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BMC Dermatology

Issue 1/2015

Content (18 Articles)

Open Access Research article

Exploring the association between Morgellons disease and Lyme disease: identification of Borrelia burgdorferi in Morgellons disease patients

Marianne J Middelveen, Cheryl Bandoski, Jennie Burke, Eva Sapi, Katherine R Filush, Yean Wang, Agustin Franco, Peter J Mayne, Raphael B Stricker

Open Access Case report

Photoallergic reaction in a patient receiving vandetanib for metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma: a case report

Jennifer Goldstein, Anisha B. Patel, Jonathan L. Curry, Vivek Subbiah, Sarina Piha-Paul

Open Access Reviewer acknowledgement

BMC Dermatology reviewer acknowledgement 2014

Hayley Henderson

Open Access Research article

Validation of the global resource of eczema trials (GREAT database)

Helen Nankervis, Alison Devine, Hywel C Williams, John R Ingram, Elizabeth Doney, Finola Delamere, Sherie Smith, Kim S Thomas

Open Access Reviewer acknowledgement

BMC Dermatology reviewer acknowledgement, 2014

Guangde Tu

Open Access Research article

Subjective stress reactivity in psoriasis – a cross sectional study of associated psychological traits

Charlotta Remröd, Karin Sjöström, Åke Svensson

Open Access Research article

Topical treatment with fresh human milk versus emollient on atopic eczema spots in young children: a small, randomized, split body, controlled, blinded pilot study

Teresa Løvold Berents, Jørgen Rønnevig, Elisabeth Søyland, Peter Gaustad, Gro Nylander, Beate Fossum Løland

Open Access Research article

Effects of tofacitinib on lymphocyte sub-populations, CMV and EBV viral load in patients with plaque psoriasis

Fernando Valenzuela, Kim A Papp, David Pariser, Stephen K Tyring, Robert Wolk, Marjorie Buonanno, Jeff Wang, Huaming Tan, Hernan Valdez

Open Access Research article

Effect of etanercept therapy on psoriasis symptoms in patients from Latin America, Central Europe, and Asia: a subset analysis of the PRISTINE trial

L. Kemeny, M. Amaya, P. Cetkovska, N. Rajatanavin, W-R. Lee, A. Szumski, L. Marshall, E. Y. Mahgoub, E. Aldinç

Open Access Research article

Topical application of RTA 408 lotion activates Nrf2 in human skin and is well-tolerated by healthy human volunteers

Scott A. Reisman, Angela R. Goldsberry, Chun-Yue I. Lee, Megan L. O’Grady, Joel W. Proksch, Keith W. Ward, Colin J. Meyer

Open Access Case report

Small lymphocytic lymphoma with florid perniosis-like features: a case report

Taylor M. Morris, Rosetta Mazzola, Brian Berry, Douglas Sawyer, David L. Saltman

Open Access Research article

Features of human scabies in resource-limited settings: the Cameroon case

Emmanuel Armand Kouotou, Jobert Richie N Nansseu, Isidore Sieleunou, Defo Defo, Anne-Cécile Zoung-Kanyi Bissek, Elie Claude Ndjitoyap Ndam

Open Access Research article

Perinatal probiotic supplementation in the prevention of allergy related disease: 6 year follow up of a randomised controlled trial

Melanie Rae Simpson, Christian Kvikne Dotterud, Ola Storrø, Roar Johnsen, Torbjørn Øien

Open Access Research article

Role models in a preventive program for hand eczema among healthcare workers: a qualitative exploration of their main tasks and associated barriers and facilitators

Anne M Bruinewoud, Esther WC van der Meer, Joost WJ van der Gulden, Johannes R Anema, Cécile RL Boot

Open Access Research article

Magnitude and associated factors of Atopic dermatitis among children in Ayder referral hospital, Mekelle, Ethiopia

Abraham Getachew Kelbore, Workalemahu Alemu, Ashenafi Shumye, Sefonias Getachew

Open Access Research article

Skin diseases in pediatric patients attending a tertiary dermatology hospital in Northern Tanzania: a cross-sectional study

Samson K. Kiprono, Julia W. Muchunu, John E. Masenga

Open Access Research article

Adherence to drug treatments and adjuvant barrier repair therapies are key factors for clinical improvement in mild to moderate acne: the ACTUO observational prospective multicenter cohort trial in 643 patients

Raúl de Lucas, Gerardo Moreno-Arias, Montserrat Perez-López, Ángel Vera-Casaño, Sonia Aladren, Massimo Milani

Open Access Research article

Risk factors associated with abscess formation among patient with leg erysipelas (cellulitis) in sub-Saharan Africa: a multicenter study

Palokinam Vincent Pitché, Bayaki Saka, Ahy Boubacar Diatta, Ousmane Faye, Boh Fanta Diané, Abdoulaye Sangaré, Pascal Niamba, Christine Mandengue, Léon Kobengue, Assane Diop, Fatimata Ly, Mame Thierno Dieng, Alassane Dicko, Maciré Mohamed Soumah, Mohamed Cissé, Sarah Hamdan Kourouma, Isidore Kouassi, Taniratou Boukari, Sefako Akakpo, Dadja Essoya Landoh, Kissem Tchangaï-Walla