A van Boeijen, Anton JLM van Balkom, Jac JL van der Klink, Wim AB Stalman

Open Access Research article

High effectiveness of self-help programs after drug addiction therapy

John-Kåre Vederhus, Øistein Kristensen

Open Access Research article

Psychiatric services utilization in completed suicides of a youth centres population

Johanne Renaud, François Chagnon, Bogdan Balan, Gustavo Turecki, Alexander McGirr, Claude Marquette

Open Access Case report

Excessive weight gain after remission of depression in a schizophrenic patient treated with risperidone: case report

Christos G Theleritis, George N Papadimitriou, Charalabos C Papageorgiou, Dimitris G Dikeos, Vasilis Masdrakis, Constantin Kostoulas, Constantin Psarros, Constantin R Soldatos

Open Access Research article

Event-related potentials when identifying or color-naming threatening schematic stimuli in spider phobic and non-phobic individuals

Iris-Tatjana Kolassa, Frauke Musial, Stephan Kolassa, Wolfgang HR Miltner

Open Access Research article

Schizophrenia and quality of life: a one-year follow-up in four EU countries

Viviane Kovess-Masféty, Miguel Xavier, Berta Moreno Kustner, Agnieszka Suchocka, Christine Sevilla-Dedieu, Jacques Dubuis, Elisabeth Lacalmontie, Jacques Pellet, Jean-Luc Roelandt, Dermot Walsh

Open Access Research article

The relationship between facial skeletal class and expert-rated interpersonal skill: an epidemiological survey on young Italian adults

Andrea Senna, Domenico Abbenante, Lucio Tremolizzo, Guglielmo Campus, Laura Strohmenger

Open Access Research article

Attitudes to antipsychotic drugs and their side effects: a comparison between general practitioners and the general population

Josef Helbling, Vladeta Ajdacic-Gross, Christoph Lauber, Ruth Weyermann, Tom Burns, Wulf Rössler

Open Access Case report

Case report: rapidly fatal bowel ischaemia on clozapine treatment

Giles Townsend, David Curtis

Open Access Research article

Reduction in psychotic symptoms as a predictor of patient satisfaction with antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia: Data from a randomized double-blind trial

Georges M Gharabawi, Andrew Greenspan, Marcia FT Rupnow, Colette Kosik-Gonzalez, Cynthia A Bossie, Young Zhu, Amir H Kalali, A George Awad

Open Access Research article

Morphological features in a Xhosa schizophrenia population

Liezl Koen, Dana JH Niehaus, Greetje De Jong, Jacqueline E Muller, Esme Jordaan

Open Access Research article

A card game for the treatment of delusional ideas: A naturalistic pilot trial

Yasser Khazaal, Jérôme Favrod, Joël Libbrecht, Sophie Claude Finot, Silke Azoulay, Laetitia Benzakin, Myriam Oury-Delamotte, Christian Follack, Valentino Pomini

Open Access Research article

Mammography stages of change in middle-aged women with schizophrenia: An exploratory analysis

Laurie A Lindamer, Emily Wear, Georgia Robins Sadler

Open Access Research article

Working Together for Mental Health: Evaluation of a one-day mental health course for human service providers

Pam Grootemaat, Cathie Gillan, Gillian Holt, Wayne Forward, Narelle Heywood, Sue Willis

Open Access Research article

Death and suicide among former child and adolescent psychiatric patients

Ulf Engqvist, Per-Anders Rydelius

Open Access Research article

Is FKBP5 a genetic marker of affective psychosis? A case control study and analysis of disease related traits

Micha Gawlik, Kerstin Moller-Ehrlich, Meinhard Mende, Michael Jovnerovski, Sven Jung, Burkhard Jabs, Michael Knapp, Gerald Stoeber

Open Access Research article

A case control study of premorbid and currently reported physical activity levels in chronic fatigue syndrome

Wayne R Smith, Peter D White, Dedra Buchwald

Open Access Research article

Treatment of polydrug-using opiate dependents during withdrawal: towards a standardisation of treatment

Øistein Kristensen, Terje Lølandsmo, Åse Isaksen, John-Kåre Vederhus, Thomas Clausen

Open Access Correspondence

Even more suicide attempts in clinical trials with paroxetine randomised against placebo

Ivar Aursnes, Ingunn Fride Tvete, Jorund Gaasemyr, Bent Natvig

Open Access Research article

Regional gray matter volumetric changes in autism associated with social and repetitive behavior symptoms

Donald C Rojas, Eric Peterson, Erin Winterrowd, Martin L Reite, Sally J Rogers, Jason R Tregellas

Open Access Research article

Anthroposophic therapy for chronic depression: a four-year prospective cohort study

Harald J Hamre, Claudia M Witt, Anja Glockmann, Renatus Ziegler, Stefan N Willich, Helmut Kiene

Open Access Research article

Improvement in cognitive and psychosocial functioning and self image among adolescent inpatient suicide attempters

Ulla Hintikka, Mauri Marttunen, Mirjami Pelkonen, Eila Laukkanen, Heimo Viinamäki, Johannes Lehtonen